Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The BEST Drugs for getting HIGH

Exercise is the best medicine for a healthy mind and body. Regular exercise will not only benefit you physically, it can provide emotional and psychological perks as well. During exercise, several different chemicals are released into the brain, with a broad range of positive effects. These chemicals are powerful mood- and mind-boosting substances.


Endorphins are released by the pituitary gland in the brain during sustained, vigorous exercise. Thought to be released in response to painful or stressful stimuli, endorphins diminish the pain associated with exercise, allowing you to exercise longer and at higher intensities. Other endorphin effects include decreased stress, euphoric feelings often referred to as a post-exercise high, decreased appetite and improved immune response.


Serotonin is another neurochemical released during exercise. Serotonin is a natural mood enhancer. When levels of serotonin are increased, symptoms of depression can be decreased. Simon N. Young, editor in chief of the "Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience," reports that people with lower levels of serotonin may experience negative physical effects in addition to depressed mood, such as increased risk for heart disease.


Exercise is beneficial for alleviating depression, and this is thought to be due to the effect of physical activity on neurotransmitter synthesis. Dopamine may have a distinct role in fighting stress and in countering depression by acting on the limbic system, a part of the brain that is important in emotional response.


During periods of stress, such as preparing to run in a race, the brain signals the adrenal glands to produce epinephrine or "adrenaline". Epinephrine increases the rate in which the heart beats. The increased cardiac output supplies more oxygen to the muscles, putting the body in a heightened state to react. As a longer term response to stress, cortisol is secreted by the adrenal glands, promoting the release of energy.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Princess Boot Camp

Princess Boot Camp a.k.a. PBC is an elite level basic training fitness program that maintains a conversational pace. New participants are often amazed that a conversation can continue without interruption while running & working out, through traffic for 3 miles and 600+ repetitions of various basic training exercise.

PBC is well known for being social before, during and after the workout. There are many social engagements, parties, and occasionally vacations. PBC takes field trips, has brunch, lunch or just coffee. The second language of PBC is French as we have as many internationals as Americans on any given day. As usual, we invite children to join the workout, baby joggers included.

These Princesses live a charmed life and seem to get younger with years.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

America the Beautiful

America is the greatest place in the world. Freedom in all its forms is beautiful. In America, we the people choose.

Its a good thing America doesn't elect a half cocked, intolerant Boot Camp instructor as the leader of the free world.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


50 folks have worked out with us this session. We have enough folks in Boot Camp now to create a powerful Pack.

Group training is tremendously transformative for the people who show up and contribute to the pack. Some days, we may not be worth a damn in the workout. Showing up on those days brings energy and livelihood to the pack. When we don't feel like we can do it for ourselves, we do it for the pack. Sometimes, showing up is the best we can do.

When the Pack gets bigger, there is a greater variety in fitness levels. Having everyone in the workout gives everyone someone to work out with. 

When we show up every day, the pack gets into a beautiful rhythm and flow. The workouts become a little more routine, comfortable, faster and more efficient. 

When we miss workouts, folks ask where we are. The question of where brings more questions and often comments unrelated to where. Comments can lead to speculation, hearsay and gossip. The best way to prevent from happening to YOU is to show up to the workout.

Do yourself and the Pack a favor, SHOW UP!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Hot Dog & Mom

Hot Dog & Mom
Kathleen a.k.a. "Hot Dog" and her adorable Mother Mary are the 3rd Elite Mother/Daughter combination to join boot camp. Harriott/Virginia & Holly/Jenna have been in the boot camp family for years. Our newest fine family felines are much like the others. The Daughters are very fast and focused on the workout while enjoying a little chit chat. The Mothers hold court in the middle of the pack and can occasionally be seen up on their toes hammering toward the front.

Our style of group training allows fit Mommies to enjoy a morning out with their Track Star Daughters in a workout, without putting too much pressure on Mom and/or asking the younger Stud to hold back. The second generation typically does a few more exercises at each interval and shows respect by allowing the Queen Matriarchs to go ahead before they catch up.

In this platoon style basic training program, everyone can workout together regardless of fitness. We all get a great workout that is right for us AND we get to enjoy each others company.