Nearly 60 beautiful people graced the quiet landscape in and around The Beltline this morning. The primary focus of this mornings exercise was core body muscles. We did a ton of sit ups, crunches, planks & back bends. We also always crank out our share of push ups.
Boot Camp is thriving with large participation and a high level of fitness. There are three weeks left in the current session. Most of the participants are showing up 3 or 4 days a week. A serious group of motivated regulars are showing up every day. There is a subtle difference between the two. The ones that show up every day are in better shape. They can do more exercises. They look better doing them and of course, they run faster.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
As each bird flaps it's wings, it creates an "uplift" for the bird following.
By flying in a "V" formation, the whole flock adds a 71% longer flying range than if each flew alone.
LESSON; People who share common direction and sense of community can get where they travel on the thrust of one another. Whenever a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to fly alone, and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the "lifting power" of the bird immediately in front.
LESSON; If we have as much sense as a goose, we will stay in formation with those who are headed where we want to go. The geese in formation honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep their speed.
LESSON; We need to make sure our honking from behind is encouraging not something less helpful. When a goose gets sick or shot down, two geese drop out of formation and follow him down to help protect him. They stay with him until he is either able to fly again or dies. Then they launch out on their own, either with another formation or to catch up with the original flock.
LESSON; If we have as much sense as the geese, we'll stand by each other like they do. When a goose gets tired of leading the formation, he will retire to the rear to take advantage of the maximum lift (draft), while another goose moves forward to take a turn at leading the formation.
LESSON; If we have as much sense as a goose, we will take a turn in the lead when the time comes.
Christine 14
Harriott 14
Jodi 14
Kaffee 14
Lisa 14
Cindy Neal 13
Gary 13
Susie Mac 13
Cindy 12
Kathleen 12
Holly 11
Irene 11
John S 11
Mary 11
Mary D. 11
Barb 10
Caroline 10
Charles 10
Dave B 10
Glamour 10
Kerry 10
Sabrina 10
Ellie 9
Jenny 9
Jimmy F 9
John O'Neill 9
Liz 9
Mary Blythe 9
Paige 9
Allison 8
John G. 8
Katie 8
Leslie 8
Margaret 8
Owen 8
Stacey 8
Susie C 8
Wendy 8
Caroline Mc 7
Frank 7
Jessica 7
Roxanna 7
Alicia 6
Anne Tyler 6
Drew 6
Kristin 6
Todd 6
Anne 5
Carolyn 5
Dolly 5
Jim 5
Sally 5
Tiffany 5
Dan B 4
James 4
Jennifer 4
Kristen 4
Matthew 4
Michael 4
Michael S. 4
Prancey 4
Dave D 3
Barbara 2
David P. 2
Jeremy 2
Sam 2
Maggie 1
Steef 1
As each bird flaps it's wings, it creates an "uplift" for the bird following.
By flying in a "V" formation, the whole flock adds a 71% longer flying range than if each flew alone.
LESSON; People who share common direction and sense of community can get where they travel on the thrust of one another. Whenever a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to fly alone, and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the "lifting power" of the bird immediately in front.
LESSON; If we have as much sense as a goose, we will stay in formation with those who are headed where we want to go. The geese in formation honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep their speed.
LESSON; We need to make sure our honking from behind is encouraging not something less helpful. When a goose gets sick or shot down, two geese drop out of formation and follow him down to help protect him. They stay with him until he is either able to fly again or dies. Then they launch out on their own, either with another formation or to catch up with the original flock.
LESSON; If we have as much sense as the geese, we'll stand by each other like they do. When a goose gets tired of leading the formation, he will retire to the rear to take advantage of the maximum lift (draft), while another goose moves forward to take a turn at leading the formation.
LESSON; If we have as much sense as a goose, we will take a turn in the lead when the time comes.
Christine 14
Harriott 14
Jodi 14
Kaffee 14
Lisa 14
Cindy Neal 13
Gary 13
Susie Mac 13
Cindy 12
Kathleen 12
Holly 11
Irene 11
John S 11
Mary 11
Mary D. 11
Barb 10
Caroline 10
Charles 10
Dave B 10
Glamour 10
Kerry 10
Sabrina 10
Ellie 9
Jenny 9
Jimmy F 9
John O'Neill 9
Liz 9
Mary Blythe 9
Paige 9
Allison 8
John G. 8
Katie 8
Leslie 8
Margaret 8
Owen 8
Stacey 8
Susie C 8
Wendy 8
Caroline Mc 7
Frank 7
Jessica 7
Roxanna 7
Alicia 6
Anne Tyler 6
Drew 6
Kristin 6
Todd 6
Anne 5
Carolyn 5
Dolly 5
Jim 5
Sally 5
Tiffany 5
Dan B 4
James 4
Jennifer 4
Kristen 4
Matthew 4
Michael 4
Michael S. 4
Prancey 4
Dave D 3
Barbara 2
David P. 2
Jeremy 2
Sam 2
Maggie 1
Steef 1
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Cocktail Party
Johnny on the spot |
A group of people running, talking and exercising together may sound something like a cocktail party. Peachtree Road Boot Camp would look more like the pretty people cocktail party.
The pretty people cocktail party is all inclusive. Everyone is invited. Occasionally, we run across someone not so pretty who can not keep up. Feeling excluded and a little lonely (jealous), they lash out us. They scream at us. They try to run us off.
It happened 3 times today. A new Boot Camp record: Old Fat Cop on Peachtree, Super nice security at Lenox, Cranky lady at the old folks home on W Paces.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Fit is the new get with it
Adult Obesity
Obesity is common, serious and costly.
•About one-third of U.S. adults (33.8%) are obese.
•No state has met the nation's Healthy People 2010 goal to lower obesity prevalence to 15%. The number of states with an obesity prevalence of 30% or more has increased to 12 states in 2010. In 2009, nine states had obesity rates of 30% or more. In 2000, no state had an obesity prevalence of 30% or more.
•Obesity-related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer, some of the leading causes of death.
•In 2008, medical costs associated with obesity were estimated at $147 billion; the medical costs paid by third-party payors for people who are obese were $1,429 higher than those of normal weight.
Obesity affects some groups more than others.
•Non-Hispanic blacks have the highest rates of obesity (44.1%) compared with Mexican Americans (39.3%), all Hispanics (37.9%) and non-Hispanic whites (32.6%).
•Among non-Hispanic black and Mexican-American men, those with higher incomes are more likely to be obese than those with low income.
•Higher income women are less likely to be obese than low-income women.
•There is no significant relationship between obesity and education among men. Among women, however, there is a trend—those with college degrees are less likely to be obese compared with less educated women.
•Between 1988–1994 and 2007–2008 the prevalence of obesity increased in adults at all income and education levels.
Atlanta is one of the Fattest Cities in the World. Here is the Fitness Challenge for 2012:
Run and or exercise for the first 15 days of the new year. Then, run this race. 16 days of continuous exercise will establish a pattern. Once a pattern is established, there is a chance that a change in fitness can occur.
Christine 12
Harriott 12
Jodi 12
Lisa 12
Cindy Neal 11
Gary 11
Kaffee 11
Mary 11
Susie Mac 11
Cindy 10
Holly 10
Irene 10
John S 10
Kathleen 10
Barb 9
Charles 9
Dave B 9
Glamour 9
Mary Blythe 9
Mary D. 9
Sabrina 9
Caroline 8
Ellie 8
Jenny 8
John O'Neill 8
Kerry 8
Paige 8
Allison 7
Caroline Mc 7
Jimmy F 7
John G. 7
Katie 7
Leslie 7
Liz 7
Margaret 7
Owen 7
Stacey 7
Susie C 7
Wendy 7
Drew 6
Frank 6
Jessica 6
Kristin 6
Roxanna 6
Alicia 5
Anne Tyler 5
Dolly 5
Sally 5
Anne 4
Carolyn 4
Dan B 4
James 4
Jennifer 4
Jim 4
Matthew 4
Tiffany 4
Todd 4
Dave D 3
Kristen 3
Michael 3
Michael S. 3
Barbara 2
David P. 2
Jeremy 2
Prancey 2
Sam 2
Steef 1
Obesity is common, serious and costly.
•About one-third of U.S. adults (33.8%) are obese.
•No state has met the nation's Healthy People 2010 goal to lower obesity prevalence to 15%. The number of states with an obesity prevalence of 30% or more has increased to 12 states in 2010. In 2009, nine states had obesity rates of 30% or more. In 2000, no state had an obesity prevalence of 30% or more.
•Obesity-related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer, some of the leading causes of death.
•In 2008, medical costs associated with obesity were estimated at $147 billion; the medical costs paid by third-party payors for people who are obese were $1,429 higher than those of normal weight.
Obesity affects some groups more than others.
•Non-Hispanic blacks have the highest rates of obesity (44.1%) compared with Mexican Americans (39.3%), all Hispanics (37.9%) and non-Hispanic whites (32.6%).
•Among non-Hispanic black and Mexican-American men, those with higher incomes are more likely to be obese than those with low income.
•Higher income women are less likely to be obese than low-income women.
•There is no significant relationship between obesity and education among men. Among women, however, there is a trend—those with college degrees are less likely to be obese compared with less educated women.
•Between 1988–1994 and 2007–2008 the prevalence of obesity increased in adults at all income and education levels.
Atlanta is one of the Fattest Cities in the World. Here is the Fitness Challenge for 2012:
Run and or exercise for the first 15 days of the new year. Then, run this race. 16 days of continuous exercise will establish a pattern. Once a pattern is established, there is a chance that a change in fitness can occur.
Christine 12
Harriott 12
Jodi 12
Lisa 12
Cindy Neal 11
Gary 11
Kaffee 11
Mary 11
Susie Mac 11
Cindy 10
Holly 10
Irene 10
John S 10
Kathleen 10
Barb 9
Charles 9
Dave B 9
Glamour 9
Mary Blythe 9
Mary D. 9
Sabrina 9
Caroline 8
Ellie 8
Jenny 8
John O'Neill 8
Kerry 8
Paige 8
Allison 7
Caroline Mc 7
Jimmy F 7
John G. 7
Katie 7
Leslie 7
Liz 7
Margaret 7
Owen 7
Stacey 7
Susie C 7
Wendy 7
Drew 6
Frank 6
Jessica 6
Kristin 6
Roxanna 6
Alicia 5
Anne Tyler 5
Dolly 5
Sally 5
Anne 4
Carolyn 4
Dan B 4
James 4
Jennifer 4
Jim 4
Matthew 4
Tiffany 4
Todd 4
Dave D 3
Kristen 3
Michael 3
Michael S. 3
Barbara 2
David P. 2
Jeremy 2
Prancey 2
Sam 2
Steef 1
Monday, September 26, 2011
day 11 of 30
Group training looked good today in Buckhead. Throngs of beautiful people moved effortlessly across the fields like schools of fish gliding through the open seas. The exercises were snappy. There was the typical Monday morning chatter. We have something special going on right now. Participation is up and attendance is good.
Christine 11
Gary 11
Harriott 11
Jodi 11
Lisa 11
Cindy Neal 10
Kaffee 10
Mary 10
Susie Mac 10
Cindy 9
Irene 9
John S 9
Kathleen 9
Mary Blythe 9
Barb 8
Dave B 8
Ellie 8
Glamour 8
Holly 8
Mary D. 8
Sabrina 8
Allison 7
Caroline 7
Charles 7
Jenny 7
Jimmy F 7
John G. 7
John O'Neill 7
Katie 7
Kerry 7
Leslie 7
Paige 7
Wendy 7
Caroline Mc 6
Frank 6
Jessica 6
Liz 6
Margaret 6
Owen 6
Roxanna 6
Stacey 6
Susie C 6
Anne Tyler 5
Dolly 5
Drew 5
Kristin 5
Sally 5
Alicia 4
Anne 4
Carolyn 4
Dan B 4
James 4
Jennifer 4
Jim 4
Todd 4
Dave D 3
Kristen 3
Matthew 3
Michael 3
Michael S. 3
Tiffany 3
Barbara 2
David P. 2
Jeremy 2
Sam 2
Prancey 1
Steef 1
Christine 11
Gary 11
Harriott 11
Jodi 11
Lisa 11
Cindy Neal 10
Kaffee 10
Mary 10
Susie Mac 10
Cindy 9
Irene 9
John S 9
Kathleen 9
Mary Blythe 9
Barb 8
Dave B 8
Ellie 8
Glamour 8
Holly 8
Mary D. 8
Sabrina 8
Allison 7
Caroline 7
Charles 7
Jenny 7
Jimmy F 7
John G. 7
John O'Neill 7
Katie 7
Kerry 7
Leslie 7
Paige 7
Wendy 7
Caroline Mc 6
Frank 6
Jessica 6
Liz 6
Margaret 6
Owen 6
Roxanna 6
Stacey 6
Susie C 6
Anne Tyler 5
Dolly 5
Drew 5
Kristin 5
Sally 5
Alicia 4
Anne 4
Carolyn 4
Dan B 4
James 4
Jennifer 4
Jim 4
Todd 4
Dave D 3
Kristen 3
Matthew 3
Michael 3
Michael S. 3
Tiffany 3
Barbara 2
David P. 2
Jeremy 2
Sam 2
Prancey 1
Steef 1
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
![]() | |||||
Mary Blythe with her workout buddies |
Many folks might abandon the workout. Who can have a job, plan a wedding, be a fiancee, get chemo and make the workout every day? Mary Blythe.
Our beautiful bride to be has walked through life with absolute grace and dignity. Now she is ready to walk down the isle. Our best wishes to happy couple.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The Ladies are dead serious about exercise. Female participation is up. More importantly, the Gals are showing up every day and working hard. We have the brightest most beautiful ladies in Atlanta working out with us daily. To see a pack of lovely ladies smiling and chatting as they hammer a workout that would kill the average earth girl is "A thing of beauty."
Mary Blythe 8
Christine 7
Cindy 7
Cindy Neal 7
Gary 7
Jodi 7
Kaffee 7
Lisa 7
Mary 7
Mary D. 7
Allison 6
Ellie 6
Harriott 6
Holly 6
Sabrina 6
Susie Mac 6
Wendy 6
Caroline 5
Dave B 5
Irene 5
Jimmy F 5
John O'Neill 5
John S 5
Kathleen 5
Kerry 5
Leslie 5
Stacey 5
Barb 4
Caroline Mc 4
Charles 4
Frank 4
Glamour 4
Jenny 4
Jessica 4
John G. 4
Owen 4
Paige 4
Anne Tyler 3
Dan B 3
Dolly 3
Drew 3
James 3
Jennifer 3
Katie 3
Kristen 3
Liz 3
Michael 3
Roxanna 3
Sally 3
Susie C 3
Alicia 2
Barbara 2
Dave D 2
David P. 2
Jeremy 2
Kristin 2
Margaret 2
Matthew 2
Michael S. 2
Anne 1
Carolyn 1
Jim 2
Sam 1
Steef 1
Tiffany 1
Todd 1
Mary Blythe 8
Christine 7
Cindy 7
Cindy Neal 7
Gary 7
Jodi 7
Kaffee 7
Lisa 7
Mary 7
Mary D. 7
Allison 6
Ellie 6
Harriott 6
Holly 6
Sabrina 6
Susie Mac 6
Wendy 6
Caroline 5
Dave B 5
Irene 5
Jimmy F 5
John O'Neill 5
John S 5
Kathleen 5
Kerry 5
Leslie 5
Stacey 5
Barb 4
Caroline Mc 4
Charles 4
Frank 4
Glamour 4
Jenny 4
Jessica 4
John G. 4
Owen 4
Paige 4
Anne Tyler 3
Dan B 3
Dolly 3
Drew 3
James 3
Jennifer 3
Katie 3
Kristen 3
Liz 3
Michael 3
Roxanna 3
Sally 3
Susie C 3
Alicia 2
Barbara 2
Dave D 2
David P. 2
Jeremy 2
Kristin 2
Margaret 2
Matthew 2
Michael S. 2
Anne 1
Carolyn 1
Jim 2
Sam 1
Steef 1
Tiffany 1
Todd 1
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Greatest Of All Time
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G.O.A.T. |
Self Proclaimed Greatest Of All Time
Track Stars are arguably the cockiest, most arrogant athlete's on earth. Among these neurotic nut cases, 100M champs take the cake. Maurice Greeen was "The Fastest Man on Earth" for a number of years. His claim of being the G.O.A.T. was a little sketchy in his day. With Usain Bolt's quantum leap into a realm never conceived of by human beings, Mo's claim carries even less weight. BTW, Usain Bolt will be on TV tomorrow.
![]() |
Now here is a famous goat Click here to see the goat explination |
Friday, September 9, 2011
Day 30
Way to Go Lisa & Mary. These beautiful, thin, young ladies survived 6 weeks of daily exercise. They made a commitment on the first day and stuck to it. When they were out of town and had to miss a workout, they did a double to make it up. In order to do a double and keep a streak, that requires 3 workouts in 25 hours somewhere in the week. Both these girls have jobs and lives outside of the workout that are very demanding. Daily exercise did not wear them down or steal from other activities. On the contrary, they have more energy now than when they started.
In addition to exercising every day, Lisa stopped drinking soda. The combination of daily exercise and a little nutritional awareness is going to cost her a ton of money. She is running out of things to wear. Nothing fits any more.
The always lovely Mary is just a baby. She should be fit and fabulous. But, look at the twenty somethings we see around town. They are chunky monkeys. These porkers get out of college and let themselves go. Not our girl. She is hammering daily with the finest, fittest women in Atlanta.
Thanks to everyone on the list below for making this the best group training in Atlanta. These names are Boot Camp.
9/11 Victory Run for American Legion, Atlanta, Chastain Park, 2:00 p.m.;
New 6 week session starts Monday.
Lisa 30
Mary 30
Gary 26
Caroline 24
John S 24
Mary Blythe 24
Michael 24
Alicia 23
Jodi 23
Harriott 22
Irene 22
Kaffee 22
Leslie 22
Susie C 22
Allison 21
Tiffany 21
Christine 20
John O'Neill 20
Holly 19
Jim 19
Paige 19
Charles 18
Frank 18
Margaret 18
Carolyn 17
Cindy 17
Dave B 17
Jennifer 17
Jimmy F 17
Glamour 16
Caroline Mc 15
Drew 15
John G. 15
Mary D. 14
Owen 14
David P. 13
Steef 13
Kerry 12
Kristen 11
Sally 11
Wendy 11
Matthew 10
Michael S. 10
Barb 8
Dave D 8
Paul 7
Dolly 6
Sam 6
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Day 27 of 30
We have often called the corner of Peachtree Rd and Peachtree Battle "the epicenter of the universe". Lately, the gravitational pull has been quite negative. A few weeks ago, we heard the gun shots that killed the Burger King Bandit. Last week we were visited by the purse snatcher.
Today we witnessed a violent wreck 75 meters from an otherwise serene, somewhat pedestrian workout. It sounded like CRASH, Bang Bang. We originally thought the bang bang were shots being fired. It was one of the crashed cars flipping down Peachtree. Apparently, the PoPo pulled over a young man in a stolen car around Peachtree and W Paces. Deciding that a conversation was not in his best interest, he floored it. The Fuzz knew this bandito was bad news. The report was that 7 cop cars were chasing him south bound at HIGH speed. The car in the front of the picture was taking a right on Peachtree from Ptree Battle when CRASH Bang Bang. No one died.
If you are a news Junkie, come to Boot Camp. You will get the news as it happens.
Someone picked up Alicia's key this morning by mistake.
Crazy 8's 5 miles 500 reps today
Lisa 28
Mary 26
Gary 24
Mary Blythe 24
Caroline 22
John S 22
Alicia 21
Jodi 21
Susie C 21
Allison 20
Harriott 20
Irene 20
Kaffee 20
Leslie 20
Michael 20
Tiffany 20
Holly 19
Jim 19
Christine 18
John O'Neill 18
Charles 17
Paige 17
Carolyn 16
Dave B 16
Frank 16
Jennifer 16
Jimmy F 16
Margaret 16
Cindy 15
Glamour 14
John G. 14
Mary D. 14
Caroline Mc 13
David P. 13
Drew 13
Owen 12
Steef 12
Kerry 11
Kristen 10
Michael S. 10
Sally 10
Wendy 10
Matthew 9
Dave D 8
Barb 7
Paul 7
Dolly 6
Sam 6
Today we witnessed a violent wreck 75 meters from an otherwise serene, somewhat pedestrian workout. It sounded like CRASH, Bang Bang. We originally thought the bang bang were shots being fired. It was one of the crashed cars flipping down Peachtree. Apparently, the PoPo pulled over a young man in a stolen car around Peachtree and W Paces. Deciding that a conversation was not in his best interest, he floored it. The Fuzz knew this bandito was bad news. The report was that 7 cop cars were chasing him south bound at HIGH speed. The car in the front of the picture was taking a right on Peachtree from Ptree Battle when CRASH Bang Bang. No one died.
If you are a news Junkie, come to Boot Camp. You will get the news as it happens.
Someone picked up Alicia's key this morning by mistake.
Crazy 8's 5 miles 500 reps today
Lisa 28
Mary 26
Gary 24
Mary Blythe 24
Caroline 22
John S 22
Alicia 21
Jodi 21
Susie C 21
Allison 20
Harriott 20
Irene 20
Kaffee 20
Leslie 20
Michael 20
Tiffany 20
Holly 19
Jim 19
Christine 18
John O'Neill 18
Charles 17
Paige 17
Carolyn 16
Dave B 16
Frank 16
Jennifer 16
Jimmy F 16
Margaret 16
Cindy 15
Glamour 14
John G. 14
Mary D. 14
Caroline Mc 13
David P. 13
Drew 13
Owen 12
Steef 12
Kerry 11
Kristen 10
Michael S. 10
Sally 10
Wendy 10
Matthew 9
Dave D 8
Barb 7
Paul 7
Dolly 6
Sam 6
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Days 26 & 27 of 30
The 3 wise men? The 3 Blind Mice? The Three Stooges?
John S., Jimmy and Dave B. had a tough two days.
Monday - Run from E Rivers to Rooms to Go on the corner of Peachtree and Piedmont. While hanging out at rooms to go, these gentlemen and others lifted weights while cheering for the finishers of The Buckhead Sizzler. It was a little bit of a carnival atmosphere. We were able to provide a boost for our friends in the race while getting pumped up. The crew ran back after. Call it 5 miles 500 reps. Most of the reps were with two 5 pound weights in each hand. We doubled up.
Tuesday - 26 folks showed up this morning. It did not rain on us. We started with an innocent set of stair step aerobics and a few exercises in the stump garden. Then we circled the school and back around to the track. We lined up and ran a cruise quarter, then ran up the center set of stairs 5 times. That was the first set. Then we did another 200 reps of lower body exercise underneath the breezeway at the top of the stairs, ran half way around the school to the track, lined up and did another cruise quarter and another 5 times up the stairs. 2 sets. Then we did another 200 reps on the stairs followed quarter and 5 stairs (3rd set). Then we went back to the stump garden for a final 200 repetitions of various lower body exercise. Having completed 800 reps, we lined up on Peachtree Battle and ran a Muscogee Mile. This workout is what we like to call a "race effort."
Lisa did everything over the two days except the final Muscogee Mile. The Three Amigos did it all and looked good doing it. Its back to back workouts like these that let you know you are in shape.
Lisa 27
Mary 26
Mary Blythe 24
Gary 23
Caroline 21
Jodi 21
John S 21
Alicia 20
Leslie 20
Susie C 20
Allison 19
Harriott 19
Holly 19
Irene 19
Kaffee 19
Michael 19
Tiffany 19
Jim 18
Christine 17
John O'Neill 17
Charles 16
Dave B 16
Paige 16
Carolyn 15
Frank 15
Jennifer 15
Jimmy F 15
Margaret 15
Cindy 14
Mary D. 14
Caroline Mc 13
David P. 13
Glamour 13
John G. 13
Drew 12
Steef 12
Owen 11
Kerry 10
Michael S. 10
Kristen 9
Matthew 9
Sally 9
Wendy 9
Dave D 8
Barb 7
Paul 7
Dolly 6
Allison FSU 5
Liz 5
Sam 5
Hector 4
John S., Jimmy and Dave B. had a tough two days.
Monday - Run from E Rivers to Rooms to Go on the corner of Peachtree and Piedmont. While hanging out at rooms to go, these gentlemen and others lifted weights while cheering for the finishers of The Buckhead Sizzler. It was a little bit of a carnival atmosphere. We were able to provide a boost for our friends in the race while getting pumped up. The crew ran back after. Call it 5 miles 500 reps. Most of the reps were with two 5 pound weights in each hand. We doubled up.
Tuesday - 26 folks showed up this morning. It did not rain on us. We started with an innocent set of stair step aerobics and a few exercises in the stump garden. Then we circled the school and back around to the track. We lined up and ran a cruise quarter, then ran up the center set of stairs 5 times. That was the first set. Then we did another 200 reps of lower body exercise underneath the breezeway at the top of the stairs, ran half way around the school to the track, lined up and did another cruise quarter and another 5 times up the stairs. 2 sets. Then we did another 200 reps on the stairs followed quarter and 5 stairs (3rd set). Then we went back to the stump garden for a final 200 repetitions of various lower body exercise. Having completed 800 reps, we lined up on Peachtree Battle and ran a Muscogee Mile. This workout is what we like to call a "race effort."
Lisa did everything over the two days except the final Muscogee Mile. The Three Amigos did it all and looked good doing it. Its back to back workouts like these that let you know you are in shape.
Lisa 27
Mary 26
Mary Blythe 24
Gary 23
Caroline 21
Jodi 21
John S 21
Alicia 20
Leslie 20
Susie C 20
Allison 19
Harriott 19
Holly 19
Irene 19
Kaffee 19
Michael 19
Tiffany 19
Jim 18
Christine 17
John O'Neill 17
Charles 16
Dave B 16
Paige 16
Carolyn 15
Frank 15
Jennifer 15
Jimmy F 15
Margaret 15
Cindy 14
Mary D. 14
Caroline Mc 13
David P. 13
Glamour 13
John G. 13
Drew 12
Steef 12
Owen 11
Kerry 10
Michael S. 10
Kristen 9
Matthew 9
Sally 9
Wendy 9
Dave D 8
Barb 7
Paul 7
Dolly 6
Allison FSU 5
Liz 5
Sam 5
Hector 4
Friday, September 2, 2011
500 core + 500 legs = 1,000
555 - Garden hills 3.5 miles.
830 - Beltline 3.5
Both groups cranked out 500 core (mostly push ups) then finished with 500 lower body exercises. Dudes, there are some chicks doing real push ups better than you. Come on now. Please see Gary and Jimmy for inspiration and peer instruction.
Put another week into the books.
We ice our sore muscles and tendons for twenty minutes of every hour. Put a clock on it. If it hurts, ice it. Ice is the miracle cure. Whenever a college football player or a major league pitcher come off the field, what is the first thing they do? ICE ICE baby.
The fall racing season is here. Take it easy the day before the day before a race and the day after the day after. Rest two day before, recover two days after.
Lisa 25
Mary 25
Mary Blythe 24
Gary 22
Caroline 21
Jodi 21
Alicia 19
Holly 19
John S 19
Kaffee 19
Leslie 19
Michael 19
Susie C 19
Tiffany 19
Allison 18
Harriott 18
Irene 18
Jim 18
John O'Neill 17
Christine 16
Charles 15
Frank 15
Margaret 15
Paige 15
Carolyn 14
Dave B 14
Jennifer 14
Mary D. 14
Cindy 13
David P. 13
Glamour 13
Jimmy F 13
Caroline Mc 12
John G. 12
Drew 11
Owen 11
Steef 11
Michael S. 10
Kerry 9
Sally 9
Dave D 8
Matthew 8
Wendy 8
Paul 7
Dolly 6
Sam 5
Hector 4
830 - Beltline 3.5
Both groups cranked out 500 core (mostly push ups) then finished with 500 lower body exercises. Dudes, there are some chicks doing real push ups better than you. Come on now. Please see Gary and Jimmy for inspiration and peer instruction.
Put another week into the books.
We ice our sore muscles and tendons for twenty minutes of every hour. Put a clock on it. If it hurts, ice it. Ice is the miracle cure. Whenever a college football player or a major league pitcher come off the field, what is the first thing they do? ICE ICE baby.
The fall racing season is here. Take it easy the day before the day before a race and the day after the day after. Rest two day before, recover two days after.
Lisa 25
Mary 25
Mary Blythe 24
Gary 22
Caroline 21
Jodi 21
Alicia 19
Holly 19
John S 19
Kaffee 19
Leslie 19
Michael 19
Susie C 19
Tiffany 19
Allison 18
Harriott 18
Irene 18
Jim 18
John O'Neill 17
Christine 16
Charles 15
Frank 15
Margaret 15
Paige 15
Carolyn 14
Dave B 14
Jennifer 14
Mary D. 14
Cindy 13
David P. 13
Glamour 13
Jimmy F 13
Caroline Mc 12
John G. 12
Drew 11
Owen 11
Steef 11
Michael S. 10
Kerry 9
Sally 9
Dave D 8
Matthew 8
Wendy 8
Paul 7
Dolly 6
Sam 5
Hector 4
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Boys in Blue
It is just a job they do. We trust the boys in blue. Our heros came through again today. While we were working our shoulders, backs and arms to the bone on the field, a purse snatcher was prowling around the E Rivers parking lot helping himself to the contents of our cars.
The thief was apprehended. Although our friends did lose cash, phones and wallets, some of their stuff was recovered.
How to prevent theft:
1) Drive a piece of crap
2) Never lock it
3) keep the keys in the ignition
This formula has worked for years.
Lisa 24
Mary 24
Mary Blythe 23
Gary 21
Caroline 20
Jodi 20
Kaffee 19
Michael 19
Susie C 19
Alicia 18
Holly 18
Irene 18
John S 18
Leslie 18
Tiffany 18
Allison 17
Harriott 17
Jim 17
John O'Neill 16
Christine 15
Frank 15
Charles 14
Jennifer 14
Margaret 14
Mary D. 14
Paige 14
Carolyn 13
Dave B 13
Jimmy F 13
Cindy 12
David P. 12
Glamour 12
Caroline Mc 11
Drew 11
John G. 11
Owen 11
Steef 11
Michael S. 10
Dave D 8
Kerry 8
Kristen 8
Matthew 8
Sally 8
Paul 7
Wendy 7
Barb 6
Dolly 6
Sam 5
Hector 4
The thief was apprehended. Although our friends did lose cash, phones and wallets, some of their stuff was recovered.
How to prevent theft:
1) Drive a piece of crap
2) Never lock it
3) keep the keys in the ignition
This formula has worked for years.
Lisa 24
Mary 24
Mary Blythe 23
Gary 21
Caroline 20
Jodi 20
Kaffee 19
Michael 19
Susie C 19
Alicia 18
Holly 18
Irene 18
John S 18
Leslie 18
Tiffany 18
Allison 17
Harriott 17
Jim 17
John O'Neill 16
Christine 15
Frank 15
Charles 14
Jennifer 14
Margaret 14
Mary D. 14
Paige 14
Carolyn 13
Dave B 13
Jimmy F 13
Cindy 12
David P. 12
Glamour 12
Caroline Mc 11
Drew 11
John G. 11
Owen 11
Steef 11
Michael S. 10
Dave D 8
Kerry 8
Kristen 8
Matthew 8
Sally 8
Paul 7
Wendy 7
Barb 6
Dolly 6
Sam 5
Hector 4
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