Friday, April 15, 2011

Belt Line 3.5 w/ 710 reps of core exercise (200 push ups)

There will be a massage therapist at the workout tomorrow. The workout is OPEN. Bring kids, bring friends, come visit if you have been away for a while.

Deka Atlanta sells more Newtons than any store in Atlanta ... They will have shoes to Demo tomorrow.

Newton Advertisement:

Newton Running is the leader in designing footwear that mimics the movement of your bare foot and the first running brand to introduce Natural Running form to runners and retailers world wide. We were founded in March 2007. Our core technology development took place over fourteen years of work with top athletes and industry professionals. We strive to be an information center for better running form, injury prevention and training. Our shoes are proven to provide superior shock absorption and energy return.
 Newton Running shoes were designed to simulate the efficient, natural motion of barefoot running while providing superior protection from unnatural surfaces. The low-profile design, level construction and energy-enhancing technology improves your body’s sensory feedback of the ground while positioning the body in the most efficient posture for running. With N ewton R unning S hoes you’ll naturally have a higher cadence, an increased energy return, greater biomechanical shock absorption, and lower impact. Y ou’ll run smoother and more efficiently, putting you on a path to stronger, healthier and faster running.
Striking on your midfoot/forefoot is the most natural and efficient way to run.

Find your sweet spot - When you walk, you land on your heels. When you sprint, you land on your toes. An optimal running gait falls somewhere in-between. Efficient running is about landing on your sweet spot. Not your heel, not your toes. Newton R unning encourages running on your midfoot/forefoot.

Natural Running Form
01 Athletic position (ankles and knees slightly flexed, not locked)
02 Hips and shoulders level
03 Stand tall – belly button to chin
04 Head level (look forward, not down)
05 Feet pointing forward
06 Arms at 90o and relaxed
07 Pull arms back (keeps upper body forward)
08 Fall forward, short strides (90 steps per foot, per minute)
09 Land midfoot (Chi) or forefoot and let the heel settle (performance)
10 Lift the foot off the ground (don’t push off)

Common Mistakes & Prompts
- Heel striking/braking (land under center,shorten stride, increase cadence)
- Landing on toes or pointing toes down (land parallel to the ground)
- Pushing off toes with excessive force (lift and the place foot under your body)
- Feet pointed out or pigeon toed (feet should point a forward direction)
- Side to side movement, e.g. arms or hips (all body movements front to back)
- Too much vertical motion (higher cadence, shorter strides/lean forward)
- Looking down (look forward to the horizon)
- Landing with loud foot strikes (land lightly and quietly/self regulate your impact)

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