Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fit is the new Phat...so get with it

Adult Obesity

Obesity is common, serious and costly.

•About one-third of U.S. adults (33.8%) are obese.

•No state has met the nation's Healthy People 2010 goal to lower obesity prevalence to 15%. The number of states with an obesity prevalence of 30% or more has increased to 12 states in 2010. In 2009, nine states had obesity rates of 30% or more.  In 2000, no state had an obesity prevalence of 30% or more.

•Obesity-related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer, some of the leading causes of death.

•In 2008, medical costs associated with obesity were estimated at $147 billion; the medical costs paid by third-party payors for people who are obese were $1,429 higher than those of normal weight.
Obesity affects some groups more than others.

•Non-Hispanic blacks have the highest rates of obesity (44.1%) compared with Mexican Americans (39.3%), all Hispanics (37.9%) and non-Hispanic whites (32.6%).

•Among non-Hispanic black and Mexican-American men, those with higher incomes are more likely to be obese than those with low income.

•Higher income women are less likely to be obese than low-income women.

•There is no significant relationship between obesity and education among men. Among women, however, there is a trend—those with college degrees are less likely to be obese compared with less educated women.

•Between 1988–1994 and 2007–2008 the prevalence of obesity increased in adults at all income and education levels.


Atlanta is one of the Fattest Cities in the World. Here is the Fitness Challenge for 2012:

Run and or exercise for the first 15 days of the new year. Then, run this race. 16 days of continuous exercise will establish a pattern. Once a pattern is established, there is a chance that a change in fitness can occur.

Christine 12

Harriott 12
Jodi 12
Lisa 12
Cindy Neal 11
Gary 11
Kaffee 11
Mary 11
Susie Mac 11
Cindy 10
Holly 10
Irene 10
John S 10
Kathleen 10
Barb 9
Charles 9
Dave B 9
Glamour 9
Mary Blythe 9
Mary D. 9
Sabrina 9
Caroline 8
Ellie 8
Jenny 8
John O'Neill 8
Kerry 8
Paige 8
Allison 7
Caroline Mc 7
Jimmy F 7
John G. 7
Katie 7
Leslie 7
Liz 7
Margaret 7
Owen 7
Stacey 7
Susie C 7
Wendy 7
Drew 6
Frank 6
Jessica 6
Kristin 6
Roxanna 6
Alicia 5
Anne Tyler 5
Dolly 5
Sally 5
Anne 4
Carolyn 4
Dan B 4
James 4
Jennifer 4
Jim 4
Matthew 4
Tiffany 4
Todd 4
Dave D 3
Kristen 3
Michael 3
Michael S. 3
Barbara 2
David P. 2
Jeremy 2
Prancey 2
Sam 2
Steef 1

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