Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Queen Irene

Queen Irene, Boss, Judge

Queen Irene is a pure Georgia Peach. Listening to her sugary sweet North Georgia twang goes with pick'en wild black berries and sucking honeysuckle. I am pretty sure she put the fuzz on the peach. Of course, this Georgia redhead bleeds UGA red & black.

EYE'rene is a Renaissance Woman. She plays the traditional roles of Wifey & Mommy. She also has the ear of Georgia's most influential law makers. After spending an hour with us every morning, she spends the rest of the day at The Georgia State Capital. Her nickname "Queen Irene" comes from her office. It seems that folks are listening to her.

Queen Irene is of the people, for the people and with the people. Irene takes it to the street every year on the 4th of July. Like any good American Girl born by the Grace of God in the great State of Georgia, she lines up every year with 65 thousand of her closest friends and runs The Peachtree Road Race. This year will be her 33rd time running Peachtree. For the last 10 years, she has prepared herself for the annual trek with us at Boot Camp. She has been a lot of fun for us. She loves to cut up and can occasionally be a little naughty. I love her for that.

This is a big year for Queen Irene! She has committed her time and talent to a rising star who is running for a higher office next year. We are very proud of Lt Governor Casey Cage and Irene's influence in his office. We are hopeful that he will become the next Governor of Georgia.

Casey Cagle for Governor

Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Baker

Image may contain: 4 people, people standing, tree, outdoor and nature

At age 45, Baker joined Boot Camp. The big crowds were fun for him. Baker loves to talk. We weren't sure if he cared about fitness, but we knew he loved the fellowship. 

In the old days, the Peachtree Road Race required us to run under 42 minutes in a certified 10K in order to qualify sub seeded. Boot Camp would run the Buckhead Sizzler every year in an attempt to get as many guys/girls as possible under 42 minutes. In our first attempt, Baker joined us. It seemed like usual Baker, there were a group of people getting together to run, so he joined. 

On our journey that morning from the Chamblee Marta Station to Piedmont Rd, we clicked off 6 minute and forty five second miles like clock work. At 5 miles, we looked around and saw that everyone was still with us, including Baker! Baker asked with his typical smile "hey Boss, what should I do?" I said "hell Baker, you have come this far, you might as well go all the way." Baker ran 41.59. 

Equipped with evidence that he is a competitive club runner, Baker has enjoyed road racing ever since. In addition to winning age group awards over the years, he has also qualified for the Boston Marathon. 

In the last decade, Baker & I have seen wives, girlfriends, friends, jobs & houses come and go. Much in our lives comes and goes, but the workout stays the same. We have remained grounded in the discipline and we still love it.