Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 2 Diagonals/abdomin - core work

We had another big crowd of fast legs. Even the folks who have just joined us are right in the mix.

We started with an easy set of suicides with push ups. Then a quick circuit around the back yard. We split up at the end of the warm up and began the workout. We had four groups. While two caddy corner groups exercised, the other two passed each other running to the opposite diagonal turn. Once the runners arrived, they began exercise while the exercisers got up and became runners. This way, there were always runners and always exercisers, yet the runners didn't run over each other. It works.

So the average distance was 3 miles and each group did an average of 600 repetitions of various exercise. The idea is to stay on the grass (soft surface) and keep the heart rate elevated for an hour.

At the end, we lined up and circled the track twice. 90 seconds for the first lap, 90 seconds for the second. This final act is part of the race simulation we often do. When we are tired at the end of a race, the challenge is to keep it together. Today when we were tired, we kept together for a half mile. It is not how fast you run thats important, its how good you look at the finish.

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