Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Triple Nickel is Triple Alpha

The Type A and Type B personality theory is a personality type theory that describes a pattern of behaviors that were once considered to be a risk factor for coronary heart disease. Since its inception in the 1950s, the theory has been widely criticized for its scientific shortcomings. It nonetheless persists in the form of pop psychology within the general population.
Type A individuals can be described as impatient, time-conscious, controlling, concerned about their status, highly competitive, ambitious, business-like, aggressive, having difficulty relaxing; and are sometimes disliked by individuals with Type B personalities for the way that they're always rushing. They are often high-achieving workaholics who multi-task, drive themselves with deadlines, and are unhappy about delays. Because of these characteristics, Type A individuals are often described as "stress junkies."

555 is AAA. Example: Those of us able to get pregnant (sorry Matty, you still cant), don't take the opportunity to relax, enjoy and experience pregnancy. They all stick around and share this wonderful miracle with the rest of their afflicted nut cases. And, no one seems to think its unusual. Its not. They all do it. We have an un-named, un-identified zygote turned fetus among us.

This glorious child to be will follow Kathryn Lily Nixon into this world. Born August 30th at 2:50PM, She weighs 7lbs. 13oz. and was 21 inches long. Triple A Mom Reba is A-Okay.


4 miles, 720 repetitions of various lower body exercises.

PBC: Princess did 2.5 miles, 640 repetitions of various lower body exercise. A mile and a half was run on the stairs at Frankie Allen. PBC is getting its rhythm back.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 11 of 30

You know what happens if we don't show up? Nothing.

Name Attendance

Kaffee 11
Mary Anne 11
John S 10
Michael G 10
Irene 9
Kristen 9
Mary Blythe 9
Allison 8
Caroline 8
Charles 8
Charlie 8
Erin 8
Holly 8
Dave B 7
Fred 7
Gary 7
Kerry 7
Leslie 7
Lucy 7
Michael 7
Casey 6
Cleve 6
Jennifer 6
Jimmy F 6
John O 6
Lisa 6
Marc 6
Michelle 6
Niki 6
Harriott 5
John Mears 5
Prancer 5
Colby 4
Matthew 4
Oneill - 4
Steef 4
Carolyn 3
Sally 3
Bob 2
Dave D 2
Slawek 2
Amy 0
Wendy 0


Click the link to see the route, distance, speed, elevation change, estimate on calories (add 200). As you can see we ran up the hill then finished down the hill. During the run we stopped along the way for exercise. We knocked out 640 repetitions of various core muscle moves.

Today was a medium day. We have hard days and easy days too. The point is to show up every day. Magically, the day we are tired and need an easy day, we have an easy day.

If you only show up up 3 days a week, we are talking about you the days you are absent. We try to pick you to pieces during the entire hour. It is okay to miss as long as you don't mind us talking about you behind your back. We cant wait to see who we will be talking about tomorrow.

Princess Boot Camp (PBC):


The best hour of every day.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Separation of School and Church

The concept of separation of church and state refers to the distance in the relationship between organized religion on the one hand and the nation state on the other. The idea was the subject of much discussion over 2000 years. The term "wall of separation" was first used in an informal letter by President Thomas Jefferson in 1802 to a committee of Baptists in Connecticut. Jefferson referred to the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as creating a "wall of separation" between church and state.[1] The phrase was quoted by the United States Supreme Court first in 1878, and then in a series of cases starting in 1947.

This morning we explored the distance between Church and School. For the benifit of PRUMC Boot Camp, the distance is 2 miles. From our primary workout facility, E Rivers Elementary school to Peachtree Road United Methodist Church (PRUMC), there are 3,200 meters. Further investigation of the distance along the way, we explored all the various ways to exercise our core muscles on all the various types of grass we lay on. Upon reaching the Church, we discovered another variation between Church and School. While the school now has beautiful natural grass, the Church is sporting a new Asto Turf field. Both are comfortable for doing sit ups.

500 repetitions.


5 miles includes warm up

Princess Boot Camp did the exact same workout in reverse. They started and finished at PRUMC.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Barefoot Running

Famous runners had gone barefoot before us, of course. In 1960 Ethiopia's Abebe Bikila, the greatest Olympic marathoner of all time, won the first of his consecutive gold medals sans shoes in a world record 2:15:17.

While Bikila was making Olympic history, England's Bruce Tulloh was running European record times from 1955 to 1967, almost always in bare feet. He ran 13:12 for three miles on grass, and 27:23 for six miles on cinders.

Zola Budd set a track world record in January 1984 when, just 16, she ran 5000 meters in South Africa in 15:01.83, more than six seconds under Mary Decker's existing record. (Too bad Budd is better known for her fateful collision with Decker in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic 3000 race. Decker was thrown horribly off-balance, and twisted and fell to the infield grass.)

Interest in barefoot running seemed to wane until 2001, when Michael Warburton, an Aussie physical therapist and 2:42 marathoner, published an online paper titled, simply, "Barefoot Running." (You can view the paper at the sports science web site sportsci.org.) In his section on running economy, Warburton points out that the extra weight of shoes on your feet is much worse than a pound or two around your middle. Weight on your feet is subject to constant acceleration and deceleration (runners call these movements "strides"), which have a high energy cost. According to Warburton, research has shown that 100 grams of extra weight on your feet decreases your running economy by one percent. Simple math says that two 10-ounce shoes will make you more than five percent less efficient. That's a big deal. When you add five percent to Paul Tergat's marathon world record 2:04:55, he's a 2:11 guy, which doesn't net him enough for a warm bowl of ugali in the Kenyan highlands.

When you run barefoot, your body precisely engages your vision, your brain, the soles of your feet, and all the muscles, bones, tendons, and supporting structures of your feet and legs. They leap to red alert, and give you a high degree of protection from the varied pressures and forces of running.

On the other hand, when you run in socks, shoes, inserts, midsoles and outsoles, your body's proprioceptive system loses a lot of input. "This has been called 'the perceptual illusion' of running shoes," says Warburton. "With shoes, your body switches off to a degree, and your reaction time decreases."The way I see it, there's a simple explanation for the high IQ of barefoot running: We descended from the trees to walk and run this planet's surfaces six million years ago, and we've had time to get really, really good at it, from the soles of the feet to the top of the brain.

We did an old fashioned brick workout this morning then ran bare foot on the grass. The yard was soft from last nights rain but not sloppy. It was perfect.

3 miles, 440 repitions of upper body exercise.

John S., Dave Baker, Oneill, Charlie, and Michael G. escorted Caroline in the old 7 mile loop. They reported an up tempo change of pace for the final 2 miles, as instructed.

Fred, Nikki, Kaffee, Kristen, Michael L, Leslie, Casey, Holly, Allison, Marc, Preacher, Erin, Mary Anne, Lisa, Mary Blythe and Harriott stayed on campus for the workout. We did 3 laps around the School with weight is hand, a 10k race pace half mile then 10X100m stride barefoot.

Princess Boot Camp was exciting. Kristen showed up in glamor mode having had her hair did. She promptly torqued her ankle. The Boot Camp squad car had to rescue her. Kathleen, Susie Mac, Jenny, Anne Miller, Mary B, Mary D, Liz & David, Becca, Tamson and Joellyn did Jazzercize in the park while poor Krissy iced her swollen ankle.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Strength and Speed

Running up stairs takes strength. Speed on the flats begets Speed. We alternated between A)120 meter strides down the back stretch with an easy jog around the turn and another 120 meter stride up the front stretch with B) a 50 meter jog down the back stretch, a 90 degree left turn across the middle of the field and a continuation up the stairs, another 90 degree left, hard across the top ridge and another left turn for and easy return down the stairs.

We forgot to stick the Garmin on someone so we have to use our imagination to see it. It would have made a pretty picture. The start finish area was the Basketball courts. We did core exercises there as recovery between runs. 4 miles, 555 repetitions. We had a stud crowd this morning. It was a thing of beauty.



The ladies were joined by a couple of gentlemen. We had a fairly honest pace to Lenox Mall and around. We took off our shoes at the big lower field at Frankie Allen and did barefoot strides. Everyone loved them. They felt great. We were able to connect with the biorhythms of the earth through striking it with our flesh.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Church Run

Michael G 7
Mary Anne 7
Kaffee 7
Holly 7
Mary Blythe 6
Lucy 6
John S 6
Irene 6
Prancer 5
Kristen 5
Jennifer 5
Erin 5
Charles 5
Casey 5
Caroline 5
Allison 5
Steef 4
Niki 4
Michelle 4
Marc 4
Lisa 4
Kerry 4
John O 4
Jimmy F 4
Gary 4
Fred 4
Cleve 4
Charlie 4
Michael 3
Leslie 3
John Mears 3
Dave B 3
Colby 3
Slawek 2
Oneill -2
Matthew 2
Harriott 2
Carolyn 2
Bob 2
Sally 1
Wendy 0
Amy 0
Dave D 0


3 miles 800 repetitions of various lower body exercise. The men and women at the top of this list are experiencing profound change. A program of daily exercise will do this. "Daily" means "EVERY DAY." Another way to say that is "streak." A 10 day, 20 day, 40 day or 100 day streak can change us in ways we would have never imagined. With discipline, time can be our friend. With special attention to detail, we can run faster than we every imagined. You want to lose 25 pounds? Run 100 days in a row.



Another solid group today. This group will become the toughest all women program in Atlanta. We will run more miles, do more repetitions, burn more calories and turn more heads per week than any other women group training. 3 miles 760 reps all lower body.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Crazy 8s


5 miles 500 repetitions of various core exercises. The grass was perfect. We had a large crowd. It was fast. We we averaging 7.12 a mile which means we were having to really hammer (like 60 seconds per quarter pace) on the up tempo diagonal. We run the "half circle" or "turn" of each 8 really slow. Some of us even walk, which is fine. It was fun watching everyone take turns running at the front and it is always nice having different folks demonstrate the proper way to exercise. There is not another workout in Atlanta that does more in less time


A few homeless guys, a Buddhist Monk and a Father and Son were witness to the magnificent glory and grace that is Princess Boot Camp on the fields at Frankie Allen. They did 440 and 4 miles. A thing of beauty. Never let it be said that PBC is a cake walk.

Name attendance
Holly 6
Kaffee 6
Mary Anne 6
Michael G6
Irene 5
John S 5
Lucy 5
Mary Blythe 5
Allison 4
Caroline 4
Casey 4
Charles 4
Cleve 4
Erin 4
Jennifer 4
Kerry 4
Kristen 4
Marc 4
Michelle 4
Prancer 4
Steef 4
Charlie 3
Fred 3
Gary 3
Jimmy F 3
John Mears 3
Lisa 3
Niki 3
Carolyn 2
Colby 2
Dave B 2
Harriott 2
John O 2
Leslie 2
Matthew 2
Michael 2
Oneill - 2
Slawek 2
Bob 1
Sally 1
Amy 0
Dave D 0
Wendy 0
Jimmy S 0

Friday, August 20, 2010

Running to the Chapel

We warmed up at E Rivers Elementary school and then left, heading North up Peachtree.

http://connect.garmin.com/activity/45328825 Click on the link to see every step. On the left side of the map, click the + to focus in on the field at E Rivers. We left a hidden message.

This was not your typical morning. We had a baby jogger with us this morning. The baby daddy had football practice this morning so he decided to tag along... until his tire exploded. He is a cool customer. It sounded like a shotgun went off and he didn't even blink.

We continued North all the way to the front steps at Peachtree Road United Methodist Church (PRUMC). We stopped frequently this morning. We hit it all, upper and lower body plus core work. In total, we did 800 repetitions of various exercises. The Preacher gave us a morning devotional and we ran back. The total was 4 miles (does not include warm up.)

Princess Boot Camp did Frankie Allen today. Stud group of Women for anyone looking for challenging but fun exercise routine.

http://connect.garmin.com/activity/45328820 Click the link for Princess Run. They did total body too, 567 repetitions, fun with numbers.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


We had twice as many women as men this morning. Thanks to the ladies and a hand full of fellas, we were able to have group training this morning.

This week has set up like this: Test, Legs, Core, Arms.

The arm workout really works shoulders and back too. We stay on the grass, which is the best surface available for running. We have a beautiful new yard that is quiet pleasant. E Rivers has been tranformed into a beautiful facility over the years. The hill has been cleared of scrub brush. We have a field house with real bathrooms. Lights flood the yard before dawn. It is the best boot camp facility in Buckhead.

While the Men ran down and back on the field, the ladies did various arm, shoulder and back exercises. Then they switched. The ladies ran while the men worked. There was some chickie tunes playing in the background. After two and a half miles worth of 120 meter strides and 600 repetitions of various upper body exercise, we lined up.

The Gentlemen ran 2 laps in 90, 98. The ladies hung with them for a lap. Lucy hung for two. We do these long intervals at the end of a workout to simulate racing. The idea is to become comfortable at faster paces when your body is tired.

Eat more fruit. Its sweet, comes in colorful packages and goes great with water.

http://connect.garmin.com/activity/45254846 555AM

http://connect.garmin.com/activity/45254839 Princess Boot Camp glorious return

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Crazy 8s


Thanks to the love and generosity of the finest group of fitness fanatics in the world, we now have a permanent addition to the daily update. Also, thanks to The Professor for giving us the idea.

Hard, Medium, Easy. That's how this week has gone so far. Easy, medium, hard defines the rhythm of our program. We warm up easy, progress toward medium and hammer hard in nearly every workout. On some days, we spend more time hammering. Those are hard. Yesterday there was some hammering, but not too much. Medium. Today we enjoyed some quick paced strides across the grass but, we cut off the last mile in favor of stretching.

It is possible to train every day. The folks who win train every day. No days off. Streaks become possible only as a result of easy days. If there are no easy days, then the hard days wont be all that hard. True hard days are much harder if the proper amount of easy has proceeded it.

4 miles, 400 repetitions of various core exercise. We did 100 push ups, 40 back bends and 260 abdomen exercises. It was a walk in the park. It was as easy as eating a bag of M&M's.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Church Run

We hit the Holy Trinity on Peachtree Street this morning: Catholic, Baptist, Episcopal. We even had a Preacher in tow. Church Turn, Amen Corner, Jesus Junction was swarmed this morning by The Urban Assult Company. Folks were quietly and quickly moving from one Holy Ground to another cranking out repetitions of various lower body exercise. There were squats, lunges, step ups, leg presses, leg lifts, Kicks, bridges, calf raises and Plie. In all, we knocked out 700 repetitions. We traversed the earth 3 miles.

This group has been together all summer. We added a few this week. For the folks coming back, take it easy. I know you were working out with us before but, this group is strong and fast. Protect yourself.

It was soupy this morning. It felt like a high in humidiy. We have been promoting water a lot lately. It is very difficult to promote water. Water has so much competition. Here in the south, Coke and Sweet Tea are the only options with lunch. There is water, but most folks put it on a table to be polite.

Water is free. It is everywhere. We can walk into a convienence store with zero pockets and a water bottle and walk out with ice from the fountain. We have discovered that while drinking excessive amounts of water can increase your trips to the bathroom, it will reduce injury, sore ness and weight. It also speeds up revovery. So, when your packing your lunch, back pack, car, luggage and or breifcase, dont forget your water bottle.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Standard Army PT (physical training) Test.

Soldiers are required to take a physical fitness test at least twice per year. There are three events which are measured: push-ups, sit-ups, and a timed two-mile run.

http://usmilitary.about.com/od/army/l/blfitmal37to41.htm - men

http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/arfitness/blf37-41.htm - women

Men ages 37-41: Perfect score = 300
Push-up standard : 73 = 100
Sit-up standard: 76 = 100
2 mile run: 13:36 = 100

Women ages 37-41: Perfect score = 300
Push-up standard: 40 = 100
sit up standard: 76 = 100
2 mile run: 17:00 = 100

name, Push ups, sit ups, 2 mile run

Slawek, 54, 70, 12:45
John S. 75, 81, 12:45
Dave B. 57, 67, 12:45
Cleve, 70, 70, 13:16
Steef, 60, 65, 13:54
Caroline, 65, 75, 14:34
Lucy, 54,54,15:47
Nikki, 58, 60, 15:47
Casey, 42, 53, 15:45
Jennifer, 45, 52, 16:10
Marc, 40, 40, 16:10
Kerry, 55, X, 17:15
Fred, 45, 61, 16:32
Michelle, 55, 75, 18:17
Bob, 38, 60, 18:17
Kaffee, 76, 50, 18:18
Erin, 35, 49, 18:37
Mary Anne, 52, 54, 18:35

Friday, August 13, 2010


This is a "We" program. We get up every morning, we drive (some walk & or run), we park, we warm up, we get together, we stretch, we run, we exercise, we tell jokes, we watch the sun rise, we share stories, we share our goals, we sweat together, we encourage each other, we push each other, we pace each other, we shake hands, we hug, we see each other outside of boot camp, we learn about each others lives, we look after each other.

We need some more. Get some.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Jennifer - 26
John S - 26
Colby - 26
Caroline - 24
Lisa - 24
Gary - 23
Kerry - 23
Charles - 21
Cleve - 21
Marc - 21
Harriott - 20
Lucy - 20
Charlie - 20
Kaffee - 20
Dave B -20
Emi - 19
Mary Anne - 18
David M - 18
Mary Blythe - 18
Matthew - 17
Jimmy F - 18
Wendy - 15
Prancer -14
Slawek - 14
Jimmy S. -14
Allison -14
Niki 14
Cassie - 13
Terri - 13
Irene 13
Sally - 12
Rich - 12
Michael 12
Dave D - 12
Oneill - 12
Bob - 12
Michelle - 11
Carolyn -11
Susan 9
Leslie 7 -
Amy - 6
Molly -4
Steef -6

Watch the end of a workout and take notice of who is still hanging around, hammering, styling and profiling. Look at who is holding their chin up, eyes fixed with the thousand yard stare, striking fear into the hearts of their fellows.

They are the ones at the top of this list.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Crazy 8s

543 repetitions of various core exercise, 5 miles.

Easy speed. We try to stay relaxed while we up the pace. The idea is to become more comfortable at faster paces. We relax our face(jaw), our shoulders, our hands, and our brains. The idea is stay as relaxed as possible while pushing. Child birth? May be why the ladies look so elegant and dignified as they hammer around the yard. They are built with a higher threshold for pain.

Thinking will not help you run faster. Usually, thinking gets in the way. No rational, sane brain recieves the input of stress and pain and spits out instructions that increase the negative stimulus. The more insane of us are a bit masochistic. That a different story.

Tell people about Boot Camp. This is a popular time of year to get in shape. Get some fresh blood.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Church Run

900 repetitions of various lower body exercise, 3 miles. From E Rivers Elem., We run West down Ptree Battle, North Up Rivers, East up Muscogee, Continue easy down Lake View, North along the Duck pond until we hit churches. We go in order, Catholic, Baptist, Episcopal. Then we run back to E Rivers running South on Ptree St.

Exercise:Stair step aerobics, lunges, squats, side step squat and jump, leg press, inner thigh leg lifts, toe pointed leg circles (reverse circle), run up stairs, Bar exercise ballet move(chickie), Lying leg presses, Knees together knees apart while lying on back with hips in air, side kicks, plie. We repeated squats and lunges.

This is a more muscular, less cardio workout. You can hear many more jokes on the medium days.

Drink a lot of water. We can not stress enough the benefit of being hydrated. Drinking Coke, Coffee and Tea are fine as long as you back those up with water. We recover much faster and feel SOOOO much better (less beat up, less cooked) when we are hydrated.

Monday, August 9, 2010

out and back

On August Ninth, Two thousand and Ten(8/9/10), we cranked out 890 repetitions of various core exercises. 89X10=890. We love fun with numbers.

Those of us that arrived on time warmed up a mile or more and did pull ups. We locked up our keys and started North(sketchy dude panhandling this morning). We stopped a lot. The first stop was for 40 push ups. Push ups are much easier these days. Then it went something like this: V Sits,side bends in push up position, more push ups, Plank crunches, dips, back bends, Right then left side crunches, flutter kick (100 of these at once), old fashion sit ups, leg lifts (while laying on marble water fountain, more dips, knees bent(feet off the deck and tapping ground) crunches, 100 bicycles, more push ups and back bends, then we ran home. There was likely some more stuff we did that escapes memory. 890 is a lot before sun up.

The run North on Peachtree is up hill so the run back is down hill. It is better than the other way. The final week of the July/August session . There is a new group at the head of the pack. They are also the folks with the highest attendance. Interesting how that works. Work out every day and don't get hurt.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Old School

HISTORY (1917 - 2010)
E. Rivers has the distinction of being one of Atlanta's oldest public schools. Originally called Peachtree Heights School, it opened its doors in 1917 as a two-grade schoolhouse on land that was donated for this specific purpose by Atlanta developer Eretus Rivers.

PRUMC Boot Camp has exclusive use of the campus for basic training. The campus is tailor made for Boot Camp. There is a Track. stairs, huge yard, basketball court, playground and courtyards.

This morning we warmed up on the track then began with some stretching on the basketball court. A few of us did pull ups on the playground. We ran up two sets of stairs to the stump garden (an outdoor classroom in a courtyard.) We exercised our repetition count up to 200 doing stair step aerobics, dips, push ups, and squats. We ran around the front of the school and through the parking lot to the driveway and back down to the track. We did a set of 8 count body builders on the grass. We ran up the stairs again back to the stump garden for legs raises, leg presses, and a set of plyometrics. We circled again back to the track and after a few push ups we split into 3 groups. One group was either on the track or the bleachers. They did lunges or V sits. Another group was on the basketball court doing core exercises. The third group was on the swing set doing crunches, leg curls and squats. After 20 reps, each group switched stations.

We ran a Muscogee mile at the end of the workout. The square block that sits on Peachtree Rd and Ptree Battle is exactly a mile (how did they know we were coming?). We call it "the Muscogee mile" because the 30 degree hill we climb from its base on Rivers Rd.

700 repetitions. 3 miles.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Running hard up a long flight of stairs is tough. It requires us to lean forward, lift our knees higher, and swing our arms harder. Stair running is a power move. Speed and momentum help for the first few stairs but then upward motion requires a strong plant and lift.

We ran up the center set of stairs, took a left turn, ran across the top ridge, stopped and picked up 5 pounds in each hand. The girls ran while the boys exercised. When the girls reappeared, the boys ran and the girls exercised. Each run took about 2.5 minutes. In two and a half minutes of running, the other group could average about 30 repetitions of various arm, shoulder and back exercises.

3 miles, 500 reps.

Jennifer 21 - Jacked
John S 21- M1
Colby 21 - committeed
Caroline 20 - W1
Harriott 20 - steady
Lisa 20 - effort
Emi 19 - reniasance woman
Lucy 19 - fast
Gary 19 - stud
Marc 19 - Metamorphosis
Kerry 19 - quiet
Charles 18 - not quiet
Charlie 17 - coming
Cleve 17 - resurrecting
Kaffee 16 - Joy
Dave B 16 - primetime
Mary Anne 16 - thin
Wendy 15 - Wonder
David M 15 - strong
Mary Blythe 14 - sweet
Matthew 14 - silly
Jimmy F 14 - healthy
Bob 12 - happy
Prancer 12 - MIA
Slawek 12 - solid
Cassie 12 - southern
Michelle 10 - MIA
Jimmy S. 11 - hurting
Rich 11 - desire
Terri 11 - babe
John Oneill 11 - talker
Allison 10 - sugar
Dave D 10 - elite
Niki 10 - tough girl
Susan 9 - miss her
Sally 9 - always willing
Irene 9 - in shape
Michael 8 - lion hearted
Carolyn 8 - lioness
Leslie 7 - lovely
Amy - 5 - long
Molly 4 - hot mom
Steef 3 - talented

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Crazy 8s

Every now and then, there needs to be workout that's hard. In the running community, these are called: speed work, farklet, hill workout and tempo run. The idea is to increase leg turnover & get heart rate elevated.

Fitness can be measured by the volume of oxygen you can consume while exercising at your maximum capacity. VO2max is the maximum amount of oxygen in millilitres, one can use in one minute per kilogram of body weight. Those who are fit have higher VO2max values and can exercise more intensely than those who are not as well conditioned. Numerous studies show that you can increase your VO2max by working out at an intensity that raises your heart rate to between 65 and 85% of its maximum for at least 20 minutes three to five times a week.

One key to improved performances for distance runners is to get the body to tolerate increasing levels of lactic acid in the blood while running at a significantly faster pace than that of a steady state, aerobic conditioning run. Lactic acid is produced when we try to run a pace faster than the body can handle aerobically, usually faster than 80% of your MaxHeartRate. Anaerobic conditioning is sometimes called lactate threshold training. This type of training is done at a pace that is just under the point at which lactic acid is being produced at a faster rate than it can be removed from the bloodstream.

Another effective way of accomplishing the same objective is to do farklets. A farklet is a Swedish term that is loosely interpreted to mean "speed play." Crazy 8s are a variation of this age old workout.

In summary, running fast increases fitness. The way we learn to run fast is we.......run fast. Fast running makes fast runners. Speed begets speed.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Church Run

These last two days have been somewhat reflective of what we are trying to accomplish. The Preacher has been comparing physical fitness through discipline to mental and spiritual fitness though discipline. Also, we consider the importance of the community to participate and share their fitness(physical, mental, spiritual) with others. We suggest that all things worth while require daily devotion and support.

So, when the alarm clock goes off, we make sure either our feet or our knees hit the floor. We suit up, show up, warm up, crank it up, throw up (optional).

This mornings congregation met at the end of the front stretch. Those aspiring to a higher physical enlightenment did pull ups. We started the workout in the stump garden with a set of stair step aerobics, squats and box jumps. We moved pretty quickly this morning. Our journey took us through the neighborhoods until we reached The Churches.

We go to church for so many different reasons: marriage, funeral, baptism, confirmation, push ups, sit ups, leg lifts ect...

We worked the muscles below our belly button today. At the end of the workout, we did strides on the field.

4 miles, 888 repetitions of various lower body exercise.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Two Miles Out and Back

Emi 19
John S 19
Colby 18
Caroline 18
Lucy 18
Jennifer 18
Harriott 18
Lisa 17
Gary 17
Marc 17
Kerry 16
Charles 16
Kaffee 15
Wendy 15
Cleve 15
Dave B 15
David M 14
Charlie 14
Mary Anne 14
Bob 12
Prancer 12
Cassie 12
Mary Blythe 12
Jimmy F 12
Matty 12
Michelle 10
Jimmy S. 10
Slawek 11
Rich 11
Dave D 10
Terri 10
John Oneill 10
Susan 9
Sally 8
Niki 9
Michael 8
Carolyn 8
Allison 8
Leslie 7
Irene 7
Lauren 3
Steef 3
Molly 2
Lindsay 1

Good news, Emi stuck around and grabbed the top attendance. Bad new, she is going on vacation.

We had a decent crowd this morning. We like to start the week off hammering, usually crazy eights. We received Grace in the form of a brand new field. The "biggest yard in Buckhead" just got better. As the sod was put down this weekend and last nights rain hard, we chose to take our large crowd off camps.

We headed North on Peachtree. Today was concentrated on the core muscles. We did manage to do 120 push ups along the way. We ran an average of 2oo meters (half a lap around the track) and stopped 15 times. Every stop we knocked out core exercise. Peachtree Road United Methodist Church (PRUMC) sits exactly 2 miles away from E Rivers Elementary (the "E" stands for Eretus, we're sure Matty can work that into his act). We did our final exercises on the grass in the middle of the PRUMC parking lot just North of the Alter. Jimmy(speaking for the group) asked for and received mercy.

Exercise complete, we ran 2 miles back to Eretus Rivers. Caroline & Robin shared W1 today.

2 out, 700 repetitions of various core exercise, 2 back.