Monday, June 18, 2012

Fathers Day 4 Mile

Fathers Day 4 Mile

Prancer - 23:53 - 1st Master Woman 22nd overall
J. Shannon - 26:21 9th age group 59th over all
D Baker - 26:46 8th age group 65th overall
Glamour - 28:24 3rd age group 112th overall

Age Graded is becoming more popular during this second running boom.
Folks are giving way more at6tention to age graded performances. A 60 year old man can finish 100th in a race and have the top performance of the day based on this age "handicap."

Our race team ALL finished in the top 10 in their age groups. We are running at a middling club runner level on MINIMAL mileage. We are doing it with up tempo efforts (crazy 8s and road miles) and tons of exercise that keep our heart rates up on easy days.

For those who are interested in "going to the next level", this is the Prancer experiment:

Last 8 weeks mileage: 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 45, 40, 35. She has been "padding the book" before, after and during Boot Camp. The extra miles allow her to maintain lactate threshold for more and more minutes. While she was good before, the extra strength and stamina she is getting from the extra miles is putting her near some very good people.

Anyone who wants to can do this. It is a simple program that requires strict discipline and a sincere desire.

I phone camera sucks

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