Thursday, May 9, 2013


So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.

Fear is an emotion induced by a perceived threat which causes entities to quickly pull far away from it and usually hide. It is a basic survival mechanism occurring in response to a specific stimulus, such as pain or the threat of danger.

Fitness programs primary objective is to create a stressful stimulus that the participant is willing to accept. The reality is, most participants are capable of significantly more than they believe. They are conditioned to think that there are limits to their abilities. They construct elaborate barriers and walls around themselves to "protect" themselves from perceived risk. 

We haven't seen anyone puke in a workout in 2 years. We have never seen anyone run to exhaustion and pass out. 

When the pain comes, don't be afraid. Relax and observe with curiosity. Keep moving.

Jill 24
Kelley 24
Kaffee  22
Lacie 22
Mary D. 22
Chris W. 21
Susie Mac 21
Harriott  20
Kathleen 20
Lisa  19
Wendy 19
Dave J 18
Mary Blythe  18
Scott 18
Barb  17
Caroline  17
Jimmy F  17
Kam 17
Kwithee 17
Paige 17
Barbara 16
Jenny 16
JoEllyn 16
Johnathan 16
Jay 15
Anne 14
John G. 14
Molly  14
Charles  13
Irene 13
Jake 13
Roxanna 13
Dave D 12
Reba 12
JenJen 11
Liz 10
Maggie 10
Anna 9
June 9
Patience 9
John S 8
Margaret 8
Natalie 8
Diamond 7
Christine 5
Holly 5
Leslie 5
Lisa M. 5
Mary 5
Ellen 4
Jen H 4
Brian 3
Kristen 3
Michele 3
Angelic 2
Jackie 2
Sally  2

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