Tuesday, April 28, 2015

High vs Low mileage program

Nick Symmonds Middle Distance Champion USA

"Citizen Athletes" can produce elite level fitness running low mileage and working only an hour a day.

Lets compare the High mileage program to Low mileage + cross training.

7 miles at 9 minute per mile pace takes 63 minutes to complete. 3.5 miles and 600 repetitions of basic training exercise take about 60 minutes to complete.

The heart beats about 145 times a minute running at a 9 minute/mile pace. The heart also beats about 145 times per minute during 40 slow push ups, sit ups, squats, lunges and other body weight exercises.

An hour running burns about 750 calories. An hour running and exercising burns about 750 calories.

Running 7 miles 5 days a week equals 35 miles. Running 3.5 miles and preforming 600 repetitions of body weight exercise every day equals 17.5 miles and 3,000 repetitions.

Running an hour every day will make a runner stronger, faster and thinner but, has a high risk of injury for the average runner.

Running and exercising every day will make a runner stronger and faster with better muscle tone to support balance and reduce injury. Body weight exercise will also produce lean muscle with athletic lines that is very attractive.

Peachtree Road Boot Camp averages 3.5 miles and 600 repetitions of body weight basic training exercise every day. Participants who are consistent with attendance produce elite level fitness. Former and current athletes who adopt the low mileage + exercise discipline can compete at a higher level with reduced periods of injury.

Thursday, April 23, 2015


In Fitness training, running and racing, the only path to success is work. It is the only way.

Money usually require work but can sometimes fall out of the sky. Love falls out of the sky every day but eventually requires work.

It doesn't matter how lucky, smart, talented, gifted or blessed you are in life. If you want to get in shape, it requires work.

We base our work record on workout attendance. Folks that show up get in shape.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Bring The Kids

Boot Camp Participants are always encouraged to bring children to the workout. They participate for free. They don't register or join. They are always our guest. They don't event have to be related. Bring the neighbors kids.

Emi & Michael had their 6 & 8 year olds in the workout on Saturday around Chastain. While the little brother made it, the big brother hammered out 4 miles and 700 repetitions of basic training exercise. Every time we dropped for another 20 push ups, Houston was right there cranking with us.

John & Evan have grown up in the workout. When Evan was 6, we would put him the car while he was still asleep and woke him up right as the workout began. One morning, Prance did an about face and sprinted back down Peachtree when she realized we left him asleep in the car. Oops.

A lot of people think rolling children out of bed at 5:16am and throwing them into a workout is abusive. Other people think that letting their kids sleep until noon, poisoning them with processed food and comatosing them in-front of a screen is abusive.

We have had the pleasure of working with young athletes, runners and regular kids who like exercise. We consider it a privilege to work out with the kids.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Come Outside

Indoor group training occurs daily inside the same four walls which incubate a germ factory and play a the same music from 2014. Many indoor instructors dominate the workout or frown on conversation during exercise. We believe there is more chit chat going on in Church and the library that most yoga and spin classes.

Boot Camp literally changes with the weather. We run and exercise all over town. The instructor is barely heard over the cocktail party atmosphere. While it is very social and gets around, we do stick to the discipline of covering 3 miles a day & 600 repetitions of body weight exercise... Fellowship & Fitness!!