Monday, November 5, 2012

Run, Eat, Sleep, Repeat

Consistency is the name of the game in fitness as well as many other worthy pursuits in life. a Daily routine that becomes a lifestyle can have profound improvement on our lives.

The trick is to show up every day. We eat, sleep and workout daily. Miss one of those and the others get thrown off. Sometimes we work out a little harder. Sometimes life can wear us down. The trick is to recover quick enough so that we feel refreshed the next day and able to work out.

Recovery requires treatment. How do we treat ourselves? Get to bed at a reasonable hour. Get a massage. Drink plenty of water. Eat healthy.

Drinking Coke or Beer and staying up late staring at a screen is not healthy. There is NOTHING on the computer or TV that is going to add anything to the quality of our lives. Yes, there is a ton of entertainment there, but most of it is crap. Do these overpaid professional athletes give a flying flip about us? NO, they don't know we exist. Missing a workout with friends to watch a football game is throwing away an opportunity for nothing.

90% if the garbage we eat is useless poison. We don't need it. Don't believe us? Dont eat for 48 hours. After your body detoxes, you will feel amazingly better. Most of us could eat half of what we typically consume and get healthier.

Constant overload of everything is so 1999. The ME, Me Me, greed and gluttony days are dying with the Baby boomers. Spartan Living is making a huge comeback!

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