Friday, October 1, 2010


500 repetitions of core exercise (80 push ups, 60 back bends, 360 abdomen)

35:35 running time, 7:07 pace per mile for 5 miles, 3 minutes average recovery(exercise) per mile. 50 minutes total.

Let us know if there is another group than can hammer out 5 miles and 500 reps in 50 minutes.

PBC ( Princess Boot Camp): 4 miles 500 reps all core on the Frankie Allen ball fields. Robo babe, Alpha Female, Lamb Chops, Track Star, & MacTacular kept the tempo up. They hammered it out quickly as well, with a really strong finish.


#162–Your morning cup of joe (or your afternoon or evening cup for those a bit more addicted) may do more than wake you up. The caffeine in coffee (or in sodas, etc) actually stimulates the brain to release stored levels of serotonin, a hormone that makes you feel happy and euphoric. One of the four main neurotransmitters which helps us regulate mood, serotonin’s importance can be highlighted by an addict who misses his morning dose–you don’t want to be around him! Why? Well, the increase in serotonin is temporary. And when levels in the body diminish, they usually fall below baseline. So the guy who missed his dose of coffee is in desperate need of the caffeine to lift him up and trigger serotonin to be released so he can find his happy place. Additionally, the caffeine often inhibits the body’s desire for protein–one of the building blocks essential for serotonin production–so the java junkie doesn’t eat protein in amounts sufficient to make more of this happy hormone. So, like a sponge being squeezed of its contents, every time the brain is forced to release serotonin due to caffeine intake, the levels available to the body decrease. Eventually, more and more stimulants (not only caffeine but sugar, as well) are necessary to release the same amount of serotonin. And this can result in what’s called serotonin debt. SSRI’s are then commonly prescribed by doctors (or requested by patients who’ve seen too many commercials telling them that Prozac or Lexapro is the answer) and the addiction continues….

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