Monday, December 8, 2014

First Responders

It has often been said, "at Boot Camp, we see the news as it happens." This mornings live drama on Peachtree featured a Harley motorcycle dude being T-boned directly in front us. We were the first one to get to him. On his own power, he rose to his knees and said "was I graceful?" When asked his name, he responded "Wendell." We asked him if anything was broken and he said "no." Our assesment was, Wendell was good to go. We lifted him to his feet and walked him to the sidewalk. Then we lifted his motorcycle and pushed it to the sidewalk. Thanks JG for being Johnny on the Spot  and Prancer for having the Answer.

The rest of the story:
We continued out with the workout. We were watching the emergency vehicles go by during our workout. When it was time to go back we crossed the road so we could check on Wendell. As we approched the scene, the APD cop in his vehicle gets on his loud speaker and starts chewing my ass off for running in the road. He was going on about it... "you are going to be killed running in the street." So of course I salute him and say, "Thank You SECOND Responder."

BTW, I (we) were wearing Holly's blinking lights.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Our Girls

Beautiful is a woman who has a distinctive personality, one who can laugh at anything, including themselves, who is especially kind and caring to others. She is a woman who above all else knows the value of having fun, and not taking life too seriously. She is a woman that you can trust and count on to brighten your day. She is a woman who can inexplicably make you feel really good just by being around her, and yet brings such great sadness when she is gone. 

The other ladies we work out with not pictured above fit this discription as well.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


God Bless the Men and Women who serve and protect us all. We are lucky to share the same daily discipline with these brave soldiers. We do it to be our best selves. They do it so that we can enjoy freedom. Thank You All!

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Gift

To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift. - Steve Prefontaine

If you can run, be grateful. Not everyone can. Some folks never get the chance. A lot of us have to sit out with an  injury. For those of us who can run, it is a tricky balance between stress and rest that allows us to realize our full potential in running and fitness training.

Based on decades of research we have concluded:

1) Effort should vary from Easy to Medium to Hard back to Medium, then Easy then Medium, Hard, Medium, easy, medium, hard, medium, easy. Without Easy days, the Hard Days won't be Hard enough. The mediums are always a transition.

2) Days off are NOT necessary. Even if we take a day off from running, there is another exercise option.

3) Continuous Fitness Training without treatment will cause injury.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Blood Red Moon

Most Fitness programs require equipment and a facility.While there are a lot of really good workouts that take place indoor, NONE of them will witness this tomorrow!

Open workout tomorrow! Anyone who wants to join us for the Blood Red Moon Workout, brig them. We will be in the parking lot at 5:15AM.

Monday, September 29, 2014


We have large crowds in the workout every Spring and Fall. The fair weather brings fair weather fans to accompany The Corps Pack in Boot Camp. The extra faces make Boot Camp social, fun, interesting, faster and raises fitness.

A larger crowd can also be a distraction. In 1988, Grete Waitz was tripped from behind at the start of the Peachtree Road Race. Her brother scooped her up to her feet and she went on to win in 32.08, a course record at the time (she dropped me at mile 3).

Falling on Peachtree happens to the best of us. It is easy to be distracted in a large crowd espically when it is dark outside. Also, the sidewalks are horrible. PLEASE, talk, listen, enjoy each other's company. Also, show up on time and watch where your feet land.

We had two with road rash today, one last week. We are averaging over one a week.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Our Time

We have entered the most popular months of the year for outdoor exercise. Yesterday we were rewarded for showing up with a fantastic Super Moon. The leaves are just beginning to fall. The temperatures have been hinting lower.

We have so many people showing up now, we are having to improvise and adapt. The extra people bring energy to the Pack and help keep everyone motivated and moving. We have an opportunity now to really get in shape with a great group of folks.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The BEST Drugs for getting HIGH

Exercise is the best medicine for a healthy mind and body. Regular exercise will not only benefit you physically, it can provide emotional and psychological perks as well. During exercise, several different chemicals are released into the brain, with a broad range of positive effects. These chemicals are powerful mood- and mind-boosting substances.


Endorphins are released by the pituitary gland in the brain during sustained, vigorous exercise. Thought to be released in response to painful or stressful stimuli, endorphins diminish the pain associated with exercise, allowing you to exercise longer and at higher intensities. Other endorphin effects include decreased stress, euphoric feelings often referred to as a post-exercise high, decreased appetite and improved immune response.


Serotonin is another neurochemical released during exercise. Serotonin is a natural mood enhancer. When levels of serotonin are increased, symptoms of depression can be decreased. Simon N. Young, editor in chief of the "Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience," reports that people with lower levels of serotonin may experience negative physical effects in addition to depressed mood, such as increased risk for heart disease.


Exercise is beneficial for alleviating depression, and this is thought to be due to the effect of physical activity on neurotransmitter synthesis. Dopamine may have a distinct role in fighting stress and in countering depression by acting on the limbic system, a part of the brain that is important in emotional response.


During periods of stress, such as preparing to run in a race, the brain signals the adrenal glands to produce epinephrine or "adrenaline". Epinephrine increases the rate in which the heart beats. The increased cardiac output supplies more oxygen to the muscles, putting the body in a heightened state to react. As a longer term response to stress, cortisol is secreted by the adrenal glands, promoting the release of energy.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Princess Boot Camp

Princess Boot Camp a.k.a. PBC is an elite level basic training fitness program that maintains a conversational pace. New participants are often amazed that a conversation can continue without interruption while running & working out, through traffic for 3 miles and 600+ repetitions of various basic training exercise.

PBC is well known for being social before, during and after the workout. There are many social engagements, parties, and occasionally vacations. PBC takes field trips, has brunch, lunch or just coffee. The second language of PBC is French as we have as many internationals as Americans on any given day. As usual, we invite children to join the workout, baby joggers included.

These Princesses live a charmed life and seem to get younger with years.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

America the Beautiful

America is the greatest place in the world. Freedom in all its forms is beautiful. In America, we the people choose.

Its a good thing America doesn't elect a half cocked, intolerant Boot Camp instructor as the leader of the free world.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


50 folks have worked out with us this session. We have enough folks in Boot Camp now to create a powerful Pack.

Group training is tremendously transformative for the people who show up and contribute to the pack. Some days, we may not be worth a damn in the workout. Showing up on those days brings energy and livelihood to the pack. When we don't feel like we can do it for ourselves, we do it for the pack. Sometimes, showing up is the best we can do.

When the Pack gets bigger, there is a greater variety in fitness levels. Having everyone in the workout gives everyone someone to work out with. 

When we show up every day, the pack gets into a beautiful rhythm and flow. The workouts become a little more routine, comfortable, faster and more efficient. 

When we miss workouts, folks ask where we are. The question of where brings more questions and often comments unrelated to where. Comments can lead to speculation, hearsay and gossip. The best way to prevent from happening to YOU is to show up to the workout.

Do yourself and the Pack a favor, SHOW UP!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Hot Dog & Mom

Hot Dog & Mom
Kathleen a.k.a. "Hot Dog" and her adorable Mother Mary are the 3rd Elite Mother/Daughter combination to join boot camp. Harriott/Virginia & Holly/Jenna have been in the boot camp family for years. Our newest fine family felines are much like the others. The Daughters are very fast and focused on the workout while enjoying a little chit chat. The Mothers hold court in the middle of the pack and can occasionally be seen up on their toes hammering toward the front.

Our style of group training allows fit Mommies to enjoy a morning out with their Track Star Daughters in a workout, without putting too much pressure on Mom and/or asking the younger Stud to hold back. The second generation typically does a few more exercises at each interval and shows respect by allowing the Queen Matriarchs to go ahead before they catch up.

In this platoon style basic training program, everyone can workout together regardless of fitness. We all get a great workout that is right for us AND we get to enjoy each others company.

Thursday, July 31, 2014


Fitness comes with consistency: Whatever motivates you: Fast Times, Hot Body, High Energy, Peace & Serenity, Social Connections.

We got all that. The ONLY requirement is: Show up every day & do treatment: Ice, Stretch, Salt Bath, Drink Water, Ice again, Get massage, Roll out on foam roller, Ice again, roll out with lacrosse ball.

The time to do treatment is NOT after the problem starts. Consistency = Workout + Treatment

Caroline  4
Irene Jac 4
Jill 4
Jimmy F  4
Kathleen Hot Dog 4
Katie 4
Martha 4
Mary B 4
Wendy  4
Arnaud 3
Ashley 3
Cindy 3
Dave D 3
Jenny 3
Kathleen 3
Lacie 3
Lisa  3
Mary D. 3
Michael 3
Molly Twinky 3
Prance 3
Reba 3
Barb Tuffy 2
Cece 2
Claire Bear 2
Dave B 2
Irene B 2
Kathleen Cup Cake 2
Kwithee 2
Mary Blythe  2
Charles  1
Johnathan 1
Sally  1
Do Treatment, Ice, Stretch, Salt Bath, Drink Water, Ice again, Get massage, Roll out on foam roller, Ice again, roll out with lacrosse ball.

The time to do treatment is NOT after the problem starts. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

LSD vs Speed

LSD was abused by hippies during the 60s and 70s. These gangly nomads roamed the earth like tribal packs seeking nothing more than another mile. LSD (Long Slow Distance) was the path to road racing nirvana. America's greatest distance runners ran an absolute ton of miles. Bill Squires of The Greater Boston Track Club would say "the long run puts the tiger in the cat."

Looking back on a lifetime of over-distance, many of these same guys are struggling to continue to run or are not running at all. The current philosophy is to increase volume without increasing miles. This is done in many different ways.

We increase volume through basic training exercise. The exercise keeps our heart rate up while we are not running and builds muscular strength which makes us more efficient, stronger runners. We hammer in between sets of basic training exercise to get our heart rate up and to teach us to run faster. Two hundred to three hundred meters of 5K race pace running per interval get us toward lactate threshold before we stop and pump out more exercise.

The average of 20 miles running & 4,000 repetitions of exercise per week gives us the volume of someone running 40 miles a week. Our legs are fresher and bodies are stronger.

It is also becoming accepted that running fast is better for aging runners than running slow. Speed of paces usually brings us more forward with our foot strike, increases our rate of turnover, decreases the time our foot spends on the ground and gives us a feeling of "rolling" or "floating". Research suggest that impact lessons with increase speed.

We get faster races out of fewer miles!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Fitness Gospel

The human experience is fraught with pitfalls and trap doors. It is so easy to stray off the path. Pleasure, to be sure, comes with a price. Lust & Gluttony are two sides of the same coin that can debilitate the mind, body and spirit.  Being lazy comes easy for some. For others, Pride & Greed drive us out of control into a brick wall.

If our best friend lent us a brand new car, would we drive it different than our own? Would we be so much more careful, thoughtful and respectful not to trash it?

Being bad and doing the wrong thing often feels so good. It is so difficult to know where to draw the line.

If we treated our physical bodies as expensive loaners, we may find that sweet spot where our heart and minds lead us to a balance that allows us to respectfully enjoy the ride.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Half Time

On rare occasions, we are visited by one of our favorite folks on earth. He usually arrives well after we are gone (he likes playing hide & seek with Boot Camp). We always know when he has arrived. His voice trumpets over the music, chatter and instructor. Yes, its the Preacher!

The Preacher has a gig downtown every Sunday at 11am. His venue is one of the finist you will find in our fair city. He is a old fashion preacher who reads from the bible BUT, sometimes likes to pretent he is anchoring a nightly episode of sports center. While we love it, he occasionally gets anonomous critics of the sports analogies.

This week was classic Preacher. July 2nd marks the middle of our calendar year. The Preacher asked us catch our breath at "half time" and think about adjustments we need to make before we get back in the game.

From a fitness perspective, we can look at a few things.
1) are we working out every day?
2) are we writing it down in a log or journal?
3) are we resting/ cross training when we need it?
4) are we getting treatment? stretching, icing, rolling out, massage, salt bath

Now that the Peachtree Road Race has been run, pictures secure, T shirt tucked away, we can get back to the maintenance program. This is our cruise season. We will back off the paces just a bit, recover and look down the road for more opportunites to toe the line.

Cindy 14
Jill 14
Lisa  14
Susie Mac 14
Mary B 13
Wendy  13
Amy Glamour 12
JenJen 12
Kathleen Hot Dog 12
Lacie 12
Irene 11
John G. 11
Katie 11
Barb Tuffy 10
Claire Bear 10
Jimmy F  10
Brian S 9
Caroline  9
Kathleen 9
Reba 9
Arnaud 8
David G 8
Harriott  8
Jenny 8
Prance 8
Roxanna 8
Dave B 7
Dave D 7
Johnathan 7
Liz 7
Chris S. 5
Pietro 5
Charles  4
Kwithee 4
Mary Blythe  4
Molly Twinky 4
Tim C 4
John S 3
Mary D. 2
Michele 2
MiMi 2
Sally  2
Emily 1
JoEllyn 1

Thursday, June 19, 2014

More Water NOW

STOP whatever you are doing!

Get some water.

Drink it!

Repeat every hour.

NO JOKE. Acclimation is happening

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Fitness Class

Yoga - not really fitness, but a great place to go in workout clothes to get loose and balanced. This is great for runners. Don't think you are going with a friend to talk the whole time. Yoga snobs will kill you for interrupting their practice.

Spin - This reminds me of a hamster on a wheel. There is a ton of motion but nobody goes anywhere. While there is a good calorie burn, there isn't any additional fitness benefit. In an iron man, the bike is 4 times as long as the run. Riding a bike is pseudo fitness.

Blast - Boot Camp indoor. This is a great workout if you want to stay inside. The music and instructors are very energetic, so its hard to talk over them.

Barre - Yoga against a mirrored wall.

Pilate's - Yoga with equipment.

Cross Fit - Old school weight lifting. Great for the kids. Risky for the old folks. This is a cult. People love it. This will add muscle like crazy.

Boot Camp - Fellowship and Fitness with friendly neighbors. When folks want a high level of fitness, this is the workout.

Monday, June 2, 2014

June Bug Fitness

The largest crowds come during the spring and summer. We have a good crowd now. June is prime time for boot camp. Our hotties are tightening up. Our Mommies and Daddies are feeling relaxed with with school out. Schedules are looser. The fast runners are racing, training for racing and preparing for peak performances.

Its daylingt at the beginning of the workout so our circadian rhythems are aligned with power output. So far, the bugs and heat have been manageable. This is best time of year for outdoor group training.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Boot Camp is often very social. It is critical to the workout that we can communicate, connect, relate and enjoy the company we keep while we exercise. For long time participants, it is a toss up between fitness and friendships for what has been the greater benefit of boot camp.

Many other workouts are dominated by the instructors and or music. This makes it hard for folks to carry on a conversation. We may be the only workout in Atlanta that can crank out 3 miles and 600 reps in a hour while talking the entire way.

Relationships are very important to everyone in every aspect of our lives. We encourage new participants to pay attention, ask questions and get to know the folks in the workout. We encourage veterans to welcome the new comer, encourage them and keep a positive attitude so they feel comfortable and excited about coming back.

While our friends in boot camp keep us accountable and excited about exercise, our relationship to food can play a large part in our fitness. We have always said " If you get the body hot enough, it will burn anything." While that is true, only a few folks have the discipline to show up every day for the workout.

For the rest of us, nutritional discipline can do wonders. It doesn't take much. The idea is too start small and stay mindful. Our relationship with food can come into focus. It is amazing how little food can fuel an active body. So if we don't need it, why are we eating it? What is the intention? Are we eating this because we want it or because we need it? Is this healthy? What is the nutritional value of this?

The simplest thing to do is to change ONE thing at a time. Weaning off of SUGAR is a great place to start. Sugar is poison. It is so addictive that quitting can often be very challenging. Its not quite crack or heroine but, its bad.

The other option is to show up to the workout every day, eat whatever we want and enjoy our relationships with people, exercise and food.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Fear & Pain

Fear is an emotion that causes a change in behavior. Fear may occur in response to a particular stimilus happening in the present. Fear arises from the perception of danger. Fear is a learned response. We were taught to fear.

In fitness training, athletics and foot racing, fear is the most common emotional responce to pain. The mind often deals with pain with either response flight or fight. Some folks "fight through the pain" and others slow down or stop.

We often say "there is a fine line between perfect conditioning and being hurt." Many of us straddle that line daily. Some of us dive over the line with reckless abandon and pay a heavy price.

Being afraid may prevent us from doing serious harm when training, racing and playing. Fear may also prevent us from trying something we are capable of doing.

Refering to others is the best way to stay in balance with our fear. Folks we see every day who know us can confirm or deny the validity of our fear/or lack there of.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Happy Mothers Day

Princess Boot Camp Moms

Boot Camp has 8 years in the books. We are in our 9th year of continuous operation. This workout meets 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year. We can count on our fingers and toes how many days off we have taken over the years. We just dont take days off.

Two ladies showed up in the first week, Harriott and Kathleen. Both worked out with us today. Both have adoring husbands and daughters. As the years go by, we see each other daily. They are extended family. Their continuous participation over the years has kept the workout together. We are very grateful to them.

We have dozens more with nearly as many years. Everyone in the workout is special and important to the program. Everyone contributes to the energy of the pack and keeps the workout rolling.

The Mothers in the workout serve their own clan as well as the pack in the workout. "Happy Wife, Happy Life." "The home is only as happy as its Mother." The Mommies that work out together return to their children more focused for the day, with more energy and a bigger smile. They are also an example to their children of the importance of exercise.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Boot Camp Kids

Participants are always welcome to bring children as their guest to work out with us at boot camp. They dont even have to be your own children. If a kid shows intrest, bring them.

Evan and John have been attending for years. Evan loves the social aspect of the workout. He loves the group, the running, the exercise and the fellowship. He is growing up in the workout. He has a special relationship with his Preacher, his Dads girlfriend and everyone else who shows up.

As the story goes, one day when Irene and Evan were working out together, Irene asked if Evan's class had a visit to the Capitol scheduled. Fast forward to Snowpocalypse. Evan's Capital visit got snowed out. So, we asked Irene if it was possible to bring Evan and the 90 children in the 3rd grade as her (lt Governor Casey Cagle) guest. Not only did she arrange for the visit, she rolled out the red carpet and gave the children the Super VIP tour. 

Boot Camp regulars know that Evan isn't shy and has a healthy ego. We have no idea where he gets it. He was beaming with pride today knowing that he arranged for his class to take a trip that would not have been available to them if it were not for his relationship with Irene from the workout. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Running and exercise outside, basic training, puts us in touch with our primal selves. What would this mornings workout look like 300 years ago? We ran 3 miles and performed 800 repetitions of various lower body exercises. Its all body weight exercise. No machines, no facility, no pounding music.

In another 300 years, the workout will still look the same. Basic training has been passed down through the ages and will continue to be a fitness discipline utilized by soldiers, athletes and regular folks getting in shape.

As flesh and blood bipods with advanced cooling systems, it is in our nature to traverse the earth paced double time in persuit, in the way back old days, of food. This was done in packs.

Today, we are like minded individuals seeking fitness for various reasons. Whether for fitness or for food, its the same thing. A group of people go out in the world in a pack and work together.

Racing takes primal to the next level. The game of chase is the oldest game on earth. Pouncing at the exact right moment for the win(kill) takes us to the hunt/hunted that lies deep within us all.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


We are a group of ordinary folks who exercise every day. This has been going on for 8 years. We have met over 2,000 days.

Those of us who have adopted this workout as our discipline have achieved a level of overall health, fitness and vitality recognized by the folks who know us best as exceptional.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Together We Run


When folks compliment us on how good we look, how fast we run or some race we won, it is tempting for a second to take credit for ourselves. After all, we did the work.

A closer examination will show that we had a ton of help.

Boot Camp works like that. We support each other in and outside of the workout. The bond that ties us together lifts us all. Sometimes, one of us get lifted higher than the others and we can all rejoice in their accomplishment.

The running community is buzzing about this story. I have never seen Americans use team tactics in a major race. I know Galen and Mo worked together in London in 2012 but this concerted effort was brilliant.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


John Shannon finished his second Boston Marathon yesterday. While many folks are now able to raise large sums of money to gain entry into The Boston Marathon, John did it the old fashion way. John qualified.

The Boston Marathon raised $24,000,000 yesterday for various charities. The running boom is alive and well. Folks beat down doors and ask for donations. If they meet their target, the BAA lets them in. These folks are also Boston Marathon Finishers. They earned their medal.

John claims he qualified as a result of superior fitness he gained by attending Boot Camp every day. Boot Camp plus supplemental training did the trick.

We all have something to gain from daily exercise. We can all set & reach personal goals with every stride and every repetition of exercise. Showing up and participating is the key. Setting goals and achieving them brings a feeling of gratitude and accomplishment. Walking tall, grateful and accomplished seems like a nice way to go through life.

Monday, April 21, 2014


Meb came to America as a child. He struggled to fit in but quickly found out he could win races. He was a HS and college track star in Cali and became an Olympian. Last year at the ATC banquet, he talked about the ups and downs in his life and about how faith and discipline have allowed him to continue to be competitive. He also told us he could win Boston. He being 38 years old, we politely smiled and wished him luck. In private conversations, we shared his Olympic experience and ask us about our running!?

Another funny note about the evening. The ATC old guard announced a door prize late in the evening to "Chip Owens." That allowed me to get a shirt, a water bottle and my favorite - a hug - from this years winner of the Boston Marathon. He also wrote a personal note and signed his book to John & Evan Owens.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Princess Boot Camp

Princess Boot Camp - Today we visited our old friend Mike Ryder at his house. He just had his knee operation and wont be going anywhere for a few days. We stopped by to say hello and wish he and Robin well.

Then we made our way to the Duck Pond. As we arrived, Christ the King preschool children were cut loose onto the island surrounded by the duck pond for an Easter Egg hunt. It was quite a joy to hear their excited little voices as they ran around with their baskets in their hands.

As we departed, we saw the ducklings following Mama around the pond.

Oh, and we hammered 3 miles over a hilly route and cranked out 800 repetitions of various core exercises; all in an hour. While every workout is different, some are just better than others.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Pack Attack

Over the last eight years of Boot Camp, it has been customary to run timed miles. We do these on the track, The Muscogee Mile, on Peachtree and now our new favorite, Andrews. We line up at the back driveway of St Phillips and run to W Paces Ferry. It is exactly a mile. Then we run back.

Our warm up is a slow climb up Peachtree from PTree Battle with a few stops behind the truck for upper body exercise. We also exercise between timed miles for active recovery.

When we have a larger crowd together in a pack, the workout seems easier. The energy and activity around us switches our focus away from US and toward the beautiful smiling faces around us. This is important because our minds (ego) never compliment us (our true self) during the workout. Our minds rarely say "I am so proud of you today! You look great in this workout." No, our minds say " you are going to die in this workout. Either slow down or stop!"

Staying in the pack relaxes the mind (ego) and allow our bodies to operate without the distraction of a continuous flow of negative thought. Show up, get in and don't think.

Kathleen Hot Dog 16
Claire Bear 15
Jill 15
Lisa  15
MiMi 15
Jenny 14
Wendy  14
Amy Glamour 13
Arnaud 13
Harriott  13
Reba 13
Dave B 12
Alan 11
Cindy 11
Lacie 11
Mary B 11
Susie Mac 11
Irene 10
Kathleen Cup Cake 10
Love 10
Barb  9
Kathleen 9
Mary D. 9
JenJen 8
Jimmy F  8
Kwithee 8
Molly Twinky 8
Caroline  7
Chris S. 7
Jill Princess 7
John G. 7
Laurie 5
Mary Blythe  5
Pietre 5
Roxanna 5
Wendy Conrad 5
Charles  4
John S 4
Kun 4
Toni 4
Brian S. 2
Dave D 1
Paige 1

Monday, April 14, 2014


The second running boom is in full bloom. One week from today, the Boston Marathon will be run for the 118th time.

The British Open is 154
Kentuckey Derby is 139
Modern Olympics is 118
World Series is 110
World Cup is 84
The Masters is 81
The Super Bowl is 47
The Peachtree Road Race is 46
Wimbledon is 46

We all love these events BUT ONLY the Peachtree Road Race is open to the "citizen athlete." The others are reserved for the elite. The Boston Marathon can be reached by a citizen athlete willing to do the work. It aint easy but it is accessible. John Shannon is our marathoner who will be among them next Monday.

All eyes will be on the runners in Boston next Monday. We hope a few are inspired to join us for a run soon.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Getting after it! Dropping the hammer! Grabbing your "gumption"! Putting the pedal to the medal. Frekin Redlining! Going for it.

No matter how you say it, every now and then you have to DO IT. Racing is one way of doing it. In our workout, there is an opportunity at least once a week if not every day to really push it.

In order to reach the next level, we have to go to a scary place and stay there for a minute. We have to abandon our inhibitions and accept the consequences of our actions. We have to be willing to pay the price of admission to get into the VIP section of the club. Folks can sneak in every now an again, but we know they don't belong if they haven't paid.

What is the worst that is going to happen? We have been in killer workouts where we felt like we were going to die. Sometimes we will puke. Occasionally we black out.

Every time we push ourselves, we get personal knowledge. We get to see what kind of engine is under the hood.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What did you choose today?

Track stars, athletes and fitness enthusiast have 3 possible choices per day.

rest - After long periods of training and competing, rest can help future performance. Typically abused

work out - 90% of our lives are spent here. This is were we live. Adapting to a workout lifestyle keeps us at our best. It brings purpose and balance to our days.

compete/recreation/perform - Road Racing, Running, Tennis, Golf, Skiing, swimming, triathlon, soccer, the options are endless. Folks in peak fitness can till and re-sod their entire yard on a Saturday.

Claire Bear 12
Jenny 12
Kathleen Hot Dog 12
Lisa  12
Amy Glamour 11
Arnaud 11
Jill 11
MiMi 11
Dave B 10
Reba 10
Wendy  10
Alan 9
Harriott  9
Lacie 9
Susie Mac 9
Cindy 8
Irene 8
Jimmy F  8
Love 8
Mary B 8
Barb  7
Kathleen 7
Molly Twinky 7
Caroline  6
Chris S. 6
Kathleen Cup Cake 6
Kwithee 6
Mary D. 6
JenJen 5
Jill Princess 5
Mary Blythe  5
Wendy Conrad 5
John G. 4
Kun 4
Roxanna 4
Charles  3
John S 3
Pietre 3
Toni 3
Brian S. 2
Dave D 1

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

40 Years

This week 40 years ago

Boston Marathon 1974, GBTC & Boston Billy

We trace our roots back to Coach Squires. He affectionately refers to me as "tattoo Joe". Coach Squires a.k.a. "The Wack" with his infamous hair piece a.k.a. "Willamina" is one of Americas greatest influences in road racing. At one time, his athletes ruled the world of road racing. He gives everyone a nickname, speaks in sentence fragments and can barely hold his attention for the life of a mayfly. He is loved throughout the running community and his influence stretches from Track Town USA in Oregon to Peachtree Road Boot Camp.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


The foot traffic around town is picking up. People are getting spring fever. Folks are looking for an exercise program. After a cold winter, the idea of going outside for fitness seem appealing. Make sure to tell your friends when and where you work out every day. Almost all of us were referred to boot camp by someone who was already here.

Amy Glamour 9
Claire Bear 9
Jill 8
Kathleen Hot Dog 8
Lisa  8
MiMi 8
Wendy  8
Alan 7
Arnaud 7
Dave B 7
Irene 7
Jenny 7
Lacie 7
Susie Mac 7
Barb  6
Jimmy F  6
Mary B 6
Reba 6
Caroline  5
Chris S. 5
Harriott  5
Kwithee 5
Love 5
Mary D. 5
Molly  5
Wendy Conrad 5
Cindy 4
Jill Princess 4
Kathleen 4
Kun 4
Mary Blythe  4
JenJen 3
Kathleen Cup Cake 3
John G. 2
Roxanna 2
Dave D 1