Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 2. Who is In?

Kaffee - 2 - Boot Camp is like eating & sleeping. Daily activity. Some how stays healthy
Holly -2- Works out twice most mornings. Mother of a State Champ.
Harriott - 2 - The Queen Mother also had a State Champ. Enjoys lots of attention.
Amy - 2 - Former W1 is patiently working out kinks
Leslie - 2 - Has reversed the aging process through Boot Camp.
Irene -1- Has taken fitness up a level
Sally -1- Shares her fitness hour with Hubby & hangs tough with he full timers.
Allison - Is as Sugary Sweet as Honey Suckle. How does she do that at 555?
Mary Blythe Kane - 1 - Only gets one hour a day of freedom a day and spends it with us.
Jennifer - 1 - Total Robo Babe transformed by Boot Camp
Lisa - 1 - This Branch has a family legacy to uphold.
Caroline - 1 - W1
Prancy -1 - Alien from another planet frequently visits to collect data.

Miller - 2- He knows there is only one name in fitness he can trust (PRUMC Boot Camp)
Slawek - 2 - Has a taste for speed and is looking for more
Dave Baker -2- Notorious sand bagger is a weekend warrior
Cleve - 2 - May take over the front.
Jimmy -2- Has been grinding lately. Starting to look good.
John S. - 2- Still looking for a big payday
Charlie - 2 - sneaky fast
Michael - 2 - Is feeling good and testing the equipment
Dave D. -2- Icarus turned phoenix
Matty - 1 - Alien from another planet frequently visits to collect data.
Big John - 1 - has caught the crowd and now presides over it
John Mears - 1- getting momentum for a big Fall season.
Fred - 1 - Former M1 loves working out in the cold
Colby - 2 - Is back for more penance. The ladies will love him til he learns to love himself

If your name ain't on the list, you ain't showed up yet.

David Bruce - 2 -Has been home a record 10 days and has been working hard at Boot Camp
Liz B - 2- has been chasing her man around town
Jenny - 2- Robo Babe is ripped
Mary - 2- Back/hanging tough/looking good
Marino-2- Doesn't need boot camp but likes the workouts
Susie Mac - 2- Mac-tacular
Tamson - 1- Wants to be a track star
Kristin - 1- stud
Kathleen - 1- Alpha Female


This race is right in our wheel house. This is an event where 1) the kids can watch 2) its over quick 3) recovery allows for regular exercise the next day/week 4) We can clean up (as usual). 5) its a nice round # to carry around.

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