The AMA noted that obesity rates in the United States have "doubled among adults in the last twenty years and tripled among children in a single generation" and that the World Health Organization, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Internal Revenue Service already recognize the condition as a disease."
Obesity is associated with a variety of diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some cancers. Rising obesity is expected to increase America's already high health care costs. The AMA's recommendations accompanying the vote included urging physicians and insurance companies to "recognize obesity as a complex disorder," encouraging national efforts to educate the public "about the health risks of being overweight and obese."\
Theory: Americans have been sold and bought lock stock and barrel a complete lie. We have been told that we have to be this, do that, be known as, acquire, have and GO. We have to get out there and GO. We need big cars, big house, fancy vacations and expensive toys.
There are four ways to get all this: born well off, work our ass off, speculate and win, borrow.
In order to be this and have that, we have to eke out a miserable living in an unfriendly, dog eat dog world where winning the deal and beating out the other guy becomes our primary motive in life.
Consumption is the prize. The better we do, the more we get. And of course, there is the entitlement crowd who believe they get everything for nothing. Almost anything can be had for a signature. Either Big Brother will pay for it or the bank will pay for it and big brother will bail out the bank later. This insanity ranges from Six Pack Joe buying a bass boat all the up to The Man in Full buying a skyscraper. We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't know.
The end result is a depressed community that indulges its insatiable appetite through the suck hole on the front of its face.
Lisa | 23 |
Margaret | 23 |
Barb | 22 |
Jill | 22 |
Kathleen | 20 |
Lacie | 20 |
Susie Mac | 20 |
Wendy | 20 |
Rena | 19 |
Elly | 18 |
Harriott | 18 |
Kaffee | 18 |
Caroline | 17 |
Reba | 17 |
Irene | 16 |
Jenny | 16 |
Charles | 15 |
Gary | 15 |
JoEllyn | 15 |
Roxanna | 15 |
JenJen | 14 |
Jimmy F | 14 |
Molly | 13 |
Nick | 13 |
Barbara | 12 |
Chris W. | 12 |
Jay | 12 |
Kam | 12 |
Wendy C | 12 |
Mary D. | 11 |
John G. | 10 |
Johnathan | 10 |
Kristen | 10 |
Kwithee | 10 |
Mary Blythe | 10 |
Scott | 10 |
Bennett | 9 |
Paige | 9 |
Dave G | 8 |
Kelley | 8 |
Parker | 8 |
Maggie | 7 |
Patience | 7 |
Peter | 7 |
Anne S | 6 |
John S | 6 |
Lisa Long | 6 |
Anne M | 5 |
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