Monday, February 11, 2013

Invitation: Join Sara Blakely and One Billion Rising

Flash Mob Request!!!

Is dancing in a Flash Mob on your "bucket list", or something that slightly terrifies you?!! No pressure…you don't have to be a good dancer…waving your hands around or standing on the field in support counts too! Either way, please join me and so many others in supporting Eve Ensler's One Billion Rising...

Eve Ensler (creator of the Vagina Monologues) has raised more money to stop violence against women over the past ten years than the United Nations. She is amazing! I have been a supporter of Eve and V-day for many years. I even performed the Vagina Monologues with many other amazing women, including Jane Fonda (talk about terrifying!) to raise money and awareness for the cause.

This year I said I would gather friends and some Spanxters to join in. To make it easy, fun, and simple for us to participate, we are providing buses (leaving from Spanx) and a dance lesson (in the Buckhead Club - top floor of the Sovereign Building) before heading to the event. Here is a link to instructional the dance video if you want to practice ahead of time:

What does One Billion Rising look like?  On February 14, 2013 it will look like a revolution.  We want YOU to join the cause…and the flash mob!
One in three women on the planet will be raped or beaten in her lifetime.  That makes One Billion.  One billion women violated is an atrocity, one billion women dancing is a revolution.  That’s why on Febeuary 14, which is the 15th anniversary of V-Day, we invite you to join one billion women around the world (and those who love them) to walk out, dance, rise up and demand an end to the violence.
After learning the choreography in the Buckhead Club, we’ll take buses downtown to meet the One Billion Rising group in front of the Capitol Building.  Prior to dancing, I will be joining other local supporters in speaking out against violence.  At noon, we’ll walk in solidarity to Woodruff Park to take part in the One Billion Rising Flash Mob.
Event Details:
Thursday, Feb 14, 2013
  • 9am – Meet at the Buckhead Club (26th Floor of Sovereign Building) in the Peachtree Dining Room to learn the dance.  (Check out the link above if you want to prepare/learn dance ahead of time.)
  • 10:15am – Buses depart from Spanx office (if you’re not a Spanx employee, park in the deck of the Sovereign Building and we will validate your ticket).  The buses will bring you back by 1:30pm.
  • 10:45am – Meet the One Billion Rising group in front of the Capitol Building.
  • 12pm – Walk over to Woodruff Park for Flash Mob.
RSVP to and include your t-shirt size (shirts run small so go up a size)

Please join me as we rise up against violence and dance one billion strong!

Pass the email on to any friends who may want to rise up too!  This is not just for Spanx employees.


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