Easy. There was a question yesterday about Peachtree Road Race Training. "Is there going to be some intense training the week before the race?" The intense training is over. The week before the race is for rest, recovery, rejuvenation, relax, and easy runs. Any hard running done from this point forward steals from the race. We can not help our fitness 10 days before the race, we can only hurt it. Some of us will be meeting at E Rivers all next week at 6AM for easy runs.
This mornings group had fun. Jeffrey made his glorious return and the horses cantered around Bobby Jones. The run was interrupted by frequent stops for push ups. This mornings total was 234 (a new record). One push up for each of The United States Of America's years. Happy Birthday U.S.A.
A special thanks to all the special folks who made this 7 week session special. We have come to rely on each and every one of us. The group is what makes group training work.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
We warmed up easy with a few laps around the track. Then we did either a set of pull ups on the little kid playground or a set of backrows on the parallel bars. Once we were warmed up, loosened up and buffed up, we got on the grass. We split into his and hers groups, and took turns running strides on the soft forgiving earth. While the runners ran, the other group did upper body exercise with 5 pound weights in hand. As usual, the workout is designed to force us to keep proper running form as we stride while are bodies are tiring and our form is beginning to break down. At the end of the Jazzercise (we listen to music while we exercise), we line up and ran a half mile at 5K race pace. Again, this final act simulates the end of a race when we are tired and are forced to observe proper running form.
Working out every day is no big deal. People believe that daily exercise deserves special recognition. We work out every day. The folks who show up every day get special recognition. They are standing at the finish line watching the rest of the crowd struggle to the end. And, they get a hat and a coffee cup for finishing in the top 1,000 at the Peachtree Road Race on the 4th of July. Its easy. We work out every day, we get a hat and a coffee cup. 43:28 was 1,000 place last year. That is exactly 7 minute/mile pace.
Kaffee - 29
John S. – 29
Prancy – 27
Gary – 27
Michael G. - 25
Marc – 25
Jim – 25
Mary Anne – 25
Caroline – 24
Shana – 24
Irene - 24
Kerry – 23
Niki – 23
Holly – 22
Matty - 21
Cleve – 21
Harriott - 20
Mary Blythe – 20
Lucy - 20
Chip H. - 19
Dave D – 19
John Mears – 19
Jimmy S. – 18
John Oneil – 18
David B. – 18
Lisa - 17
Wendy – 17
Carolyn – 17
Charles - 16
Dave B – 16
Katie H. - 15
Allison - 15
Jennifer – 15
David G. – 13
Sally - 12
Amy – 12
John O – 11
Steef – 11
Slawek – 9
Cassie - 9
Sean - 9
Michael - 8
Katie - 8
Stephanie – 6
Mike – 6
Jimmy –5
Fred – 5
Charlie – 5
Rich 3
Syd – 1
Working out every day is no big deal. People believe that daily exercise deserves special recognition. We work out every day. The folks who show up every day get special recognition. They are standing at the finish line watching the rest of the crowd struggle to the end. And, they get a hat and a coffee cup for finishing in the top 1,000 at the Peachtree Road Race on the 4th of July. Its easy. We work out every day, we get a hat and a coffee cup. 43:28 was 1,000 place last year. That is exactly 7 minute/mile pace.
Kaffee - 29
John S. – 29
Prancy – 27
Gary – 27
Michael G. - 25
Marc – 25
Jim – 25
Mary Anne – 25
Caroline – 24
Shana – 24
Irene - 24
Kerry – 23
Niki – 23
Holly – 22
Matty - 21
Cleve – 21
Harriott - 20
Mary Blythe – 20
Lucy - 20
Chip H. - 19
Dave D – 19
John Mears – 19
Jimmy S. – 18
John Oneil – 18
David B. – 18
Lisa - 17
Wendy – 17
Carolyn – 17
Charles - 16
Dave B – 16
Katie H. - 15
Allison - 15
Jennifer – 15
David G. – 13
Sally - 12
Amy – 12
John O – 11
Steef – 11
Slawek – 9
Cassie - 9
Sean - 9
Michael - 8
Katie - 8
Stephanie – 6
Mike – 6
Jimmy –5
Fred – 5
Charlie – 5
Rich 3
Syd – 1
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
ZERO Comments?
Seriously? Matty works really hard for comments. Look at the picture below. Still no comments?
Kaffee - 28
John S. – 28
Prancy – 26
Gary – 26
Michael G. - 25
Shana – 24
Marc – 24
Jim – 24
Mary Anne – 24
Caroline – 23
Kerry – 23
Irene - 23
Holly – 22
Niki – 22
Matty - 21
Cleve – 20
Harriott - 19
Mary Blythe – 19
Lucy - 19
Chip H. - 19
Dave D – 19
John Mears – 18
Jimmy S. – 18
John Oneil – 18
David B. – 17
Wendy – 17
Carolyn – 17
Charles - 16
Katie H. - 15
Dave B – 16
Lisa - 16
David G. – 13
Allison - 15
Jennifer – 14
John O – 11
Sally - 11
Amy - 11
Slawek - 8
Michael - 8
Steef – 11
Katie - 8
Stephanie – 6
Sean - 8
Mike – 6
Cassie - 8
Jimmy –5
Rich 3
Fred – 5
Charlie – 5
Syd – 1
Church Run = 4.5 miles includes warm up 450 repetitions of Core. USA 1 ALG 0
Kaffee - 28
John S. – 28
Prancy – 26
Gary – 26
Michael G. - 25
Shana – 24
Marc – 24
Jim – 24
Mary Anne – 24
Caroline – 23
Kerry – 23
Irene - 23
Holly – 22
Niki – 22
Matty - 21
Cleve – 20
Harriott - 19
Mary Blythe – 19
Lucy - 19
Chip H. - 19
Dave D – 19
John Mears – 18
Jimmy S. – 18
John Oneil – 18
David B. – 17
Wendy – 17
Carolyn – 17
Charles - 16
Katie H. - 15
Dave B – 16
Lisa - 16
David G. – 13
Allison - 15
Jennifer – 14
John O – 11
Sally - 11
Amy - 11
Slawek - 8
Michael - 8
Steef – 11
Katie - 8
Stephanie – 6
Sean - 8
Mike – 6
Cassie - 8
Jimmy –5
Rich 3
Fred – 5
Charlie – 5
Syd – 1
Church Run = 4.5 miles includes warm up 450 repetitions of Core. USA 1 ALG 0
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
split squad

The Foxes and a few hound dogs chasing them:
Started on the track with walking lunges, ran up the stairs to the stump garden where we stair step aerobicized. Then onto peacthree battle where we played a little game called telephone poles. We ran up the street alternating hard and easy in between the telephone poles. Took a left for some more walking lunges. Reward: coast down a steep hill. Did some squats underneath the trees while we chatted about the deep south and beach vacations. Then, we headed back to campus…this time hard running for 2 telephone poles, easy for 1, and then hard all the way up the hill. Sat against the wall for a while. Made our way down to the field and worked our legs hard for another 20 minutes—squats, calf raises, fire hydrants, squat jumps, donkey kicks, and of course a boot campers favorite exercise—in and outs (aka Oh sh***), ran down the field a couple of times easy/hard to shake out our legs, and then we called it a day.
We ran from the Peach painted on the sidewalk with a 3 in the middle to the Peach painted on the sidewalk with a 5. 10K race pace. Then we jogged back down the hill. We did stop on our way back down the hill 10 times and did 20 push ups (10X20).
We must drink extra water this time of the year.
Started on the track with walking lunges, ran up the stairs to the stump garden where we stair step aerobicized. Then onto peacthree battle where we played a little game called telephone poles. We ran up the street alternating hard and easy in between the telephone poles. Took a left for some more walking lunges. Reward: coast down a steep hill. Did some squats underneath the trees while we chatted about the deep south and beach vacations. Then, we headed back to campus…this time hard running for 2 telephone poles, easy for 1, and then hard all the way up the hill. Sat against the wall for a while. Made our way down to the field and worked our legs hard for another 20 minutes—squats, calf raises, fire hydrants, squat jumps, donkey kicks, and of course a boot campers favorite exercise—in and outs (aka Oh sh***), ran down the field a couple of times easy/hard to shake out our legs, and then we called it a day.
We ran from the Peach painted on the sidewalk with a 3 in the middle to the Peach painted on the sidewalk with a 5. 10K race pace. Then we jogged back down the hill. We did stop on our way back down the hill 10 times and did 20 push ups (10X20).
We must drink extra water this time of the year.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Crazy 8s
Early. It is impressive how many folks are showing up early. The pack is almost entirely on time. It is easier to get going in the morning in the summertime as circadian rhythms adjust for longer days.
Crazy 8s are the most beneficial workout for the pack. No other workout keeps the pack together as well for as long. Today the Outside ran 6 miles and the inside ran 4. So despite running 2 extra miles, the folks who made up the outside pack ran next to the inside pack (if even only for a second) twice for every quarter mile.
Basically, 40 people run a 30 second stride diagonally across the grass field inside the track. Regardless of where we are at the end of 30 seconds, we around the turn to the other side of the field, turn, then stride for another 30 seconds. This workout is defined time, variable distance. This workout allows every person in the pack to choose how hard they want to run the next stride. "Run how you feel." Feeling good, go a little faster. Feeling tired, run a little slower. "Run how you feel" is a training method that allows us to stay in the workout without fear.
600 repetitions added to the run. All core.
Crazy 8s are the most beneficial workout for the pack. No other workout keeps the pack together as well for as long. Today the Outside ran 6 miles and the inside ran 4. So despite running 2 extra miles, the folks who made up the outside pack ran next to the inside pack (if even only for a second) twice for every quarter mile.
Basically, 40 people run a 30 second stride diagonally across the grass field inside the track. Regardless of where we are at the end of 30 seconds, we around the turn to the other side of the field, turn, then stride for another 30 seconds. This workout is defined time, variable distance. This workout allows every person in the pack to choose how hard they want to run the next stride. "Run how you feel." Feeling good, go a little faster. Feeling tired, run a little slower. "Run how you feel" is a training method that allows us to stay in the workout without fear.
600 repetitions added to the run. All core.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Friday Fun Day
This Friday was much different than last. Last Fridays Fun Day was such a beating (track workout) that anything less would be fun. Absolutely ideal conditions made this morning a pleasure. Daybreak today was real early. It gets late a lot earlier in the morning these days. Early exercise has significant advantages. Heat, noise, traffic, smog, kids, job and busy life conspire to rob us the opportunity to work out. It is just easier to roll out of bed, feet hit the floor, and go.
Proper exercise should increase energy levels. A body in motion stays in motion and a body at rest stays at rest. If we are not over training, we should leave the workouts feeling refreshed and ready to return the next day. Exercise is a daily routine that add up to a lifestyle of fitness. We have had the pleasure to see hundreds of people adopt this lifestyle and flourish in it.
The Horses ran and did push ups with a few dips and pull ups. The Foxes and a few hound dogs kept the energy level high back at the ranch. We have one more week before the break.
Proper exercise should increase energy levels. A body in motion stays in motion and a body at rest stays at rest. If we are not over training, we should leave the workouts feeling refreshed and ready to return the next day. Exercise is a daily routine that add up to a lifestyle of fitness. We have had the pleasure to see hundreds of people adopt this lifestyle and flourish in it.
The Horses ran and did push ups with a few dips and pull ups. The Foxes and a few hound dogs kept the energy level high back at the ranch. We have one more week before the break.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Church Run
Today was the easiest day of the week. Monday was medium. Tuesday was Hard. Wednesday was medium and Thursday was easy. Friday will be medium and Saturday will be hard. We are running the Fathers Day 4 mile. The entire week is set up for a peak performance on Saturday. This week (race included) is a building block for a higher peak performance on the 4th of July. We are becoming more familiar with and more comfortable with faster paces. So the days went Medium, Hard, Medium, Easy, Medium, Hard.
Racing is the ultimate test of mental and physical toughness. Strapping on the racing flats and lining up never loses its effect. There are dozens of options every weekend. Muddy Buddy, biathlons, triathlons, 5Ks, 10Ks, longer efforts, trail races, track meets...
Many guys and girls have taken their new found fitness to The Club. The tennis players are better able to win a third set and the golfers keep their swing on the back 9. Looking good at the pool is always a good allocation of high fitness.
3 1/2 miles, 555 repetitions of various core exercises. DRINK lots of water.
Racing is the ultimate test of mental and physical toughness. Strapping on the racing flats and lining up never loses its effect. There are dozens of options every weekend. Muddy Buddy, biathlons, triathlons, 5Ks, 10Ks, longer efforts, trail races, track meets...
Many guys and girls have taken their new found fitness to The Club. The tennis players are better able to win a third set and the golfers keep their swing on the back 9. Looking good at the pool is always a good allocation of high fitness.
3 1/2 miles, 555 repetitions of various core exercises. DRINK lots of water.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Hawks Ridge
One of these mornings, you're gonna rise up singing. You'll spread your wings, and take to the sky. Until that morning, nothing can harm you. Your daddy and mommy standing by.
We spread our wings this morning. The boys ran together down the far stairs and half way around the track before running across the field and up the center set of stairs. When the gentlemen returned to the top ridge, the ladies dropped their hand weights and ran the same route. While the sweeties were stretching their lamb chops, the handsome worked shoulders, arms, and back (all upper body). When the chicks returned, the dudes took off. The babes picked up the hand weights and jazzercized until it was again there turn to double-time.
We all ran strides together on the grass at the end of the hour. This is again related to "race simulation." At the end of a race, our form begins to deteriorate. We practice good form when we are tired so we can remain fast and efficient for longer stretches of time and distance.
3.5 miles, 600 repetitions of upper body exercise.
How many workouts have you done?
John S. – 25
Kaffee - 24
Kerry - 23
Prancy – 23
Gary – 22
Holly – 21
Shana – 21
Marc - 21
Michael G. - 21
Jim – 21
Irene - 20
Mary Anne – 20
Caroline – 20
Niki – 19
Cleve – 18
Lucy - 18
Chip H. - 18
Matty - 18
Dave D – 17
John Mears – 17
Jimmy S. – 17
John Oneil - 16
Charles - 16
David B. - 16
Wendy - 16
Mary Blythe – 16
Katie H. - 15
Carolyn – 15
Harriott - 15
Dave B – 14
Lisa - 14
David G. – 12
Allison - 12
Jennifer – 12
John O – 11
Sally - 10
Amy - 9
Slawek - 8
Michael - 8
Steef – 9
Katie - 8
Stephanie – 6
Sean - 7
Mike – 5
Cassie - 7
Jimmy -2
Fred – 2
Charlie - 2
We spread our wings this morning. The boys ran together down the far stairs and half way around the track before running across the field and up the center set of stairs. When the gentlemen returned to the top ridge, the ladies dropped their hand weights and ran the same route. While the sweeties were stretching their lamb chops, the handsome worked shoulders, arms, and back (all upper body). When the chicks returned, the dudes took off. The babes picked up the hand weights and jazzercized until it was again there turn to double-time.
We all ran strides together on the grass at the end of the hour. This is again related to "race simulation." At the end of a race, our form begins to deteriorate. We practice good form when we are tired so we can remain fast and efficient for longer stretches of time and distance.
3.5 miles, 600 repetitions of upper body exercise.
How many workouts have you done?
John S. – 25
Kaffee - 24
Kerry - 23
Prancy – 23
Gary – 22
Holly – 21
Shana – 21
Marc - 21
Michael G. - 21
Jim – 21
Irene - 20
Mary Anne – 20
Caroline – 20
Niki – 19
Cleve – 18
Lucy - 18
Chip H. - 18
Matty - 18
Dave D – 17
John Mears – 17
Jimmy S. – 17
John Oneil - 16
Charles - 16
David B. - 16
Wendy - 16
Mary Blythe – 16
Katie H. - 15
Carolyn – 15
Harriott - 15
Dave B – 14
Lisa - 14
David G. – 12
Allison - 12
Jennifer – 12
John O – 11
Sally - 10
Amy - 9
Slawek - 8
Michael - 8
Steef – 9
Katie - 8
Stephanie – 6
Sean - 7
Mike – 5
Cassie - 7
Jimmy -2
Fred – 2
Charlie - 2
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Split Squad
We need to drink more water today than we usually drink. We need to drink so much water it becomes annoying how many times we have to go to the bathroom. We are ramping up our physical output at the same time the heat and humidity are rising.
The big group did a core workout this morning. We ran strides in between repetitions of mostly abdomen exercise. We have been taking it easy on the grass(not running on it) for a few days now. We hope to get back on the field tomorrow.
The smaller group ran 3X1 mile @ 10K race pace. This was a continuation of yesterdays "race simulation". We ran one on the track(simulates start), one from the 3 mile mark to the 4 mile mark ( up "cardiac hill"), then ran the final mile on the track (simulates finish). We worked on pace recognition. The idea is to get to know and become comfortable with a pace that can be sustained over 3 to 6 miles. This workout concluded the HARD portion of this weeks training. The rest of the week will be in preparation of Saturdays 4 mile race at Turner Field.
How many workouts have you done?
John S. – 25
Kerry - 23
Kaffee - 23
Prancy - 22
Holly – 21
Gary – 21
Shana – 20
Marc - 20
Michael G. - 20
Jim – 20
Irene - 20
Mary Anne – 19
Caroline – 19
Niki – 18
Cleve – 18
Lucy - 17
Chip H. - 17
Matty - 17
Dave D – 17
John Oneil - 16
John Mears – 16
Charles - 16
Jimmy S. – 16
David B. - 15
Katie H. - 15
Wendy - 15
Mary Blythe – 15
Carolyn – 14
Harriott - 14
Dave B – 13
Lisa - 13
David G. – 12
John O - 11
Allison - 11
Jennifer - 11
Amy - 9
Slawek - 8
Sally - 9
Michael - 8
Steef – 9
Katie - 8
Stephanie – 6
Sean - 7
Mike – 4
Cassie - 6
Jimmy -1
Fred - 1
The big group did a core workout this morning. We ran strides in between repetitions of mostly abdomen exercise. We have been taking it easy on the grass(not running on it) for a few days now. We hope to get back on the field tomorrow.
The smaller group ran 3X1 mile @ 10K race pace. This was a continuation of yesterdays "race simulation". We ran one on the track(simulates start), one from the 3 mile mark to the 4 mile mark ( up "cardiac hill"), then ran the final mile on the track (simulates finish). We worked on pace recognition. The idea is to get to know and become comfortable with a pace that can be sustained over 3 to 6 miles. This workout concluded the HARD portion of this weeks training. The rest of the week will be in preparation of Saturdays 4 mile race at Turner Field.
How many workouts have you done?
John S. – 25
Kerry - 23
Kaffee - 23
Prancy - 22
Holly – 21
Gary – 21
Shana – 20
Marc - 20
Michael G. - 20
Jim – 20
Irene - 20
Mary Anne – 19
Caroline – 19
Niki – 18
Cleve – 18
Lucy - 17
Chip H. - 17
Matty - 17
Dave D – 17
John Oneil - 16
John Mears – 16
Charles - 16
Jimmy S. – 16
David B. - 15
Katie H. - 15
Wendy - 15
Mary Blythe – 15
Carolyn – 14
Harriott - 14
Dave B – 13
Lisa - 13
David G. – 12
John O - 11
Allison - 11
Jennifer - 11
Amy - 9
Slawek - 8
Sally - 9
Michael - 8
Steef – 9
Katie - 8
Stephanie – 6
Sean - 7
Mike – 4
Cassie - 6
Jimmy -1
Fred - 1
Monday, June 14, 2010
Race simulation
The first 3 miles of the PTRR is flat to down hill. From 3 to 5 1/2 is up. This morning we worked the equivalent of 3 miles at 10K race pace by mixing exercise into strides around the neighborhood. Then we ran up a big hill (kind of like PTRR).
4 miles, 620 reps of legs.
To be continued tomorrow.
4 miles, 620 reps of legs.
To be continued tomorrow.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Stadium Stairs/ Strides/ Strength Training
We aspire to have the best grass in Atlanta. But, you cant smoke it. We are laying the ground work on our little slice of Earth for a surface fit for Kings and Queens. We already have the finest group of participants. Lets make our facility the best. Lets see..... bathroom?...Check! (thanks Sumerour), Good Grass? ... Check!(Thanks PRUMC), Exclusive/Private? ... Check!(thanks E Rivers).
Out of nessesity, we created a new workout this morning. We slapped together the old Rage workout with Bricks. Lets call it "Hawks Ridge." We separated the Guys from the Gals. The Boys lifted weights and watched from their lofty pearch while the Girls swooped down and around the field before returning to high ground. Then the Ladies rocked the roost while the Gentlemen took their turn at spreading thier wings (winged feet).
Oh baby. Summertime, and the living is easy. Fish are jumping and the Garden is high. Your Daddy's rich, and your Mama's good looking. So hush little baby. Baby don't you cry.
3 miles, 600 repetitions of various upper body exercise.
Out of nessesity, we created a new workout this morning. We slapped together the old Rage workout with Bricks. Lets call it "Hawks Ridge." We separated the Guys from the Gals. The Boys lifted weights and watched from their lofty pearch while the Girls swooped down and around the field before returning to high ground. Then the Ladies rocked the roost while the Gentlemen took their turn at spreading thier wings (winged feet).
Oh baby. Summertime, and the living is easy. Fish are jumping and the Garden is high. Your Daddy's rich, and your Mama's good looking. So hush little baby. Baby don't you cry.
3 miles, 600 repetitions of various upper body exercise.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Church Run

Amy Glamor and the 40 thieves. Thats was it. A pack, dressed in black, sneaking around before sun up. There were party hats which we are sure confused the casual observer.
Speaking of casual observer, we have been experimenting with the thought process that proceeds action in a workout. A few times a week we push ourselves into an uncomfortable position. When our mind observes the pain, the usual thought is one of aversion. We say, sometime out loud, " I cant do it." Rather than conceed to the negative, critical mind of "NO", we have been trying to observe the physical uncomfortableness casualy with curiosity. Its as if we are saying to ourselves " gee wiz, are we really running this fast? Golly, we are having a hard time breathing. That is interesting. How far can we go at this pace?"
"Apperception is the Direct Observation of Whatever-IS AS it IS without projecting any preconceived notions onto/into the Observation, and thus Totally un-attached to and un-influenced by Whatever-IS Observed. A Witnessing, a Recognition. Likened perhaps to the new born, Open to input rather than projecting definitions.">> -- Yogajyotii
We got a preview of The Big Dog Preachers (formerly known as only "the preacher") first sermon. "Observe with openness, outside of yourself." Man do we love that one. Imagine we are hammering down Peachtree and the Negative mind says"Stop". Yet the observer is watching the sunrise through the trees and listening to the sound of the birds chirping. Those observer dudes are open to the experience, and are not fighting anything or anybody, or themsevles.
We ran North to Presbyterian(V Crunches), then East to Meadow(Plank Crunches) then short hop to Duck pond( 8 count body builders), Further North/West to Catholic (sit ups/flutter kicks/push ups), East to Baptist back lot (stairs) then Garden Hills neighborhood(V Crunches), Soccer field (coregasm http://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/moves-to-make-you-coregasm?cm_mmc=Newsletter-_-2010_Jun_07-_-Dose-_-readon), Elementary (push ups/back bends). Then Welcome to Moes for side crunches. We stopped one last time at Episcopal for 60 dips followed by 30 push ups (observe with curiosity).
The Total on 6/9/10 was 69X10 = 690 and 4 1/2 miles. We thanked the winter crew for paying such a high price in the winter weather to get us to these perfect conditions today.
Speaking of casual observer, we have been experimenting with the thought process that proceeds action in a workout. A few times a week we push ourselves into an uncomfortable position. When our mind observes the pain, the usual thought is one of aversion. We say, sometime out loud, " I cant do it." Rather than conceed to the negative, critical mind of "NO", we have been trying to observe the physical uncomfortableness casualy with curiosity. Its as if we are saying to ourselves " gee wiz, are we really running this fast? Golly, we are having a hard time breathing. That is interesting. How far can we go at this pace?"
"Apperception is the Direct Observation of Whatever-IS AS it IS without projecting any preconceived notions onto/into the Observation, and thus Totally un-attached to and un-influenced by Whatever-IS Observed. A Witnessing, a Recognition. Likened perhaps to the new born, Open to input rather than projecting definitions.">> -- Yogajyotii
We got a preview of The Big Dog Preachers (formerly known as only "the preacher") first sermon. "Observe with openness, outside of yourself." Man do we love that one. Imagine we are hammering down Peachtree and the Negative mind says"Stop". Yet the observer is watching the sunrise through the trees and listening to the sound of the birds chirping. Those observer dudes are open to the experience, and are not fighting anything or anybody, or themsevles.
We ran North to Presbyterian(V Crunches), then East to Meadow(Plank Crunches) then short hop to Duck pond( 8 count body builders), Further North/West to Catholic (sit ups/flutter kicks/push ups), East to Baptist back lot (stairs) then Garden Hills neighborhood(V Crunches), Soccer field (coregasm http://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/moves-to-make-you-coregasm?cm_mmc=Newsletter-_-2010_Jun_07-_-Dose-_-readon), Elementary (push ups/back bends). Then Welcome to Moes for side crunches. We stopped one last time at Episcopal for 60 dips followed by 30 push ups (observe with curiosity).
The Total on 6/9/10 was 69X10 = 690 and 4 1/2 miles. We thanked the winter crew for paying such a high price in the winter weather to get us to these perfect conditions today.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
It was another beautiful, cool morning on the proving ground near Peachtree. We had a nice crowd. We started with a few laps and some stretching. Then we ran suicides with push ups, one long stair case and a quarter mile stride and we were ready to start the workout. We split in two groups. One group remained on the field while the other ran up a double set of stairs to "the stump garden."
The Stump Garden is an out door classroom perfect for stair step aerobics and other various exercises. It is perfect for group training.
Ten minutes later the groups switched locations and continued working lower body muscles. On the second switch the center set of stairs was used for "bar" exercise. This looks a lot like ballet. It cranks our leg muscles pretty good.
We are calling it 3 miles and 700 repetitions of various exercise. Medium day.
We have had some issues with nagging injury. If we run our cars hard every day, they are going to need maitenance. The same goes for our body. We work out every day. Most of us work out all the days. It is important to walk that razor thin line between training hard/smart and overtraining. Protect yourself during the workouts. Drink tons of water. Show up ON TIME and warm up properly. Dont show up five minutes after six having just gotten out of bed and try and jump into this pack.
John S. – 22 out of 22
Kerry - 21
Holly - 20
Kaffee - 19
Marc - 18
Prancy - 18
Michael G. - 17
Gary - 17
Jim – 17
Chip H. - 16
Caroline - 16
Mary Anne – 16
Irene - 16
Matty - 16
Shana – 15
Niki - 14
Cleve - 14
John Mears – 14
Dave D - 13
Charles - 13
Jimmy S. - 13
Katie H. - 13
Wendy - 12
Mary Blythe – 12
Lucy - 12
John Oneil - 12
Carolyn - 11
David G. – 11
Dave B – 11
John O - 10
David B. - 10
Harriott - 10
Allison - 9
Lisa - 9
Amy - 9
Slawek - 8
Sally - 7
Michael - 7
Steef – 7
Katie - 7
Jennifer - 7
Stephanie – 6
Sean - 4
Mike – 4
Cassie - 3
The Stump Garden is an out door classroom perfect for stair step aerobics and other various exercises. It is perfect for group training.
Ten minutes later the groups switched locations and continued working lower body muscles. On the second switch the center set of stairs was used for "bar" exercise. This looks a lot like ballet. It cranks our leg muscles pretty good.
We are calling it 3 miles and 700 repetitions of various exercise. Medium day.
We have had some issues with nagging injury. If we run our cars hard every day, they are going to need maitenance. The same goes for our body. We work out every day. Most of us work out all the days. It is important to walk that razor thin line between training hard/smart and overtraining. Protect yourself during the workouts. Drink tons of water. Show up ON TIME and warm up properly. Dont show up five minutes after six having just gotten out of bed and try and jump into this pack.
John S. – 22 out of 22
Kerry - 21
Holly - 20
Kaffee - 19
Marc - 18
Prancy - 18
Michael G. - 17
Gary - 17
Jim – 17
Chip H. - 16
Caroline - 16
Mary Anne – 16
Irene - 16
Matty - 16
Shana – 15
Niki - 14
Cleve - 14
John Mears – 14
Dave D - 13
Charles - 13
Jimmy S. - 13
Katie H. - 13
Wendy - 12
Mary Blythe – 12
Lucy - 12
John Oneil - 12
Carolyn - 11
David G. – 11
Dave B – 11
John O - 10
David B. - 10
Harriott - 10
Allison - 9
Lisa - 9
Amy - 9
Slawek - 8
Sally - 7
Michael - 7
Steef – 7
Katie - 7
Jennifer - 7
Stephanie – 6
Sean - 4
Mike – 4
Cassie - 3
Monday, June 7, 2010
Crazy 8s
Atlanta is a running town. Atlanta hosts the largest 10K in the world. Atlanta hosted the Olympics. The Atlanta Track Club is one of the two largest and most active clubs in America. The changing seasons allow for outdoor activity year around.
The Peachtree Road Race is on the 4th of July. There is nothing more American than waking up, lacing up and lining up in front of Lenox with 55 thousand of your closest friends(in your underwear). The beautiful thing about the PTRR is the PTRR is a beautiful thing. Everything about it. Helicopters, T.V. coverage, Africans (and the other fastest), Bands, Cheering crowds, costumes, Piedmont Park, Marta, colors, smells... The only thing that sucks is the 5th mile.
We (all of us) are completely exposed (fitness wise) in the annual journey. We can not fake it here. Oh sure, we can and usually do make excuses. But, the results don't change. We (in a fitness way)are our results. So, if we really want a goal we can all shoot for, the fourth of July is it. It is every ones birthday, and we are all having a party that everyone is invited to. So lets spend the next 3 weeks preparing for our party.
6 miles, 600 repetitions of various core exercise. Good party preparations.
John S. – 21 out of 21
Kerry - 20
Holly - 19
Kaffee - 18
Marc - 17
Prancy - 17
Michael G. - 16
Gary - 16
Irene - 16
Jim - 16
Caroline - 16
Mary Anne - 15
Matty - 15
Shana – 15
Niki - 14
Cleve - 13
Chip H. - 13
John Mears – 13
Dave D - 13
Lucy - 12
John Oneil - 12
Charles - 12
Jimmy S. - 12
Katie H. - 12
Carolyn - 11
David G. – 11
Wendy - 11
Mary Blythe - 11
Dave B – 11
John O - 10
David B. - 10
Harriott - 9
Allison - 8
Lisa - 8
Amy - 8
Sally - 7
Slawek - 7
Michael - 7
Steef – 7
Stephanie – 6
Katie - 6
Jennifer - 6
Cassie - 3
Sean - 3
Mike – 3
The Peachtree Road Race is on the 4th of July. There is nothing more American than waking up, lacing up and lining up in front of Lenox with 55 thousand of your closest friends(in your underwear). The beautiful thing about the PTRR is the PTRR is a beautiful thing. Everything about it. Helicopters, T.V. coverage, Africans (and the other fastest), Bands, Cheering crowds, costumes, Piedmont Park, Marta, colors, smells... The only thing that sucks is the 5th mile.
We (all of us) are completely exposed (fitness wise) in the annual journey. We can not fake it here. Oh sure, we can and usually do make excuses. But, the results don't change. We (in a fitness way)are our results. So, if we really want a goal we can all shoot for, the fourth of July is it. It is every ones birthday, and we are all having a party that everyone is invited to. So lets spend the next 3 weeks preparing for our party.
6 miles, 600 repetitions of various core exercise. Good party preparations.
John S. – 21 out of 21
Kerry - 20
Holly - 19
Kaffee - 18
Marc - 17
Prancy - 17
Michael G. - 16
Gary - 16
Irene - 16
Jim - 16
Caroline - 16
Mary Anne - 15
Matty - 15
Shana – 15
Niki - 14
Cleve - 13
Chip H. - 13
John Mears – 13
Dave D - 13
Lucy - 12
John Oneil - 12
Charles - 12
Jimmy S. - 12
Katie H. - 12
Carolyn - 11
David G. – 11
Wendy - 11
Mary Blythe - 11
Dave B – 11
John O - 10
David B. - 10
Harriott - 9
Allison - 8
Lisa - 8
Amy - 8
Sally - 7
Slawek - 7
Michael - 7
Steef – 7
Stephanie – 6
Katie - 6
Jennifer - 6
Cassie - 3
Sean - 3
Mike – 3
Friday, June 4, 2010
Friday Fun Day
Jeffrey took the Foxes and the Hounds. The Horses went south 3 1/2 then back. The summertime heat and humidity is beginning to take its toll. Make sure to drink plenty of water. Early indications are positive for a Sunday run at 7:30AM from the corner of 10th and Charles Allen. A tan can help you look thin.
Push ups – When starting a fitness program, be careful not to over do it. If you can only do 10 real push ups with good form, then drop to your knees. Head up, back straight.
Push ups – When starting a fitness program, be careful not to over do it. If you can only do 10 real push ups with good form, then drop to your knees. Head up, back straight.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Today was day 19 of 35. There are 16 more workouts in this session. For most folks, making 16 over the last 3 weeks and a day would match or exceed their 4 week total. Most elite athletes/fitness nuts do something every day. Their mind set is; eat, sleep, workout, repeat. We spend our lives eating, sleeping and working out. Everything else is in preparation to eat, sleep and work out. If one of these gets messed up, the other two usually suffer.
John S. – 19 out of 19
Kerry - 18
Kaffee - 17
Holly - 17
Marc - 16
Prancy - 16
Michael G. - 15
Gary - 15
Irene - 14
Jim - 14
Caroline - 14
Mary Anne - 14
Matty - 13
Cleve - 13
Shana - 13
Chip H. - 12
Niki - 12
Lucy - 11
John Mears - 11
John Oneil - 11
Charles - 11
Jimmy S. - 11
Dave D - 11
Carolyn - 10
Katie H. - 10
David G. – 10
John O - 10
Wendy - 10
David B. - 10
Mary Blythe - 9
Dave B – 9
Harriott - 7
Allison - 7
Lisa - 7
Amy - 6
Katie - 6
Sally - 6
Slawek - 6
Stephanie - 6
Michael - 6
Steef – 6
Jennifer - 5
Cassie - 3
Sean - 3
Mike – 1
We ran a muscogee mile. All the times were good. Folks are fast and getting faster. Then we worked arms, shoulders and back on the field for 40 minutes using 5 pound weights with 120 meter strides for recovery between sets of exercise. After working for 50 straight minutes, we lined up and ran 2 X 800. This type of workout closely simulates racing.
1) Line up and take off
2) work
3) Finish hard
John S. – 19 out of 19
Kerry - 18
Kaffee - 17
Holly - 17
Marc - 16
Prancy - 16
Michael G. - 15
Gary - 15
Irene - 14
Jim - 14
Caroline - 14
Mary Anne - 14
Matty - 13
Cleve - 13
Shana - 13
Chip H. - 12
Niki - 12
Lucy - 11
John Mears - 11
John Oneil - 11
Charles - 11
Jimmy S. - 11
Dave D - 11
Carolyn - 10
Katie H. - 10
David G. – 10
John O - 10
Wendy - 10
David B. - 10
Mary Blythe - 9
Dave B – 9
Harriott - 7
Allison - 7
Lisa - 7
Amy - 6
Katie - 6
Sally - 6
Slawek - 6
Stephanie - 6
Michael - 6
Steef – 6
Jennifer - 5
Cassie - 3
Sean - 3
Mike – 1
We ran a muscogee mile. All the times were good. Folks are fast and getting faster. Then we worked arms, shoulders and back on the field for 40 minutes using 5 pound weights with 120 meter strides for recovery between sets of exercise. After working for 50 straight minutes, we lined up and ran 2 X 800. This type of workout closely simulates racing.
1) Line up and take off
2) work
3) Finish hard
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
555 Church Run/ 730 crazy 8s
555: We had a little fun today. We ran an old school church run which was about 4 miles and knocked out 700 repetitions of various core exercise. We hit all the churches North of Peachtree Battle and South of Fellini's. The paces were easy for the most part. We hit the stairs in the Baptist back lot pretty hard, as well as the horse shoe driveway in front of St. Phillips.
The costume party was in honor of our missing Birthday girl.
730: Steamy. The sun light hit the field right a 7:29. The field was wet with the morning dew. As the temperate rose, so did the steam. This group did an outstanding job of working together and feeding off each others energy. Four miles and 500 repetitions of various core exercises.
It is critically important to drink extra water. Water will help us lose weight, increase recovery, and stay cool in the summer heat. Drink extra water starting right now.
The costume party was in honor of our missing Birthday girl.
730: Steamy. The sun light hit the field right a 7:29. The field was wet with the morning dew. As the temperate rose, so did the steam. This group did an outstanding job of working together and feeding off each others energy. Four miles and 500 repetitions of various core exercises.
It is critically important to drink extra water. Water will help us lose weight, increase recovery, and stay cool in the summer heat. Drink extra water starting right now.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Summer Time Rolls
Let the dog days begin. We have a few folks who made the Monday, Tuesday workouts. Monday was hard. Tuesday was medium. Monday the front group ran 8 miles and did 800 repetitions of various core exercises. That's 8 and 800 for those of us keeping score at home. No Joke.
Tuesday we warmed up an extra lap, stretched extra, did a set of suicides which extended the warm up, then split into two groups. One group started in the stump garden while the other was on the field. We switched places, then switched again and again. Today's primary focus was on lower body exercise.
Who completed the Mon/Tues double?
John S. - 17
Kerry - 16
Holly - 15
Marc - 14
Irene - 12
Dave D - 11
Niki - 11
Amy - 4
Tuesday we warmed up an extra lap, stretched extra, did a set of suicides which extended the warm up, then split into two groups. One group started in the stump garden while the other was on the field. We switched places, then switched again and again. Today's primary focus was on lower body exercise.
Who completed the Mon/Tues double?
John S. - 17
Kerry - 16
Holly - 15
Marc - 14
Irene - 12
Dave D - 11
Niki - 11
Amy - 4
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