Friday, July 13, 2012

Work Out

We are holding a mandatory workout tomorrow at 7:05AM at E Rivers. Those few who cant make it can do some exercises and/or run at their convenience. All of these workouts are mandatory to living a healthy lifestyle. Being in shape and able to pounce around the world is the ultimate freedom. Nothing feels more liberating than running hard.

Americans have spent hundreds of years getting, keeping and promoting a society that celebrates individuality and freedom. So what do most American do with this hard won freedom? We spend our lives consuming. We eat garbage, drink our minds into oblivion and sleepwalk through life with an occasional awake moment to cheer our favorite sports team.

Americans are spending their "free" time staring at their I phones, their computers, & their TVs. We are bombarded with distractions that in the big scheme of things amount to nothing for what?

Exercise wakes us up, gives us presence and makes us available to others and the experience of each day. Don't miss it.

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