Friday, May 14, 2010

Old School Platoon / Modern Fitness Fun

There really needs to be some FUN in Friday Fun Day. The word on the street is "Jeffrey" can make fitness fun. We have even heard that he instructs pole dancing at Cheetah.

We started the day warming up with slow laps around the track in the dark. Folks have been showing up a few minutes earlier this week. That's great. Long warm ups not only "pad the book" but they also help PREVENT INJURY. Injury prevention is half the battle. We work out every day. Working out every day requires discipline and maintenance. Warming up is part of it. Get up, lace up and warm up.

We completed a set of suicides and split in two. We didn't actually split in two but we separated the large group into two less large groups. The Horses (and a couple of Phillie's) went straight to "the club"(the stump garden gets converted into a club on Friday) and the Foxes went straight into platoon style old school basic training. Today's ritual was mostly dedicated to abdomen. legs, hips, thighs and of course, cardio. We love hearing people talk about "cardio workouts" they do in a gym. Come on out to the Track and we will show you a "cardio workout".

The group decided that the Foxes will get V.I.P. treatment at The Club next Friday. The consensus is that we had a "good week."

3 miles, 700 reps.

1 comment:

  1. should we meet at the Cheetah next Friday....?
