Thursday, February 28, 2013

Speed & Strength

Wednesday: Track Workout - 12 x 400meters with active recovery (40 repetitions of various core body exercises) It works out to a quarter mile and 40 reps every 5 minutes. 12x5=60 minutes of continuous exercise, We average 165 heart beats per minute for the entire 60 minutes with slight variations depending on pace and difficulty level of exercise. The average calorie burn for a track workout is over 1,000.

Thursday: Old School Brick workout around E Rivers- We don't use bricks anymore but the workout is still Tuffy. We run nearly 2 miles with weights in hand, stopping along the way for various upper body exercise. The calorie burn is lower but the arms and shoulders will be sore tonight.

Friday Fun Day:
Saturday: Meet at Road Runner Sports at 8am for the FREEze Run at Chastain.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


The difference between working out and training... When it is 38 degrees and raining steady and we decide to get dressed and walk out the door, we are no longer working out. We are training.

Thanks for a nice crowd at Triple Nickel.

Holy Cow! PBC went 4 1/2 miles and 500 reps in a constant down pour. The crazy thing is, we offered to cut it off and they opted for longer.

Princess Boot Camp has been enjoying their new club house.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Fast Friends

REBECCA NIXON  21:38 - Heart & Soles

LA Amisted last weekend: 1st Female Overall


"Tuffy & Reba" have been training together pretty much every morning for the better part of the last year. They have been very consistent. They have also taken their up tempo workouts very seriously. They socialize and enjoy Boot Camp's company on most days. BUT, when it is time to tighten up the laces, put our heads down and get after it, these beauties are no joke. Their hard days are hard.

Reba and Tuffy are now racing at a club level. This is typical for participants that want to go fast are are willing to do the work. Speed is a common outcome of daily discipline in Boot Camp.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Mary D = 100/2

On most days, Mary D is a Princess. Once or twice a week, she hangs with the rough and tumble Triple Nickel crowd. If you don't recognize her, its because she is a wall flower that rarely speaks up. She is as quiet as a mouse. Sometimes she will come to a workout and we will forget she was even there until we check the sign in sheet.

Okay, Mary loves to talk while she works out. That is one of the advantages of Peachtree Road Boot Camp. We talk a lot. Most of our workouts are conversational. It is fun to watch new comers run along gasping for air while the veterans chat and hammer.

Back to Mary. She ain't missing ANY workouts. She is as serious as a heart attack about fitness. 16 years ago, Mary was a SIZE 16. You may have had a tough time wrestling a doughnut away from her. Mary's journey started with nutrition. She joined weight watchers and began losing pounds. Over the last Decade, and even more so lately, she has been firming up with daily exercise. Mary is a swimmer but loves Boot Camp. She is currently getting in touch with her inner cheetah. Her paces have quickened and she is seen often leading the pack. Her smile is infectious and we feel very lucky to work out with Mary every day.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Invitation: Join Sara Blakely and One Billion Rising

Flash Mob Request!!!

Is dancing in a Flash Mob on your "bucket list", or something that slightly terrifies you?!! No pressure…you don't have to be a good dancer…waving your hands around or standing on the field in support counts too! Either way, please join me and so many others in supporting Eve Ensler's One Billion Rising...

Eve Ensler (creator of the Vagina Monologues) has raised more money to stop violence against women over the past ten years than the United Nations. She is amazing! I have been a supporter of Eve and V-day for many years. I even performed the Vagina Monologues with many other amazing women, including Jane Fonda (talk about terrifying!) to raise money and awareness for the cause.

This year I said I would gather friends and some Spanxters to join in. To make it easy, fun, and simple for us to participate, we are providing buses (leaving from Spanx) and a dance lesson (in the Buckhead Club - top floor of the Sovereign Building) before heading to the event. Here is a link to instructional the dance video if you want to practice ahead of time:

What does One Billion Rising look like?  On February 14, 2013 it will look like a revolution.  We want YOU to join the cause…and the flash mob!
One in three women on the planet will be raped or beaten in her lifetime.  That makes One Billion.  One billion women violated is an atrocity, one billion women dancing is a revolution.  That’s why on Febeuary 14, which is the 15th anniversary of V-Day, we invite you to join one billion women around the world (and those who love them) to walk out, dance, rise up and demand an end to the violence.
After learning the choreography in the Buckhead Club, we’ll take buses downtown to meet the One Billion Rising group in front of the Capitol Building.  Prior to dancing, I will be joining other local supporters in speaking out against violence.  At noon, we’ll walk in solidarity to Woodruff Park to take part in the One Billion Rising Flash Mob.
Event Details:
Thursday, Feb 14, 2013
  • 9am – Meet at the Buckhead Club (26th Floor of Sovereign Building) in the Peachtree Dining Room to learn the dance.  (Check out the link above if you want to prepare/learn dance ahead of time.)
  • 10:15am – Buses depart from Spanx office (if you’re not a Spanx employee, park in the deck of the Sovereign Building and we will validate your ticket).  The buses will bring you back by 1:30pm.
  • 10:45am – Meet the One Billion Rising group in front of the Capitol Building.
  • 12pm – Walk over to Woodruff Park for Flash Mob.
RSVP to and include your t-shirt size (shirts run small so go up a size)

Please join me as we rise up against violence and dance one billion strong!

Pass the email on to any friends who may want to rise up too!  This is not just for Spanx employees.


Thursday, February 7, 2013


Physical pain is an inescapable part of physical fitness. "No Pain, No Gain" is the age old saying. The tick is to get the most fitness with the least amount of pain.

Treatment: Typically, treatment comes in the form of massage, trigger point therapy, dry needling or acupuncture. It is very rare for treatment to be comfortable and enjoyable. Since we work out every day, treatment is a very necessary part of our discipline. We have to accept the pain as it is delivered and allow it to wash over us. We wont die. Muscles and tendons don't break from treatment.

Workout/Race: Many times during the week and often in Road Races, we have to go to the well. We draw from the deep and draw again. A high tolerance for pain is a gift that allows us to draw water from the bottom of the well.

Those of us who resist the pain...don't. Resistance is futile. We have yet to meet a Bootcamper that is going to die in a race or workout. It takes a special maniac to even run yourself unconscious. No one is going to die.

Acceptance is the answer. Observe pain with curiosity. We say to ourselves " I am having a very human experience of feeling pain." We can question ourselves "If physically, my body can produce enough power to make it through this, will my brain be quiet enough to allow it to happen?"

We know this for sure. THINKING almost never improves performance. Thinking is a wonderful way to solve problems. We can not think ourselves through pain.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Say it ain't so... It is bitter sweet! Our Baby is (gulp) FOURTY. How old do we feel now?

While it is true Kwithee lives a charmed life in Princess Boot Camp wonderland, she does not take it for granted. She hammers workouts, holds her own in road races and is a fierce competitor on the tennis courts. Meanwhile, she runs a tight ship raising three boys and dating her lucky husband.

This Renaissance woman has recently piled more onto her plate with a new puppy and a weekly commitment to a bible study. We are very proud of our darling young lady who has grown into a well rounded Super Hot Mom.

We say it all the time... The ladies we have the privilege to work out with daily are among the finest you will ever meet. Their dedication to the daily discipline keeps them looking and feeling younger as the weeks, months and years pass us by.

Friday, February 1, 2013


Years ago, Boot Camp would hold an annual workout on MLK Day. It was always large. Everyone had been skiing and returned. The Holidays were over. Folks were in town.

We decided to blow up our annual workout to include a few thousand people. The MLK Day 5K is an event produced by Boot Camp. It is our humble little workout that provided the idea, the sponsorship, the volunteers, the promotion,  much of the talent and many of the participants.

Special thanks to:

Laurie, Holly, Jenny, Caroline, Shannon(Preachers Wifey),Susie Mac, Harriott, Mary D., Jill, Angelic, Irene, Charles (Preacher), Amy Glamour, Ewin and Lino Momo.