Friday, October 29, 2010

Costume Party

Tattoo Joe Likes Aerobics Teacher
Boot Camp Instructor a Legend in His Own Mind

Hot Dog? or Wiener?

Jane Fonda? or Flashdancer?
Thanks to all the others not pictured who dressed up as well. A special thanks to the kids who live on Dellwood. They jumped out and scared the big "fearless men" exercising on their lawn.
Not pictured above is Matty dressed as Prancy. Dont worry; pictures would not do justice to the act. The act was over the top (OMG).

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Jazzercize/Stairs -

We rocked E Rivers this morning. Exercises took place on the ridge in between the center set of stairs and the far set of stairs. We averaged 50 reps of various upper body exercise with 5 pound weights. Then, ran easy down the far set of stairs, a little faster around the track then hammered across the center of the field and up the center set of stairs. Then, repeated that 11 more times.

3.75 miles, 600 reps

PBC did the same workout on the PRUMC campus. We traded out stairs for 800s. We finished with 2 hard half miles.

Tomorrow morning at 555 is an open workout. We are inviting anyone and everyone who wants to have fun before dawn. There will be exercise. Please wear a costume. Costumes are not required for participation. This may be a little out of hand.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Out and Back

We had another stud crowd this morning. The level of fitness in this group has elevated to above average. The pack holds the standard through out the days weeks and months of every year. Some of the names and faces in the pack change but the pack has been pretty consistent and reliable. Today, the pack raised the standard. Atlanta's Elite Boot Camp redefined a medium effort workout.

We ran North up Peachtree. We stopped early and often. In fact, we stopped fourteen times in a two mile run (about every 200 meters or a half a lap around the track). Fourteen times we cranked out 50 repetitions of various core body exercises. Twice we survived 100 reps. We finished our 800th rep on the front steps of PRUMC. Then, we lined up and raced back down the hill.

4 miles, 800 reps.

PBC did the exact same workout in reverse. They had two separate cat call from passing cars. They are always a thing of beauty.

Group training and racing is only partly about personal achievement and improvement. A large part is fellowship. We become familiar with the other folks in the group. We become comfortable with them. Friendships grow.

Peter brought people together every spring for fitness and friendship. While the Azaleas were blooming, hundreds gathered together in a loving spirit with the hope that is alive in the spring time.

Peter passed away this week. He was a child. The Preacher talked this morning about feeling the spirit in the wind. We would like to believe his was the wind beneath our winged feet.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Church Run

The Church Run has evolved into a conversationally paced, high exercise repetition workout. We have become accustomed to working our lower body in this workout.

It was hot again this morning. It was muggy. In order, we did: Stair Step Aerobics(SSA), Wall Sit, Lunges, SSA, Squats, Lunges, Standing (against tree) Leg Raises, Lying Hip Rotators (little tiny circles), Sitting Leg Raises (Firing inner- thighs) Standing leg raises, Kick Boxing Kicks and Round House Kicks, Leg Curls in Plank, Lying Leg Presses, Plie, Calf Raises, and finally, The morning devotional from The Preacher. We ran home a mile after all this.

The total was 3 miles and 800 reps.

PBC did the exact same workout in Frankie Allen.

Leslie 22
Harriott 20
Kaffee 20
John S 19
Gary 17
Holly 17
Dave B 16
Matthew 16
Caroline 15
Fred 15
Mary 15
Mary Blythe 15
Cleve 14
Jennifer 14
John O 14
Allison 13
Amy 13
Charlie 13
Irene 13
Jimmy F 13
Lisa 13
Slawek 13
Dave D 12
Miller 12
Carolyn 11
Michael 9
Prancey 9
Charles 8
Kerry 8
Lisa M. 8
Lucy 7
Sally 7
Colby 6
Scott 6
Marc 5
John Mears 4
Big John 3

Liz 18
Susie Mac 17
Jenny 15
Kristin 15
David B 14
Kathleen 13
Missy 10
Mary D 10
Anne 7

Monday, October 25, 2010

Crazy 8s

Man was it hot. Uniform of the day was shorts and short sleeve shirt. We had a nice size crowd. It was pretty evenly split between studs and studettes.

We started right in with the exercise. We cranked out core only. We didn't even do a push up. It was all middle.

This is how beautiful the workout went:

At 2 1/2 miles and 250 repetitions of various of work, Jimmy C says "I just felt a rain drop." Ten seconds later we all felt the rain drops. They came few and far between. They would not have likely suspended play at Augusta National. It was more of welcome cool mist to wash away the sweat on our brow. It seemed to invigorate the pack and helped keep the paces up.

We finished on time. 5 miles 500 repetitions.

Princess Boot Camp was not as lucky. It was raining cats and dogs. They got a kinder gentler beating than the normal indoor beating.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Bobby Jones

Setting out this morning, we believed that the nearly full moon was going to give us enough light to navigate our weekly golf course tour. As you can see on the map (click the link above), we ran south on Peachtree to Colonial Homes, ran West to the bottom of the hill then picked up the pedestrian walkway along side of the Golf Course. We stopped every half mile for exercise.

We ran on Northside Dr for a 100 meters before heading down to Bitsy Grant. We were greeted by another boot camp as we flew by then disappeared into the dark. The Golf course was beautiful but the moon had already set. The dark was good for hiding from the green keepers but did not help with our footing. We were going really slow so as to not step on a duck or a snake or the guy/girl next to us.

We ran through the neighborhood on our way back to our cars. We stopped at our friends house and sounded off for a 20 count of side crunches. We are pretty sure we woke someone up.

4 miles 600 reps. All core.

PBC did Jazzercize in Frankie Allen. Most of the changes that occur in Boot Camp are a result of experimentation with Hot Moms. Today we did combinations. An example would be: biceps curls while lunging. These lovely ladies did 525 reps of exercise combinations. This was a fairly comprehensive/advanced workout.

Leslie 20
Kaffee 19
Harriott 18
John S 17
Miller 15
Matthew 15
Holly 15
Gary 15
John O 14
Dave B 14
Caroline 14
Slawek 13
Mary Blythe 13
Mary 13
Fred 13
Lisa 12
Jimmy F 12
Jennifer 12
Irene 12
Cleve 12
Charlie 12
Allison 12
Dave D 11
Carolyn 11
Amy 11
Michael 8
Kerry 8
Prancey 7
Lucy 7
Lisa M. 7
Charles 7
Scott 6
Sally 6
Colby 6
Marc 5
Big John 3
John Mears 2

Liz 17
Susie Mac 15
Jenny 14
Kristin 14
David B 13
Kathleen 11
Missy 8
Mary D 8
Anne 7
Mary B 6
Tamson 4

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 19 of 30

We are nearly two thirds of the way through this session. Some of us are effecting a significant change in our fitness. Toady's workout demonstrated that. There were more than a few studs & studette's who appeared this morning. Knowing the special quality of the crowd (race team), we made an addition to our normal routine.

Thursday has been Jazzercise day on average this year. We line up the boys and the girls separately. One group runs 120 meters down and back while the other group cranks out various upper body exercises with hand weight. When the runners reappear from the dark, the groups switch. We listen to music and talk while we work. This workout usually fairly easy.

Twice during the workout, we walked off the yard and on to the track. We then lined up. Universally, no matter where on earth you go, a quarter mile oval has a start/finish line. One of the most common units of timed distance in a track workout is one lap. "The Quarter" is a distance we can run nearly flat out. As we cruised through the finish, we could hear a number being called out. That is a number we carry around with us as a reminder of how fast we run.

3 miles, 500 reps, 2 hard quarters (71, 69.9)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Long Run in Disguise

At 555AM (triple nickel) this morning, the air was hot and wet. It wasn't a sauna, but it was seasonally steamy. There is a rumor that the Indian Summer is ending today or tomorrow. There was also mention of an annual benefit we always love; the switch back to Standard Time. Do we love getting an extra hour of sleep? Please, we work out every day. We need every second of rest and recovery we can get. Although, it is a little unusual going to sleep at 7:30PM, having had dinner at 5.

We set out this morning in search of dry ground. As there was none, we never stopped. We kept moving, running. We finished our third mile this morning at PRUMC (a.k.a. The Church) which also serves as the second mile of the world famous Peachtree Road Race. We stopped for 10 minutes and stretched on the front stairs of The Chapel. Then we lined up, fired The Gun (not really) and cruised a tempo mile. The final mile was a cool down. So from an elevation standpoint (see the link for elevation chart), we ran easy up hill to the high point, stretched, hammered the false flat then easily finished the steep decent.

PBC split up and ran long. Todays menu was 1) out and back (Valley) 2) Point to Point (Lowes on Peachtree Industrial). 8:45 was ideal for running



Leslie 18
Kaffee 17
Harriott 16
John S 16
Gary 13
Holly 13
Matthew 13
Caroline 12
Cleve 12
Dave B 12
Fred 12
John O 12
Mary 12
Slawek 12
Allison 11
Charlie 11
Jennifer 11
Jimmy F 11
Lisa 11
Mary Blythe 11
Amy 10
Carolyn 10
Dave D 10
Irene 10
Kerry 8
Miller 8
Lisa M. 7
Michael 7
Colby 6
Sally 6
Scott 6
Charles 5
Lucy 5
Prancey 5
Big John 3
Marc 3
John Mears 2


Liz 16
Susie Mac 14
Jenny 13
Kristin 13
David B 12
Kathleen 10
Missy 8
Mary D 8
Mary B 6
Anne 6
Tamson 4

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 18

After burning up the track yesterday, we slowed things down a bit today. It was no day off. We had a medium effort day on campus. We did an old school workout focused on legs. We started with stair step aerobics and legs presses in the stump garden. We circled the school a few times trying to utilize everything the old school has to offer. At the top of the center set of stairs are picnic benches we used for reverse leg lifts. We used the swing sets for leg curls and presses. Of course we used the track and the retaining wall on the front stretch. In all we exercised 900 repetitions of hamstrings, hips, thighs, quads & calves. We even threw a 76 second quarter into the middle of it. We ran a 3 lap cool down after the exercises to round the distance up to 3 miles.

PBC ran to Lenox, over the foot bridge and through the Village of Buckhead back to PRUMC where we started. The Hot Moms cranked out 780 reps and decided ON THERE OWN to run a hard half at the end of the work out. Impressive.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Speed Work

There are the "three legs of the stool" that create the balance found in every boot camp; strength, flexability and endurance. If you want "stool", that is what you get.

PRUMC Boot Campers are four legged animals. We have the other three plus we have SPEED. Speed baby. Speed Racer. The need for speed. Sorry Gordon G., we take speed over greed.

Speed, for lack of a better word, is good. Speed is right. Speed works. Speed clarifies, cuts through, and captures, the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Speed, in all of its forms; Speed for life, for money, for love, knowledge, has marked the upward surge of mankind and Speed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the U.S.A.

We took turns this morning blazing down the back stretch, cruising around the turn then legging it up the front, back to the basketball court where we rested with 40 repetitions of various core exercise and a few seconds of stretching.

There were two groups. The final few jail breaks featured all quick Richards.

3.5 miles. 500 reps.

PBC enjoyed a day at the park. Ten fitness fanatics knocked out 3.5 miles and 580 repetitions of various core exercise. A couple of Bucks kept the Doe's on the run. The breathless beauties make it look easy.

Leslie 16
Kaffee 15
John S. 14
Harriott 14
Cleve 12
Slaw Dog 12
Matty 12
Dave B 12
Holly 11
John O. 11
Mary Blythe 11
Jimmy F 11
Jennifer 10
Gary 10
Fred 10
Mary 10
Amy 9
Lisa 9
Irene 9
Carolyn 9
Allison 9
David D 9
Charlie 9
Miller 8
Kerry 7
Lisa M 6
Michael 6
Prancy 5
Colby 6
Scott 6
Sally 5
Charles 4
Big John 3
Marc 3
Lucy 4


Liz 14 -
Susie Mac 12
David B 11
Kristin 12
Jenny 11
Missy 8
Kathleen 8
Mary D 8
Anne M 6
Mary B 6
Tamson 4

Congratulations to John S. who full filled his destiny in a 10K yesterday, 40.53, third over all Master, reclaimed his strangle hold on PRUMC M1.

Friday, October 15, 2010

The One One

We warmed up with an extra lap around the track this morning. Then, we lined up on Peachtree Battle and sent 3 groups off in waves. The waves crashed into each other toward the top of Muscogee before the run off down Peachtree and back to the starting line. The square city block is exactly one mile. We reeled of 100 repetitions of various core exercises on the pine straw next to the start/finish line.

Then we ran South on Peachtree Rd with one stop off (another 100 core reps). We lined up again at the 3 Peach painted on Peachtree. In waves, we sent 3 groups on an up hill mile adventure that finished at the 4 Peach painted on Peachtree. There is a large sidewalk area at the PTRR 4 mile mark that was perfect for our final exercises. We did, 60 squats, 50 lunges, 50 leg lifts, and 50 side kicks. We waited for a minute for the Fur Bus to pick us up for a magical mystery tour back to the bottom of the hill. As no Bus arrived, we ran back?

4 miles (a lot up hill) 400 reps.

PBC (3 of the core 4) ran long on Valley. Lizzard was spotted running on West Paces.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 14 Crazy 8

Thursday Day 14 was a grind. Mondays are easy because we are rested and excited about weekend stories to share. Tuesday and Wednesday are rhythm days that come and go without much hassle as the week is still young. Friday is fun day filled with parties, sports, cookies and ice cream. Thursday? Thursday is a grind. Having already done 12 miles and 2,100 repetitions in 3 days, we rally at the sound of the alarm at 5:25AM. When our knees hit the floor (like the Preacher told us to) there is a brief sigh of relief before we stand. Now comes the morning inventory of aches and pain. Some of us look like 80 year old former NFL line men as we make our way to the coffee. Having swept the cobwebs out of our head and downed 4 Advil, we head to the field. The first few paces are slower than traffic around Lenox Mall. After 4 or 5 minutes, our blood is pumping, our sore muscles are stretching out and we become free to move again. Now comes the GRIND. Today's was on the grass. Run, exercise, run, exercise, run, exercise. Over and over. This is when the group takes over. Hang on to him/her. Don't let him/her get away. Get up for one more, we are almost done. Come on baby, lets finish this thing.

4 miles 400 reps for Triple Nickel and PBC. Minimum quantity, Max Speed.

Leslie 14
Kaffee 13
John S. 13
Harriott 13
Cleve 11
Slawek 10
Matthew 10
Jennifer 10
Holly 10
Dave B. 10
Gary 9
Amy 9
John O. 9
Mary Blythe 9
Jimmy F 9
Lisa 9
Fred 8
Mary 8
Irene 8
Miller 7
Carolyn 7
Allison 7
Dave D 7
Charlie 7
Lisa M 6
Kerry 6
Michael 6
Prancy 5
Colby 6
Scott 5
Sally 4
Charles 3
Big John 3
Marc 3
Lucy 3


Liz 12 -
Susie Mac 10
David B 10
Kristin 10
Jenny 9
Missy 7
Kathleen 7
Mary D 7
Anne M 6
Mary B 6
Tamson 4

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


555 - Ran up the center set of stairs, took a left, picked up weights and worked upper body exercise to the tunes. Then, ran easy down the stairs, half way around the track and hard across the center of the field back up the center set of stairs. 3 miles, 600 reps. The horses Cadillaced a 74 second Quarter before going home.

830 - Ran to Frankie Allen, picked up weights and worked upper body to the sound of music. A decent size crew ran easy across the outfield and medium back with 40 reps recovery between runs. 3 miles, 600 reps.

PRUMC Boot Camp, like many other group exercise programs, trains for strength and endurance. We also train for SPEED. We can take through the paces that very few people ever stride.

Stretching may be very helpful today. Try these.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 11

Folks, we have a month to go in the current session. Thats 20 workouts. This is the BEST time of the year for outdoor training. The conditions this morning were ideal. Here is the current attendance:

Leslie 11
Kaffee 10
John S 10
Harriott 10
Caroline 10
Cleve 9
Slawek 8
Matthew 8
Jennifer 8
Gary 8
Amy 8
John O 7
Jimmy F 7
Holly 7
Dave B 7
Michael 6
Mary Blythe 6
Lisa 6
Irene 6
Colby 6
Carolyn 6
Allison 6
Scott 5
Mary 5
Kerry 5
Fred 5
Dave D 5
Charlie 5
Prancey 4
Miller 4
Lisa M. 4
Sally 3
Charles 3
Big John 3
Rob 1
Marc 1
Lucy 1
John Mears 1
Jody 1

Liz - 8
Susie Mac - 7
David Bruce - 6 -
Jenny - 6-
Mary - 6-
Missy - 6
Kristin - 6
Kathleen - 4-
Mary D.-4-
Tamson - 4

Both groups were on campus today. We all exercised legs. 2.5 miles for each. 555-900 reps/ PBC-800 reps.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fast on the Grass

Eighty percent of success is showing up - Woody Allen

555 - Crazy 8s on the groomed field. - under the red 8, click Charts then Moving time - Avg Moving Pace

A nice crowd assembled this morning on the largest yard in Buckhead. We started running at 555AM. At 602AM, we did 40 push ups. We combined fast running with core exercise for the next 40 minutes. We covered 4 miles and rocked out 400 repetitions of various core exercises. It was enough for today.

We are fortunate enough to have a Preacher work out with us every morning. He gave us a 90 second devotional at the end of the workout. His message was about "being good enough". For the benefit of PRUMC Boot Camp, showing up is "just good enough."

Sometimes we show up feeling good and attack a workout. Sometimes we show up feeling horrible and survive a workout. Sometimes we show up with a specific purpose for the workout in a specific training program planed out with a defined goal in mind. Sometimes we show up to exercise for fun and fitness.

"Nothing happens if you don't show up"


The Bruce's, The Core 4, One of the Mary's, & One of the Anne's hammered out 4 and 400 on the grass at Frankie Allen. This group is getting tighter every day.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 7 of 30 - Legs in the "Laps" box, click "View Splits" to see the average moving pace/mile. This is how runners gauge how fast we are running.

Triple Nickel cruised the Churches this morning. There were clear skies with a crescent moon. A couple of us were fortunate enough to witness a shooting star as we climbed Muscogee toward Peachtree. The temperature was cool enough for thin gloves and dry fit long sleeves. This is the time of year when, if dressed properly, we can do a workout and keep our body temperature at the level where we wont be cold yet, wont break a sweat.

So if you have a morning meeting you are pressed to make after the workout; take a shower, get ready, pack your car with the uniform of the day, wear just the right clothes (you can strip during the workout), do the workout then get dresses in the E Rivers Elementary school parking lot and drive to your meeting. Don't forget your water bottle.

3 miles (includes 1 lap warm up and two Baptist Stairs), 700 repetitions of lower body exercises.

Princess Boot Camp (PBC):

5 Hot Moms: K, S, J, A, & L went Trespassing through Buckhead before 930AM. This Fab 5 Bypassed Nava to lap the St. R, check in on Souper J, Chatted outside the Buckhead library, relaxed on the rocking chairs at the Big Fish, played on the swing sets @ at G.H. Elementary, ran over the river and through the woods, then hammered a hill workout(through Buckhead Baseball) all the way home.

4 miles, 640 reps of hips, thighs, calves, quads & hundreds of Hammies and buttox.

-------------------------------------------------------------- ya'll sign up for this. Now! J.C. Owens (sounds like Jesse Owens) will be making his mile debut.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 6 of 30

It was a crisp and clear morning perfect for platoon style basic training. After running a few laps warm up, the platoon double timed north up Peachtree. The group stopped and dropped about a dozen times during a two mile run. At each stop, we worked core muscles. Having run from the corner of Peachtree Rd and Peachtree Battle to PRUMC, we finished our 500th repetition of core exercise and ran back. Two miles out, two miles back.

PBC also ran North at the start of their workout. From PRUMC, we ran to Lexon Mall, around the back, over the foot bridge and back through Frankie Allen (Buckhead Baseball). We kept an honest pace and finished hard. We also did 500 reps of core exercise. This group is getting tighter.

Friday, October 1, 2010


500 repetitions of core exercise (80 push ups, 60 back bends, 360 abdomen)

35:35 running time, 7:07 pace per mile for 5 miles, 3 minutes average recovery(exercise) per mile. 50 minutes total.

Let us know if there is another group than can hammer out 5 miles and 500 reps in 50 minutes.

PBC ( Princess Boot Camp): 4 miles 500 reps all core on the Frankie Allen ball fields. Robo babe, Alpha Female, Lamb Chops, Track Star, & MacTacular kept the tempo up. They hammered it out quickly as well, with a really strong finish.


#162–Your morning cup of joe (or your afternoon or evening cup for those a bit more addicted) may do more than wake you up. The caffeine in coffee (or in sodas, etc) actually stimulates the brain to release stored levels of serotonin, a hormone that makes you feel happy and euphoric. One of the four main neurotransmitters which helps us regulate mood, serotonin’s importance can be highlighted by an addict who misses his morning dose–you don’t want to be around him! Why? Well, the increase in serotonin is temporary. And when levels in the body diminish, they usually fall below baseline. So the guy who missed his dose of coffee is in desperate need of the caffeine to lift him up and trigger serotonin to be released so he can find his happy place. Additionally, the caffeine often inhibits the body’s desire for protein–one of the building blocks essential for serotonin production–so the java junkie doesn’t eat protein in amounts sufficient to make more of this happy hormone. So, like a sponge being squeezed of its contents, every time the brain is forced to release serotonin due to caffeine intake, the levels available to the body decrease. Eventually, more and more stimulants (not only caffeine but sugar, as well) are necessary to release the same amount of serotonin. And this can result in what’s called serotonin debt. SSRI’s are then commonly prescribed by doctors (or requested by patients who’ve seen too many commercials telling them that Prozac or Lexapro is the answer) and the addiction continues….