Monday, March 16, 2015

10 Days

Stages of exercise program:

1) Excited! "OMG, lets do it! It will be awesome!"
2) Fear "will I make it?!"
3) Jumping off point ... alarm goes off "Buffy better be there"
4) Awkward "Hi"
5) more fear "are these people going to run the whole time?"
6) Wonder "They all seem so nice, it cant be that bad"
7) Remorse...Alarm goes off the third day "Why did I join this?"
8) Dread... Alarm goes off the 4th day "WTF, I feel like I've been in a car wreck"
9) Relief... 8th day "I am not going to die, I can make it"
10) Amazement... 11th day "I got this"

It takes 10 workouts to establish yourself into a fitness program. You can either do the 10 workouts over two weeks or stretch it out. Folks that are serious about getting in great shape make 25-30 workouts over a 6 week period. I dont care who you are, the first 10 days suck.

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