Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Margaret is going to make 30 days this session. We bet she could come up will a dozen excuses every morning why she should not work out today. Each day, she told her excuses to take a hike. She got up, geared up and showed up.

Testosterone, steroids, creatine, blood doping, HGH and others are all the rage. Billions are being spent buying a body in a bottle. On one hand, it is wonderful that fitness and body consciousness are becoming so popular. Obesity is an epidemic. On the other hand, short cuts and cheating are dangerous. Taking drugs for a body type does not feed the soul.

Staying disciplined and working hard is a winning formula that produces phenomenal results that we can be proud of. In fitness, it really is all about the journey.

Margaret 28
Lisa  27
Jill 26
Lacie 25
Susie Mac 25
Barb  24
Kaffee  23
Wendy 23
Caroline  21
Harriott  21
Rena 21
Elly 20
Kathleen 20
Reba 20
Charles  19
Irene 19
Jenny 18
Jimmy F  18
JoEllyn 18
Roxanna 18
Barbara 17
Gary 17
JenJen 17
Molly  17
Chris W. 16
Mary Blythe  15
Jay 14
John G. 14
Kam 14
Nick 14
Kristen 13
Kwithee 13
Mary D. 13
Paige 13
Johnathan 12
Wendy C 12
Dave G 10
Maggie 10
Scott 10
Bennett 9
John S 9
Lisa Long 9
Parker 9
Patience 9
Kelley 8
Peter 8
Anne M 6
Anne S 6
Chandler 6
June 5
Leslie 5
Alan 4
Brett 4
CeCe 4
Liz 4
Shea 4
Dave D 3
Dave J 3
John B 3

Monday, June 24, 2013

9 days

Independence day in Atlanta doubles as a celebration of our beloved USA and the annual festival that is the Peachtree Road Race.

There will be nearly 60 thousand people run down Peachtree Street a week from Thursday. Nearly 50,000 will stand on the side of the road and watch. 

A half a million will show up for the Lenox fireworks. A few hundred thousand more will see fireworks shows all over the metro area.

More people go outside on the 4th of July than any other day of the year. The section of Peachtree near the hospitals will be lined with cheering observers in wheelchairs. Children will be seen up and down Peachtree riding on their parents shoulders. Furry four legged children will be dressed in red, white and blue. 

For us, it is a little like the choir watching the crowds at Church on Christmas. We are here every day. They come once a year.

It is a beautiful day. 

Margaret 26
Lisa  25
Barb  24
Jill 24
Lacie 23
Susie Mac 23
Kaffee  21
Wendy 21
Caroline  20
Harriott  20
Kathleen 20
Rena 20
Irene 19
Charles  18
Elly 18
Jenny 18
Reba 18
Roxanna 18
Gary 16
Jimmy F  16
JoEllyn 16
Barbara 15
JenJen 15
Molly  15
Chris W. 14
Jay 13
Kam 13
Kristen 13
Mary Blythe  13
Nick 13
John G. 12
Kwithee 12
Mary D. 12
Paige 12
Wendy C 12
Johnathan 11
Scott 10
Bennett 9
Dave G 9
Maggie 9
Parker 9
John S 8
Kelley 8
Lisa Long 8
Patience 8
Peter 8
Anne S 6
Anne M 5

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

American Medical Association Votes To Recognize Obesity As Disease

The AMA noted that obesity rates in the United States have "doubled among adults in the last twenty years and tripled among children in a single generation" and that the World Health Organization, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Internal Revenue Service already recognize the condition as a disease."

Obesity is associated with a variety of diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some cancers. Rising obesity is expected to increase America's already high health care costs. The AMA's recommendations accompanying the vote included urging physicians and insurance companies to "recognize obesity as a complex disorder," encouraging national efforts to educate the public "about the health risks of being overweight and obese."\

Theory: Americans have been sold and bought lock stock and barrel a complete lie. We have been told that we have to be this, do that, be known as, acquire, have and GO. We have to get out there and GO. We need big cars, big house, fancy vacations and expensive toys. 

There are four ways to get all this:  born well off, work our ass off, speculate and win, borrow. 

In order to be this and have that, we have to eke out a miserable living in an unfriendly, dog eat dog world where winning the deal and beating out the other guy becomes our primary motive in life.

Consumption is the prize. The better we do, the more we get. And of course, there is the entitlement crowd who believe they get everything for nothing. Almost anything can be had for a signature. Either Big Brother will pay for it or the bank will pay for it and big brother will bail out the bank later. This insanity ranges from Six Pack Joe buying a bass boat all the up to The Man in Full buying a skyscraper. We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't know. 

The end result is a depressed community that indulges its insatiable appetite through the suck hole on the front of its face. 

Lisa  23
Margaret 23
Barb  22
Jill 22
Kathleen 20
Lacie 20
Susie Mac 20
Wendy 20
Rena 19
Elly 18
Harriott  18
Kaffee  18
Caroline  17
Reba 17
Irene 16
Jenny 16
Charles  15
Gary 15
JoEllyn 15
Roxanna 15
JenJen 14
Jimmy F  14
Molly  13
Nick 13
Barbara 12
Chris W. 12
Jay 12
Kam 12
Wendy C 12
Mary D. 11
John G. 10
Johnathan 10
Kristen 10
Kwithee 10
Mary Blythe  10
Scott 10
Bennett 9
Paige 9
Dave G 8
Kelley 8
Parker 8
Maggie 7
Patience 7
Peter 7
Anne S 6
John S 6
Lisa Long 6
Anne M 5

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Keep Moving

Being present is a gift. That is why they call it the "present". Right here right now, everything is okay.

Typically in a workout or race, fear is what holds us back from our peak performance. Today we ran 12 X the quarter with equal time active recovery (jazzercize). The workout starts to get difficult around the 9th quarter. If we are in the 9th quarter thinking about not being able to make it to 12, we will slow down. Thinking does not help in any workout or race.

We have played with different tricks to override our thinking:
1) Do an inventory. How do my legs feel? How do my arms feel? How is my breathing?
2) Be present with every stride, every foot strike, every breath. See your hands pumping and your knees lifting. See the back of someone in front of you and pretend there is a rope pulling you.
3) Pray to a higher power. Running and exercise require power. If your brain is telling you "i cant do it", appeal to a higher power than your thoughts.

Pain comes in a race and workout. What is interesting is, pain comes and goes in waves. If one of these tricks keeps us moving at the same pace, we will find out that the pain will go away. Many times we get "a second wind." This is when pain and fear leave simultaneously.

Lisa  22
Margaret 22
Barb  21
Jill 21
Kathleen 19
Lacie 19
Susie Mac 19
Wendy 19
Rena 18
Elly 17
Harriott  17
Kaffee  17
Reba 17
Caroline  16
Charles  15
Gary 15
Irene 15
Jenny 15
JoEllyn 15
Roxanna 14
JenJen 13
Jimmy F  13
Nick 13
Jay 12
Kam 12
Molly  12
Wendy C 12
Barbara 11
Chris W. 11
John G. 10
Johnathan 10
Kristen 10
Mary Blythe  10
Mary D. 10
Scott 10
Bennett 9
Kwithee 9
Dave G 8
Kelley 8
Paige 8
Parker 8
Maggie 7
Patience 7
Peter 7
Anne S 6
John S 6

Monday, June 17, 2013

Atlanta Elite Boot Camp

In the last 2 weeks:

Harriott Kelly - 10K - 38.04

Nancy Meck - USA National Champion 8K Masters
Braves Country 4 mile 1st Woman over all 24:52 (Tempo run effort)

Amy Glahn - Braves Country 4 mile 1st Woman 40AG, 2nd Master - 28.06

Chip Owens - Braves Country 4 mile 1st Man 45AG, 2nd Master - 24.04

John Owens - ATC All Comers Meet Mile - 5:37 - Unofficial National Elite Youth top 30 (11-12 AG)
Evan Owens - ATC All Comers Meet Mile - 5:53 - Unofficial National Elite Youth fastest this year (8 & under AG)

Lisa  21
Margaret 21
Barb  20
Jill 20
Wendy 19
Kathleen 18
Lacie 18
Susie Mac 18
Rena 17
Elly 16
Harriott  16
Kaffee  16
Reba 16
Caroline  15
Irene 15
JoEllyn 15
Charles  14
Gary 14
Jenny 14
JenJen 13
Nick 13
Roxanna 13
Jay 12
Jimmy F  12
Wendy C 12
Kam 11
Molly  11
Barbara 10
Chris W. 10
Scott 10
Bennett 9
John G. 9
Johnathan 9
Kristen 9
Mary Blythe  9
Mary D. 9
Dave G 8
Kelley 8
Kwithee 8
Parker 8
Maggie 7
Paige 7
Peter 7
Anne S 6
John S 6
Patience 6
Anne M 5
Chandler 5
June 5
Leslie 5
Lisa Long 5
Alan 4
Brett 4
CeCe 4
Liz 4
Shea 4
Dave D 3
Dave J 3
Michele 3
Angelic 2
Emma 2
Jackie 2
Katie B 2
Diamond 1
Ellen 1
John B 1

Friday, June 14, 2013


The fastest people in the world will be rolling into town soon. The banners are up on Peachtree Rd. The numbers are in the mail box today. In 3 weeks, we are going to be sharing our track with 65,000 people.

Nothing beats the 4th of July on Peachtree Rd. 

Boot Camp is rolling. The days are paying off. They always do. 

Lisa  20
Margaret 20
Barb  19
Jill 19
Lacie 18
Susie Mac 18
Wendy 18
Kathleen 17
Rena 17
Elly 16
Caroline  15
Harriott  15
Irene 15
JoEllyn 15
Kaffee  15
Reba 15
Charles  14
Gary 14
JenJen 13
Jenny 13
Nick 13
Roxanna 13
Jay 12
Jimmy F  12
Kam 11
Molly  11
Wendy C 11
Barbara 10
Chris W. 10
Scott 10
Bennett 9
John G. 9
Johnathan 9
Kristen 9
Mary Blythe  9
Mary D. 9
Kelley 8
Parker 8
Dave G 7
Kwithee 7
Maggie 7
Paige 7
Peter 7
Anne S 6
Patience 6
Anne M 5
Chandler 5
John S 5
June 5
Leslie 5
Lisa Long 5