Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Boot Camp is often very social. It is critical to the workout that we can communicate, connect, relate and enjoy the company we keep while we exercise. For long time participants, it is a toss up between fitness and friendships for what has been the greater benefit of boot camp.

Many other workouts are dominated by the instructors and or music. This makes it hard for folks to carry on a conversation. We may be the only workout in Atlanta that can crank out 3 miles and 600 reps in a hour while talking the entire way.

Relationships are very important to everyone in every aspect of our lives. We encourage new participants to pay attention, ask questions and get to know the folks in the workout. We encourage veterans to welcome the new comer, encourage them and keep a positive attitude so they feel comfortable and excited about coming back.

While our friends in boot camp keep us accountable and excited about exercise, our relationship to food can play a large part in our fitness. We have always said " If you get the body hot enough, it will burn anything." While that is true, only a few folks have the discipline to show up every day for the workout.

For the rest of us, nutritional discipline can do wonders. It doesn't take much. The idea is too start small and stay mindful. Our relationship with food can come into focus. It is amazing how little food can fuel an active body. So if we don't need it, why are we eating it? What is the intention? Are we eating this because we want it or because we need it? Is this healthy? What is the nutritional value of this?

The simplest thing to do is to change ONE thing at a time. Weaning off of SUGAR is a great place to start. Sugar is poison. It is so addictive that quitting can often be very challenging. Its not quite crack or heroine but, its bad.

The other option is to show up to the workout every day, eat whatever we want and enjoy our relationships with people, exercise and food.

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