Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Skinny Hot

There are a variety of body styles that are all popular these days. Big is beautiful. Cross Fit has made muscle super cool. Yoga shape is softly sexy.

Peachtree Road Boot Camp strives for Skinny Hot. We have developed a formula that combines running with body weight exercise. Each morning, we run around town in a group. During the run, we stop often for body weight basic training exercise. We stop about every 300 meters (3 football fields). On each stop, we perform 40 repetitions of various exercises. We vary the exercise daily depending on the body part we are working that day. Over an hour, we cover about 3 miles and perform 600 repetitions of exercise. During exercise, our heart rate stays the same as our running heart rate. Since our heart rate never drops to rest, we burn 600-800 calories in the hour and another 200 while our bodies are cooling down after the workout.

Running for cardiovascular fitness beats all other forms of cardio. Doing it every day will burn the pudding off. The body weight exercise produces lean muscle and an athletic build. The combination is Skinny Hot, which never goes out of style!

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