Tuesday, May 25, 2010


There are no slow people in Boot Camp. Starting sometime last winter, in the teeth of cold spell that seemed to never end, we laid down a base that has given us power and endourance. Now, we are building speed on top of the base. Easy, medium and hard strides activate fast twitch muscles that enable us to traverse the earth with primal speed.

Today we warmed up easy with a set of suisides. We split into 4 groups at each corner. The first group started on the 3rd turn, the second group on the first turn, the 3rd group on the Fourth turn and the most important group on the second turn. Then the second group ran diagonally to the 3rd turn passing the first group on their way to the first turn. Apon reaching our respective turns, we commenced to exercise lower body muscles. While 1 & 2 were exercising, The Most Important Group (MIG) ran from the second turn to the fourth turn passing the third group leaving the fourth turn arriving at the second turn. Apon reaching each respective turn, we exercised lower body muscles while 1&2 ran. There are always two groups running while two groups exercise. This routine is dead medium. The miles are fewer but the exercises are greater.

We estimate 3 miles, 750 repetitions.

We were reminded today how important it is to make visitors feel welcome at our house. Individually, we are the kindest most charming types you may every meet. Collectively, we are a wild pack of beast that intimidate and strike fear into all of those outside the pack.

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