With Rocky and Helicopters buzzing around our ears, it is important that we remember to walk out with our racing flats. "Racing flats" are another word for our lightest pair of running shoes. They are where the rubber hits the road. They are our most important piece of equipment.
Most of us will be meeting at PRUMC. It is important to remember that much of
Those of us with 4 digit numbers or less will get to run straight to the starting line and stand among the fastest men and women on earth. The spectacle of the PTRR starting line is as good as the race. Fast folks are warming up with their game face on. The press truck is loaded and ready to roll. Atlanta Track Club officials are walking around trying to bring order to the chaos. A big dog preacher says a prayer then the National Anthem is sung with a fly by at the end. Everyone takes their places and Tommy Owens (no relations) fires the gun.