Friday, December 28, 2012


For years we have kept records on attendance to Boot Camp workouts. Writing it down has immense mental, emotional and spiritual significance. When we are engaged in a training program, a part of each day is dedicated to a specific task. As we progress from day to day, we can see how every workout compliments the previous workouts. We can also see how our body reacts to the new stimulus. Further more, we can track the progression and have a written document of our improvement. When things go wrong, we can look back, learn from the mistake and make adjustments. Seeing the progression on paper makes us FEEL better about our program. KNOWING that we are progressing gives us confidence. Having knowledge and confidence, we GO FOR IT in races.

Write it down! Valaria will send each of us a 20 day Journal for starters. Take Valaria's Challenge and make a difference!

Valaria's Challenge

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