Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Send in the Marines

"Uncle Sam's Misguided Children" are intense, motivated, and eager to Improvise, Adapt and Overcome. They can P.T.

So we shook it up this morning. We separated into 4 groups, ran strides and did core exercises.

People are getting interested in getting in shape. The crowd is growing daily.

Today participants:

Mary Ann, Nicole, Rachel, Marc and Jimmy S. are new to PRUMC Boot Camp. They like this place, they love this place, they finally found a home.

Wendy is on her 6th day. Everyone in her family has done PRUMC Boot Camp. She was the final hold out and now she knows why. In a few more days she will be with the above names (loving Boot Camp).

Mary Blythe, Mary Beth, Molly, Emi, Jennifer, Shana, David Bruce, Dave Baker and John O. are no strangers to Boot Camp. It has taken no time to re-adapt to the stresses of a daily routine and they all looked great this morning doing it.

Harriott, Kaffee, Irene, and Lisa suddenly find themselves in the middle.

Prancy and Keith were our special guest this morning. And, we do mean special.

Matty(a.k.a. "the grinder") paced a large group of studs that include Jimmy F. (the F is for "formerly Fat"), Michael (a.k.a. "the professor", also formerly fat), Dave D (current alpha male), J Mears (silent but strong), Gary (what every boy aspires to be), John S. (The S is for "shark", newest member), and Amy (alpha female).

Charles, Kerry and Carolyn were and are always a standard for our crew. They are the heart of the engine that makes the machine run.

3 miles, 600 reps, all core.

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