Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Field Trip

As the rain was coming down hard, we decided to take a field trip to the church. Gary, Michael, John M., Harriott, Sally, Kaffee and Jennifer(W1 for the second time this week) got together in the Gym. We did the typical gym warm up. We ran, side stepped, cross overs, high knees and butt kickers (all speed drills). Then we did a set of suicides. The fellas and Jenn took turns doing pull ups while the others did exercises. We had three stations. Resistance bands for the shoulder and arm exercises, Jump rope for the cardio and balance balls for the ab work. We had three groups and switched every 45 seconds.

Yesterday morning was a perfect outdoor workout. Jenna joined us so the front was a little faster. We did legs yesterday. We ran 4X300m @ 5k pace w/ 100 recovery, 7 minutes of various leg stations around campus, 2X300M then another 7 minutes then 1X300 with the rest of the hour spent doing leg exercises around the basketball court. (included were swing set leg curls, my invention and done no where else in town).

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