Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Mondays Church Run

Tuesdays Buckhead Village- Garmin didnt pick us up until after Roswell. It was 3.5


Negative forty is the unique temperature at which the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales correspond; that is, −40°F = −40°C. It is referred to as either "minus forty" or "forty below".


The planet Venus forms a pentagram in the night sky every eight years with it returning to its original point every 40 years with a 40 day regression (some scholars believe that this ancient information was the basis for the number 40 becoming sacred to Jews, Christians, and Muslims).

The number 40 is significant in Jewish, Christian, Islamic, and other Middle Eastern traditions. It can represent an estimate, or many of something.

Judaism -
  • Rain fell for "forty days and forty nights" during the flood
  • Spies explored the land of Israel for "forty days." (Numbers 13)
  • The Hebrew people lived in the Sinai desert for "forty years". This period of years represents the time it takes for a new generation to arise.
  • Moses' life is divided into three 40-year segments, separated by his fleeing from Egypt, and his return to lead his people out.
  • Several Jewish leaders and kings are said to have ruled for "forty years", that is, a generation. (Examples: Eli, Saul, David, Solomon.)
  • Goliath challenged the Israelites twice a day for forty days before David defeated him.
  • Moses spent three consecutive periods of "forty days and forty nights" on Mount Sinai:
  • Before the temptation of Christ, Jesus fasted "Forty days and forty nights" in the Judean desert.
  • Forty days was the period from the resurrection of Jesus to the ascension of Jesus.
  • In modern Christian practice, Lent consists of the 40 days preceding Easter. In much of Western Christianity, Sundays are excluded from the count; in Eastern Christianity, Sundays are included.
  • Masih ad-Dajjal roams around the Earth in forty days, a period of time that can be as many as forty months, forty years, and so on.[citation needed]
  • Muhammad was forty years old when he first received the revelation delivered by the archangel Gabriel.
  • The Quran says that a person is only fully grown when they reach the age of 40.
  • Musa Alahi salam traveled 40 years in the desert.
  • Musa spent 40 days on Mount Sinai where he received the 10 commandments.
  • Prophet Ibrahim spent 40 days in a fire and lived because Allah made the fire like flowers.
  • Prophet Yunus was in a whales mouth for 40 days.
  • Forty was the number of days that Prophet Ilyas spent in the wilderness before the angel appeared to him with Allah's message on Mount Horeb.
  • Forty was the number of days that Prophet Isa was tempted in the desert by Satan.
  • Muhammad was praying and fasting in the cave for 40 days.
  • Muhammad then had 40 followers to spread the religion of Islam.
  • It is said that a person’s intellect attains maturity in forty years, everyone according to his own capacity.
  • It is believed that one who assists a blind man for forty steps becomes worthy of entering heaven.
  • Imam Baghir has said: “The prayers of someone who drinks wine are not accepted for forty days.”
  • Believers have also been encouraged to devote themselves to God Almighty for forty days to see the springs of wisdom break forth from their hearts and flow from their tongues.
  • Mourning period officially last for 40 days
drinking -

A bottle containing 40 fluid ounces of malt liquor beer. The beer is of low quality and fairly cheap to buy. A bottle can run you usually between 2 and three dollars depending on brand. 40's are popular in a variety of areas and are drunken by many types of people. Gangstas will drink 40's and will sometimes pour out a little of the beer onto the ground for their dead homies.

Clubs -

40 Watt in Athens Georgia -

Exercise -

The number of days (IN A ROW) of exercise it takes to achive enough fitness for competition.

Jimmy F 7
John G.7
Mary D.7
Susie C7
Susie Mac7
Lisa 6
Michael 6
Caroline 5
Harriott 5
John O.5
Kaffee 5
Cindy Neal4
John O'Neill4
John S4
Gary 3
Sally 3

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