Thursday, December 30, 2010

Atlanta BeltLine

We cruised the BeltLine for the last time this winter. We stopped 10 times in a 3.5 mile run for 20 push ups and 20 core exercises. Total was 200 push ups plus 200 abs = 400. 20 push ups is easy. We knocked out the first 5 sets, 20 in a row. The second five sets we broke up with the sit ups/ crunches/ bicycles. So the final sets were (10 push ups)+ 20 abs then(10 push ups). We were able to keep good form for sets of 10. I don't care how tired we are, we can always do another 10 push ups. Push ups are still the best exercise. Push ups incorporate the entire body. Today's workout was good old fashion basic training.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Crazy 8s

We ran 4 miles and did 400 core body exercises. (V sits, V crunches, bicycles, back bends, flutter kicks, leg raises, 6 count ab builders, Marine Corps style sit ups plus others. We had a nice crowd this morning.)

These are the days to get new participants to join us. Most of us were introduced to Boot Camp by someone doing Boot Camp. Most of our future participants will be invited by us.

People are talking about "what I am going to do in the new year." When you hear it, that is you cue. Invite them to join us. They may love it.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Church Run

We quickly cranked out the minumum this morning. 3 miles, 500 repetitions of various lower body exercise.

This is the week everyone makes new year resolutions. This is what we rarely hear:

1) I am going to eat more sweets
2) I am going to drink more wine and beer
3) I am going to exercise less, spend more time relaxing
4) I want to make less money
5) I would like to run a slower 10K
6) I would like to have major relationship drama

Success rate:
Recent research shows that while 52% of participants in a resolution study were confident of success with their goals, only 12% actually achieved their goals. Men achieved their goal 22% more often when they engaged in goal setting, (a system where small measurable goals are being set, such as, a pound a week, instead of saying "lose weight"), while women succeeded 10% more when they made their goals public and got support from their friends

Monday, December 27, 2010

Skeleton Krew

Dave D., Glamor, Kristen and Caroline did the old 4 1/2 loop. We then exercised our jaws for an hour across the street. It was a real quiet morning. No traffic, no line at the coffee shop.

In case you know anyone who may be looking for a way to increase their calorie burn, we are still meeting and looking for company to join us. Good prospects would include: 1) people who eat 2) folks who got new workout gear from Santa 3) anyone who wants to look/feel better 4) anyone interested in getting faster/stronger.

As Delmomte reminded us this morning; these are days we lay down a base that is the foundation for next year (think spring/summer/pool).

Friday, December 24, 2010

Twas the dawn before Christmas

And all through the streets, all the boot campers were preparing for yummy Christmas eats. The platoon was run by the golf course with care, with a star lit sky and crisp cool air. The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While their parents were breathing hard with faces cold and red. And Matty in his tights and I in my pants, we circled the neighborhood without Prance. While out on the lawn we always cause such a clatter, Its a wonder the fuzz doesn't appear to see what is the matter. Away to the South side we flew like a flash, Tore up the hills, back to Peachtree hauled ass. With a crusty old has been so lively and quick, I knew in a moment its that runner named Chip. More rapid than eagles his coursers they came, And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name; "Now Christine now, Carolyn now, John S. and Maggie On, Harriott on, Holly, Fred, Daves, Michaels and Amy. To the top of the hill and over the wall! Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!" And they sprang to their feet when to his team gave a whistle, And away they all flew like the down of a thistle. But I heard them exclaim, as they ran out of sight, "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night."

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Less is more

This week has seen everything. We have had big crowds, kids, guests, old friends, Princess and Triple Nickel mixed, warm weather, cold weather, clear skies, cloudy. This mornings guest appearances featured two of the most beautiful State Champs Buckhead has every produced (sorry Cleve, your just cute.) These quick chicks haven't lost a step.

We did the old school brick workout. 3 miles 400 reps. We have really been taking it easy this week. We have been holding back in the workouts because we know there will be greater demands on us during the holidays. There is no point hammering; then being wasted for the rest of the day while the kids are home.

Friday Fun day tomorrow. Its the last chance for exercise before the fat man comes calling.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


We had a huge crowd this morning. There were 7 kids, 6 guests and 25 regulars. We did crazy 8s on the soft field to the sounds of Christmas music. The little rascals hung in there pretty good. The ground was a little damp but we are experiencing a heat wave so it was a great trade off. It was fast and festive.

Thanks to everyone who invited guests. It was great to see friends from the past and meet new people. We will be out there again tomorrow and Friday. Please show up and invite more folks. The more. the Merry

4 miles (a few fast), 400 reps of core.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Free Boot Camp - tell your friends/family/nieghbors/co-workers/strangers

We had 34 participants today. Thanks to Mary Blythe for bringing Trey and Love for bringing Lachelle. These beautiful fitness Queens (among other beautiful fitness Queens)took advantage of the opportunity to invite a friend. It was fun for our ladies to demonstrate how much work goes into maintaining such a fine feline figure. It was an adventure for their friends.

Having a large crowd raises the energy in the pack. Please do the pack a favor and invite one person to join us tomorrow morning.

We climbed our way through Garden Hills until we reached the high point on Peachtree St a.k.a. PRUMC. We stopped for exercise at Covenant Pres., the field next to the Duck Pond, Christ the King, some body's yard, Garden hills Pool field, someone else's yard, Frankie Allen and finally, The Light on Peachtree. The Prodigal Son of PRUMC gave us a morning devotional, then we all hammered home (view splits).

Show up tomorrow and bring a friend. If you have been away, show up tomorrow. Today's blistering pace home guarantees a friendly conversational pace tomorrow.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Many Thanks

We would like to thank every single person who has attended our workouts for their participation. It is THE GROUP that makes group training.

We would also like to thank the group for the many gifts given to each other (the instructors most of all).

The best gift Boot Camp can give this year is... MORE BOOT CAMP!!!!

We are extending this session for another 2 weeks. That's right! The current session will roll right into the new year.

The next 10 days are also open to anyone else who wants to participate. For those of us who have been cranking out workouts daily, this is your chance to invite people to visit your workout. This includes children. (make sure we are on campus before bringing the little bitty ones)

This workout has so much to offer, really! Which other workout do you know gets verbally reprimanded by high profile city officials?...Before dawn?

We can guarantee to have you, your friends and your family kicked off of and out of the finest properties in Buckhead.

Please put out the word and help make us the largest group of trespassers that ever prowled these neighborhoods.

Kaffee 29
Gary 27
Fred 26
Susie Mac 26
Charlie 25
Matthew 25
John S 25
Love 24
Caroline 24
Shanna 23
Kristen 23
Michael S. 23
John O 22
Mary Blythe 22
Irene 22
Harriott 22
JoEllyn 22
Prancey 21
Allison 21
Mary 20
Jenny 20
Kathleen 19
Anne M 19
Dave B 19
Liz 19
Charles 18
Jimmy F 18
Lisa 17
Amy 17
Kristin 17
Mike R. 16
Miller 16
Lisa M. 15
Maggie 14
Christine 14
Leslie 14
Carolyn 14
Cleve 13
Dave D 13
Mary D. 12
Michael 11
Sally 10
Arnaud 9
Steef 9
Owen 8

If you would like to change the way you look/feel/roll, work out every day. No joking. We were not built to become cultivated house plants. In today's modern world, it is real easy to be a lazy assed slack bag. Don't do that. Be the person you were intended to be.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Wretchedly unhappy, uneasy, or uncomfortable. Kaffee, Harriott, Mary, Love, Prancer, Dave D, Dave B, John S, John O, Gary, Steef, Fred, and Owen all showed up for basic training this morning. Thanks to John S and Gary for scouting out campus for dangerously slick spots. There were dangerously slick spots everywhere. We grabbed weights and ran where the spots were not as slick. We pretty much stayed on the grass nearest the track. We did use the center set of stairs a half a dozen times. And of course, we stopped often for upper body exercises. We completed 500 repetitions (mostly military press). We ran with weights in hand for 2.31 miles. That is a new Boot Camp record. The shoulders will be tired this afternoon. We finished with a thousand meters in strides.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Can the Grinch steal Boot Camp?

Every Who Down in Who-ville Liked Boot Camp a lot...

But the Grinch, Who lived just North of Who-ville, Did NOT!

The Grinch hated Boot Camp! The whole Boot Camp season! Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason. It could be that his head wasn't screwed on quite right. It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight. But I think that the most likely reason of all May have been that his heart was two sizes too small.

But, Whatever the reason, His heart or his shoes, He stood there at Boot Camp, hating the Whos, Staring down from his cave with a sour, Grinchy frown At the warm lighted faces doing sit ups on the ground. For he knew every Who down in Who-ville beneath Was busy working out for holiday stress relief.

"And they're doing their push ups!" he snarled with a sneer. "Tomorrow is Boot Camp? Every day it is here!" Then he growled, with his grinch fingers nervously drumming, "I MUST find a way to keep Boot Camp from coming!" For, tomorrow, he knew...

...All the Who girls and boys Would wake up bright and early. Down to E Rivers they'd rush to with Joy! And then! Oh, the noise! Oh, the noise! Noise! Noise! Noise! That's one thing he hated! The NOISE! NOISE! NOISE! NOISE!

Then the Whos, young and old, would run up the street. And they'd run! And they'd run! And they'd RUN! RUN! RUN! RUN! They would start on Peachtree, and run up the street, Which was something the Grinch couldn't stand in the least!

And THEN They'd do something he liked least of all! Every Who down in Who-ville, the tall and the small, Would stand close together, watching night turn to morning. They'd stand hand-in-hand. And they would start groaning and moaning!

They'd moan! And they'd groan! AND they'd MOAN! GROAN! MOAN! GROAN! And the more the Grinch thought of what the Who-Bootcamp do, The more the Grinch thought, "I must stop this whole crew! "Why for 5 years I've put up with it now! I MUST stop Boot Camp from coming! ...But HOW?"

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

24 > 16

We had more participants than degrees.

Allison, Caroline, Charlie, Dave B., Dave D., Fred, Gary, Holly, Irene, Jimmy, John S., Kaffe, Kristen, Leslie, Lisa, Love, Maggie, Michael S., Miller, Owen, Prancer, Shanna & Steef piled on the gear this morning, opened the door and committed themselves to an hour of frosty fun. The chattering of teeth and tongues could be heard from the first step. Everyone seemed pretty excited about being there.

The platoon likes The Church Run on Tuesday for maximum exercise of lower body muscles. We head down Ptree Battle to Rivers, go right up Muscogee, cross Ptree on to Lake View then hit the Churches in order. (Catholic, Baptist and Episcopal).We stop and do exercise all along the way. Then we run home. The Church Run has been a fan favorite for years.

The shooting stars were visible this morning. As long as we were not distracted, we were able to catch them streaking across space.

3 miles 700 reps.

Princess got "The Beating."

Monday, December 13, 2010


Allison, Amy, Dave D., Fred, Gary, John S., Kaffee, Kristen, Lisa, Lisa M., Maggie, Matthew, Michael, Michael S., Owen, & Steef braved the wicked winter wonderland. It wasn't that bad. In fact, we realized quickly we were overdressed. We did the North/South out and back to PRUMC. 5 miles, 400 reps of core. It was no worse than any hour we have ever spent skiing. The ice sprinkles glittering in the headlights of the Marta bus headlights was pretty. We will be back out there tomorrow.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Push Ups

555AM - 3 miles, 260 push ups, 260 core exercises. We stopped 13 times for a 40 count. Each run was about a quarter mile and each stop combined 20 push ups with 20 core reps.

830AM - 3 miles, 200 push ups, 200 core exercises.


Kaffee 24
Gary 23
Fred 22
Susie Mac 22
Love 22
Charlie 22
Shanna 21
Matthew 21
Caroline 21
John O 21
Mary Blythe 21
John S 21
Irene 20
Harriott 20
JoEllyn 19
Kristen 19
Michael S. 19
Mary 18
Dave B 17
Prancey 17
Jenny 17
Allison 17
Liz 16
Mike R. 16
Amy 15
Charles 16
Jimmy F 16
Anne M 16
Kathleen 16
Miller 14
Lisa M. 14
Christine 14
Lisa 13
Leslie 13
Kristin 13
Carolyn 12
Cleve 11
Mary D. 11
Dave D 10
Maggie 10
Sally 9
Michael 8
Arnaud 8
Marc 7
Steef 6
Missy 4
Slawek 4
Owen 4
John R 2

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Uniform of the day, frozen sherbert.

Everyone did the Old School Brick Workout. 3 miles, 400 reps. Ski gloves recommended the next time.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

O tidings of comfort and joy

The only thing warm this morning was the glow in our hearts and on our faces from the joy of knowing we could suffer together and not alone. Misery loves company.

Today is the first day we used the word that starts with F... freezing. The members of the group used each other to increase body heat, by hauling ass shoulder to shoulder across the field in a simulated jail break, over and over again. We were flying. Ain't nothing like jacking your heart rate to near myocardial infarction to make you forget about your cold fingers. We stopped to catch our breath every once in a while with 40 core exercises. Mother Earth was as cold as a well diggers butt. We actually stopped at different locations on the field where the tundra was fluffier and less frozen.

555- Crazy 8s, 4 blazing miles, 400 reps. We went fast and cut it short.

830 - Princess got "The Beating" in "The Little Shop of Horror". There is significantly more personal attention in the beating. The beauties were all rolling their eyes.

Gary 22
Kaffee 22
Shanna 21
Matthew 20
Fred 20
Susie Mac 20
Caroline 20
Love 20
Charlie 20
John O 19
Irene 19
Mary Blythe 19
John S 19
Harriott 18
Kristen 17
Dave B 17
Michael S. 17
Mary 17
Prancey 16
Liz 16
JoEllyn 16
Mike R. 15
Jenny 15
Amy 15
Allison 15
Charles 15
Jimmy F 15
Anne M 14
Miller 14
Lisa M. 14
Kathleen 14
Lisa 13
Christine 13
Leslie 13
Kristin 12
Carolyn 11
Cleve 11
Dave D 10
Mary D. 10
Maggie 9
Michael 8
Arnaud 8
Sally 8
Marc 7
Steef 6
Missy 4
Slawek 4

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Stilts are poles, posts or pillars used to allow a person or structure to stand at a distance above the ground. Today, The Pillars of PRUMC Boot Camp were scantily clad in various colors of spandex and polyester tights (unless your name is Charlie). While core muscle exercise is the foundation of our program, the lamb chops are our most utilized equipment. We are a urban assault unit that likes to move. We live, thrive and survive in the foot hills of Appalachia. To get around town, we need powerful lower limbs as mechanisms specifically adapted for efficient bipedal gait.

555 - Church Run - 3 miles - 800 repetitions of various lower body exercise. (squats, lunges, legs lifts, kicks, ect...)

Trespassing - 3 miles - 720 reps.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Chillin in the Hood

We have 9 more scheduled workout days for 2010. It has been our pleasure to watch the beautiful transformation that occurs when we systematically remove the rubber from the bottom of our shoes, one stride at a time. This phenomenon results in S cubed. (Strength, Speed and Stamina) S cubed is recognizable by the average sedentary life form. S cubed comes in handy, especially at Christmas parties. In addition to looking good, we can always challenge unsuspecting trash talkers to a set of 8 count body builders to prove the obvious point. We are more advanced in Fitness.

Today was a great day if your a penguin. Participation was good again. We all worked on the middle today. The nice thing about completing today's workout is: When folks say to us later in the morning/day, "There is no way you went out in that freezing cold this morning." Then we smile.

Many of us still remember last winter. Today was nothing.

Gary 20
Kaffee 20
Shanna 19
Matthew 19
Fred 18
Susie Mac 18
Caroline 18
Love 18
Charlie 18
Irene 18
Mary Blythe 18
John S 17
Liz 16
John O 16
JoEllyn 16
Harriott 16
Mike R. 15
Mary 15
Michael S. 15
Dave B 15
Kristen 15
Jenny 14
Amy 14
Allison 14
Kathleen 14
Charles 14
Prancey 14
Jimmy F 13
Miller 13
Lisa M. 13
Lisa 13
Christine 12
Anne M 12
Leslie 12
Cleve 11
Kristin 11
Carolyn 10
Dave D 9
Mary D. 8
Michael 8
Marc 7
Arnaud 7
Maggie 7
Sally 7
Steef 6
Missy 4
Slawek 4

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 20

As indicated by the attendance records below, attendance has been way up this session. As the result of good attendance, fitness is way up too. The groups are working out at an advanced level.

Working out every day, without taking days off tempers our body. In the beginning of a training period, daily workouts wears us down. We can eat more, take vitamins and get extra sleep to fight the fatigue. Eventually, our bodies adjust to the daily output and our energy levels increase. We later find that we can handle tougher workouts and do more stuff through out the day.

Then there is the looking good. Working out daily does that too.

555 - Beltway 3 miles, 600 reps(120 push ups)
830 - Church Run 3.5 miles(8 hard pick ups), 500 reps(100 push ups)

Gary 19
Kaffee 19
Shanna 19
Matthew 18
Fred 18
Susie Mac 17
Caroline 17
Love 17
Charlie 17
Irene 17
Mary Blythe 17
John S 16
Liz 15
Mike R. 15
John O 15
JoEllyn 15
Harriott 15
Jenny 14
Amy 14
Mary 14
Michael S. 14
Dave B 14
Kristen 14
Miller 13
Allison 13
Lisa 13
Kathleen 13
Lisa M. 13
Charles 13
Prancey 13
Jimmy F 12
Kristin 11
Christine 11
Anne M 11
Cleve 11
Leslie 11
Carolyn 9
Mary D. 8
Michael 8
Dave D 8
Marc 7
Arnaud 7
Steef 6
Sally 6
Missy 4
Slawek 4

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 19

Gary 18
Kaffee 18
Matthew 18
Shanna 18
Fred 17
Caroline 16
Love 16
Susie Mac 16
Charlie 16
Irene 16
Mary Blythe 16
John S 15
Mike R. 15
John O 15
Jenny 14
JoEllyn 14
Harriott 14
Liz 14
Amy 14
Mary 13
Lisa 13
Michael S. 13
Allison 13
Dave B 13
Kristen 13
Miller 12
Jimmy F 12
Kathleen 12
Lisa M. 12
Charles 12
Prancey 12
Kristin 11
Christine 10
Anne M 10
Cleve 10
Leslie 10
Mary D. 8
Michael 8
Carolyn 8
Dave D 7
Marc 7
Arnaud 7
Steef 6
Sally 5
Missy 4
John Mears 3
Lucy 3
Slawek 4
Holly 0
Jennifer 0
Kerry 0

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


December is the twelfth and last month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar and one of seven Gregorian months with the length of 31 days.

December's flower is the narcissus or holly. December's birthstones are turquoise, lapis lazuli, zircon, topaz (blue), or tanzanite.

In Latin, decem means "ten". December was also the tenth month in the Roman calendar until a monthless winter period was divided between January and February.

December is the month with the shortest daylight hours of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest daylight hours of the year in the Southern Hemisphere.

December in the Northern Hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent to June in the Southern Hemisphere and vice versa.

In the Northern hemisphere, the beginning of the meteorological winter is 1 December. In the Southern hemisphere, the beginning of the meteorological summer is 1 December.

December starts on the same day of the week as September every year. December ends on the same day of the week as April every year.

The First day of the last month of 2010 brought the chill.

555- Having rained all night, the field was spongy. We gave our legs a rest and got off of the hard surface. We ran down and back on grass medium speed in-between sets of exercise on the hard cement basketball court. 3 miles 600 repetitions.

830 - The fine, refined, otherwise defined, Beautiful Princess Boot Camp created quite a stir as they cantored down Peachtree Street in the middle of morning traffic. We ran into the Pink Pig tent at Lenox for 50 bicycles on the pink carpet while gazing at the pink stars on the ceiling. It was quite a Princess Moment. Kate Middleton would be proud. 3 miles 600 repetitions of core exercise.