Friday, March 28, 2014

Fast vs Far

Moar = More with a Roar. In America, if a little is good, then MOAR is better.

In the second running boom, the half marathon continues to gain popularity, particularly among women. This is a double edge sword. More women are running which is great but, they are running too many miles.

A typical new runner will run 3 times a week: 4 miles, 4 miles then an 8 mile long run. The feeling of accomplishment of traversing the earth on foot 8 miles is a huge hook to these new runners. The problem is, they never ran 8 miles in their lives. They never even ran 5, 4 or 3. All the sudden, they have convinced themselves that they can run 8 miles. Well, they can! Is it good for them? NO. Most of them wind up hurt.

How about our boot camp girls this week? They ran 3.25 miles + 600 reps Core, 3.25 miles + 600 reps Legs, 3.25 miles + 600 reps Core, 4 miles + 800 reps Upper Body, 3 miles + 600 reps Core.

5 day total = 17 miles, 3,200 reps.

During exercise, our heart rate stays the same as during running so, from a cardio perspective, our heart and lungs get the same work week as someone running 30 miles, but without 30 miles of pounding. This allows our girls to run FASTER without injury.

The Atlanta Womens 5K is tomorrow. Most our our girls have been trained to break 26 minutes. 3 of them tomorrow will break 24 and the other 3 will break 20 minutes.

Amy Glamour 5
Clair Bear 5
Dave B 5
Jill 5
Wendy  5
Alan 4
Arnaud 4
Chris S. 4
Harriott  4
Irene 4
Kathleen 555 4
Lisa  4
Barb  3
Caroline  3
Cindy 3
Jenny 3
Jill Princess 3
Jimmy F  3
Lacie 3
Love 3
Mary B 3
Mary Blythe  3
MiMi 3
Molly  3
Reba 3
Susie Mac 3
Kwithee 2
Wendy Conrad 2
Mary D. 1
Roxanna 1
Thomas Worthy 1

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