Amy Glamor and the 40 thieves. Thats was it. A pack, dressed in black, sneaking around before sun up. There were party hats which we are sure confused the casual observer.
Speaking of casual observer, we have been experimenting with the thought process that proceeds action in a workout. A few times a week we push ourselves into an uncomfortable position. When our mind observes the pain, the usual thought is one of aversion. We say, sometime out loud, " I cant do it." Rather than conceed to the negative, critical mind of "NO", we have been trying to observe the physical uncomfortableness casualy with curiosity. Its as if we are saying to ourselves " gee wiz, are we really running this fast? Golly, we are having a hard time breathing. That is interesting. How far can we go at this pace?"
"Apperception is the Direct Observation of Whatever-IS AS it IS without projecting any preconceived notions onto/into the Observation, and thus Totally un-attached to and un-influenced by Whatever-IS Observed. A Witnessing, a Recognition. Likened perhaps to the new born, Open to input rather than projecting definitions.">> -- Yogajyotii
We got a preview of The Big Dog Preachers (formerly known as only "the preacher") first sermon. "Observe with openness, outside of yourself." Man do we love that one. Imagine we are hammering down Peachtree and the Negative mind says"Stop". Yet the observer is watching the sunrise through the trees and listening to the sound of the birds chirping. Those observer dudes are open to the experience, and are not fighting anything or anybody, or themsevles.
We ran North to Presbyterian(V Crunches), then East to Meadow(Plank Crunches) then short hop to Duck pond( 8 count body builders), Further North/West to Catholic (sit ups/flutter kicks/push ups), East to Baptist back lot (stairs) then Garden Hills neighborhood(V Crunches), Soccer field (coregasm http://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/moves-to-make-you-coregasm?cm_mmc=Newsletter-_-2010_Jun_07-_-Dose-_-readon), Elementary (push ups/back bends). Then Welcome to Moes for side crunches. We stopped one last time at Episcopal for 60 dips followed by 30 push ups (observe with curiosity).
The Total on 6/9/10 was 69X10 = 690 and 4 1/2 miles. We thanked the winter crew for paying such a high price in the winter weather to get us to these perfect conditions today.
Speaking of casual observer, we have been experimenting with the thought process that proceeds action in a workout. A few times a week we push ourselves into an uncomfortable position. When our mind observes the pain, the usual thought is one of aversion. We say, sometime out loud, " I cant do it." Rather than conceed to the negative, critical mind of "NO", we have been trying to observe the physical uncomfortableness casualy with curiosity. Its as if we are saying to ourselves " gee wiz, are we really running this fast? Golly, we are having a hard time breathing. That is interesting. How far can we go at this pace?"
"Apperception is the Direct Observation of Whatever-IS AS it IS without projecting any preconceived notions onto/into the Observation, and thus Totally un-attached to and un-influenced by Whatever-IS Observed. A Witnessing, a Recognition. Likened perhaps to the new born, Open to input rather than projecting definitions.">> -- Yogajyotii
We got a preview of The Big Dog Preachers (formerly known as only "the preacher") first sermon. "Observe with openness, outside of yourself." Man do we love that one. Imagine we are hammering down Peachtree and the Negative mind says"Stop". Yet the observer is watching the sunrise through the trees and listening to the sound of the birds chirping. Those observer dudes are open to the experience, and are not fighting anything or anybody, or themsevles.
We ran North to Presbyterian(V Crunches), then East to Meadow(Plank Crunches) then short hop to Duck pond( 8 count body builders), Further North/West to Catholic (sit ups/flutter kicks/push ups), East to Baptist back lot (stairs) then Garden Hills neighborhood(V Crunches), Soccer field (coregasm http://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/moves-to-make-you-coregasm?cm_mmc=Newsletter-_-2010_Jun_07-_-Dose-_-readon), Elementary (push ups/back bends). Then Welcome to Moes for side crunches. We stopped one last time at Episcopal for 60 dips followed by 30 push ups (observe with curiosity).
The Total on 6/9/10 was 69X10 = 690 and 4 1/2 miles. We thanked the winter crew for paying such a high price in the winter weather to get us to these perfect conditions today.
What a way to ring in a new decade! I think most of us are certified crazy! I loved the party hats, noise makers, brownies and the black out! I love working out with every single one of you every day! If you're not coming to our bootcamp, you are missing out on a great time with an amazing group of people! Who else parties at 555am? Many thanks! XOXOXO Amy- 6/9/70