Friday, December 20, 2013

3 X 7 = 21

The Running Boom is alive and well. More people are turning to running than any other sport. Running is cheap, simple, social and healthy.

While 5K is still the most popular, the half marathon continues to draw more new road racers. Testing ones endurance is very popular particularly among the ladies. New road racers often scoff at "only running a 5K."

Ironically, "only running a 5K" is healthier if done correctly. The math goes like this: 3 X 7 = 21.

Folks that run 3 miles 7 days a week pattern the training of an elite runner and become FASTER. Typically, these same folks become thinner too. Daily exercise has been proven over the years to produce greater fitness.

Folks that run 7 miles 3 days a week become "half marathon finishers."

SPEED: Challenging ourselves at faster paces, higher heart beats and greater volumes of breathing also produce "runners high" quicker and with less pounding than LSD (Long Slow Distance).

3 miles a day looks like this: Warm up, get on your toes and GO, cool down.

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