Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday Fun Day

Monday we meet at 7AM. Please invite friends, family, neighbors, friends, friends at the office, children, friends of children, strangers (but not too strange), people at the pool, people at the cookout, people at the park, at the bar, sitting next to you at the braves game, stopped next to you at a red light, at church, at the grocery store, at the zoo, at the gas station...

Friday fun day was fun. Jeffrey always keeps us smiling. The horses got kicked off the golf course. Why were they on the golf course? Oh well, no one threatened to break their legs.

today's participants:

Kaffee - 15
John S. - 15
Prancy - 14
Kerry - 14
Gary - 13
Marc - 12
Matty - 12
Caroline - 11
Lucy - 11
Mary Anne - 12
Shana - 11
John Oneil - 9
Irene - 10
Dave D - 9
Dave B - 9
Harriott - 8
Allison - 7
Charles - 8
Jimmy S. - 8
Katie H. - 8
Jennifer - 5
Sally - 6
Lisa - 6
Michael - 5
Cassie - 3
Amy - 2
Susie Mac - 3
Emi - 2


  1. Our greatest glory is not in never falling....but rising every time we fall....ROLL OUT......
