It has been an honor and our pleasure to work out with Peachtree Road Boot Camp this summer. This is a special group. We ask for a lot. We ask folks to show up every day and work hard. It is the commitment of each and every one of us that makes this group so special. We accomplish far more together together than we ever can alone.
Name Attendance
Jodi 30
Caroline 27
Cindy 27
Tiffany 27
Michael S. 26
Jennifer 24
Glamour 23
John G. 23
Paige 23
John O'Neill 22
Lisa 22
Mary Blythe 22
Adrienne 21
Angela P. 21
Anne 21
Christine 21
Dolly 21
Mary 21
Jim 20
Margaret 20
Matthew 20
Hector 19
Holly 19
Susie C 19
Allison 18
Charles 18
John S 18
Kaffee 18
Allison FSU 17
Brittany 17
Caroline Mc 17
Kerry 17
Kristen 17
Dave D 16
Gary 16
Harriott 16
Maggie 16
Barb 15
Dave B 15
Amy 14
Irene 14
Jimmy F 14
Sally 14
Steef 14
Leslie 13
Kristin 12
Cleve 11
Carolyn 10
Fred 10
Jenny 10
Stacey 10
Paul 9
Prancey 8
Susie Mac 8
Lisa M. 7
Michael 7
Roxanna 7
Dan Dan 5
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Sell it
There is not another group training like us anywhere in Atlanta. We never pass another group on the Beltline, on Church properties, Up and Down Peachtree, occasionally in Garden Hills but never in the heart of Buckhead or around Lenox. No one does what we do.
People have a good time in these workouts. Vagrancy, Trespassing and avoiding becoming motor meat are nice distractions from the hard work we do every day. And the people in The Pack are entertaining too. We are a very social pack.
None of this happens without THE PACK. The larger The Pack, the more energy it provides for us to feed on.
Invite someone to join us Monday. Do it right now. Help us keep The Pack alive.
Name Attendance
Jodi 29
Caroline 26
Cindy 26
Tiffany 26
Michael S. 25
Jennifer 23
John G. 23
Glamour 22
Paige 22
Adrienne 21
John O'Neill 21
Lisa 21
Mary Blythe 21
Angela P. 20
Anne 20
Christine 20
Dolly 20
Mary 20
Matthew 20
Jim 19
Margaret 19
Susie C 19
Allison 18
Charles 18
Hector 18
Holly 18
John S 18
Allison FSU 17
Caroline Mc 17
Kaffee 17
Kerry 17
Gary 16
Harriott 16
Kristen 16
Brittany 15
Dave D 15
Maggie 15
Amy 14
Barb 14
Dave B 14
Irene 14
Jimmy F 14
Sally 14
Leslie 13
Steef 13
Kristin 12
Cleve 11
Fred 10
Jenny 10
Carolyn 9
Stacey 9
Paul 8
Prancey 8
Susie Mac 8
Lisa M. 7
Michael 7
Roxanna 7
Dan Dan 5
People have a good time in these workouts. Vagrancy, Trespassing and avoiding becoming motor meat are nice distractions from the hard work we do every day. And the people in The Pack are entertaining too. We are a very social pack.
None of this happens without THE PACK. The larger The Pack, the more energy it provides for us to feed on.
Invite someone to join us Monday. Do it right now. Help us keep The Pack alive.
Name Attendance
Jodi 29
Caroline 26
Cindy 26
Tiffany 26
Michael S. 25
Jennifer 23
John G. 23
Glamour 22
Paige 22
Adrienne 21
John O'Neill 21
Lisa 21
Mary Blythe 21
Angela P. 20
Anne 20
Christine 20
Dolly 20
Mary 20
Matthew 20
Jim 19
Margaret 19
Susie C 19
Allison 18
Charles 18
Hector 18
Holly 18
John S 18
Allison FSU 17
Caroline Mc 17
Kaffee 17
Kerry 17
Gary 16
Harriott 16
Kristen 16
Brittany 15
Dave D 15
Maggie 15
Amy 14
Barb 14
Dave B 14
Irene 14
Jimmy F 14
Sally 14
Leslie 13
Steef 13
Kristin 12
Cleve 11
Fred 10
Jenny 10
Carolyn 9
Stacey 9
Paul 8
Prancey 8
Susie Mac 8
Lisa M. 7
Michael 7
Roxanna 7
Dan Dan 5
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
We who are together every day, sharing the best hour of every 24 cycle, understand the profound importance of strict discipline. We understand the importance of every workout and how the combination of days can temper our minds and bodies. We understand the importance of every minute of each workout and how stress and rest combine to produce the exact desired outcome. We also understand the commitment to every single repetition of exercise in every workout. We understand the quality of exercise (form, range of motion) are as important as quantity.
Name Attendance
Jodi 28
Caroline 25
Cindy 25
Tiffany 25
Michael S. 24
Jennifer 23
John G. 23
Adrienne 21
Glamour 21
Lisa 21
Mary Blythe 21
Paige 21
Christine 20
Dolly 20
John O'Neill 20
Mary 20
Matthew 20
Anne 19
Susie C 19
Allison 18
Angela P. 18
Hector 18
Jim 18
John S 18
Margaret 18
Allison FSU 17
Caroline Mc 17
Charles 17
Holly 17
Kerry 17
Gary 16
Harriott 16
Kaffee 16
Kristen 15
Amy 14
Barb 14
Brittany 14
Dave B 14
Dave D 14
Irene 14
Jimmy F 14
Maggie 14
Sally 14
Kristin 12
Leslie 12
Steef 12
Cleve 11
Fred 10
Jenny 10
Carolyn 9
Paul 8
Prancey 8
Stacey 8
Susie Mac 8
Lisa M. 7
Michael 7
Roxanna 7
Dan Dan 5
Name Attendance
Jodi 28
Caroline 25
Cindy 25
Tiffany 25
Michael S. 24
Jennifer 23
John G. 23
Adrienne 21
Glamour 21
Lisa 21
Mary Blythe 21
Paige 21
Christine 20
Dolly 20
John O'Neill 20
Mary 20
Matthew 20
Anne 19
Susie C 19
Allison 18
Angela P. 18
Hector 18
Jim 18
John S 18
Margaret 18
Allison FSU 17
Caroline Mc 17
Charles 17
Holly 17
Kerry 17
Gary 16
Harriott 16
Kaffee 16
Kristen 15
Amy 14
Barb 14
Brittany 14
Dave B 14
Dave D 14
Irene 14
Jimmy F 14
Maggie 14
Sally 14
Kristin 12
Leslie 12
Steef 12
Cleve 11
Fred 10
Jenny 10
Carolyn 9
Paul 8
Prancey 8
Stacey 8
Susie Mac 8
Lisa M. 7
Michael 7
Roxanna 7
Dan Dan 5
Monday, July 25, 2011
Last Week of the July Session
Last week:
M - Beltline 4 miles 700 reps
T - Track workout 4 miles 700 reps
W - Garden Hills 3 miles 800 reps
T - Memorial Park 5 miles 500 reps
F - Out and Back 3 miles 1,000 reps
S - Crazy 8s 4 miles 400 combo's
6 days, 23 miles 4,100 repetitions of various exercise
There were no easy days. Tuesday was a race effort and Thursday was a tempo run. The other days were medium at the least.
We said it many times, "There is no group training like this Atlanta." Anybody can hang with us for any one of these workouts. The trick is to make them all.
Today we took a leisurely stroll along the beltline. We cut off the exercise at 540 reps, ran back to E Rivers and used the final 10 minutes to run barefoot on the field.
Name Attendance
Jodi 26
Caroline 24
Tiffany 24
Cindy 23
John G. 22
Adrienne 21
Jennifer 21
Michael S. 21
Paige 21
Glamour 20
Lisa 20
Mary Blythe 20
Christine 19
Dolly 19
Susie C 19
Angela P. 18
Anne 18
John O'Neill 18
John S 18
Mary 18
Matthew 18
Allison 17
Allison FSU 17
Caroline Mc 17
Hector 17
Charles 16
Harriott 16
Holly 16
Jim 16
Kaffee 16
Kerry 16
Margaret 16
Gary 15
Amy 14
Barb 14
Brittany 14
Irene 14
Jimmy F 14
Kristen 14
Sally 14
Dave D 13
Maggie 13
Dave B 12
Kristin 12
Leslie 12
Steef 12
Cleve 11
Fred 10
Jenny 10
Carolyn 8
Paul 8
Prancey 8
Susie Mac 8
Lisa M. 7
Michael 7
Roxanna 7
Stacey 7
Dan Dan 5
M - Beltline 4 miles 700 reps
T - Track workout 4 miles 700 reps
W - Garden Hills 3 miles 800 reps
T - Memorial Park 5 miles 500 reps
F - Out and Back 3 miles 1,000 reps
S - Crazy 8s 4 miles 400 combo's
6 days, 23 miles 4,100 repetitions of various exercise
There were no easy days. Tuesday was a race effort and Thursday was a tempo run. The other days were medium at the least.
We said it many times, "There is no group training like this Atlanta." Anybody can hang with us for any one of these workouts. The trick is to make them all.
Today we took a leisurely stroll along the beltline. We cut off the exercise at 540 reps, ran back to E Rivers and used the final 10 minutes to run barefoot on the field.
Name Attendance
Jodi 26
Caroline 24
Tiffany 24
Cindy 23
John G. 22
Adrienne 21
Jennifer 21
Michael S. 21
Paige 21
Glamour 20
Lisa 20
Mary Blythe 20
Christine 19
Dolly 19
Susie C 19
Angela P. 18
Anne 18
John O'Neill 18
John S 18
Mary 18
Matthew 18
Allison 17
Allison FSU 17
Caroline Mc 17
Hector 17
Charles 16
Harriott 16
Holly 16
Jim 16
Kaffee 16
Kerry 16
Margaret 16
Gary 15
Amy 14
Barb 14
Brittany 14
Irene 14
Jimmy F 14
Kristen 14
Sally 14
Dave D 13
Maggie 13
Dave B 12
Kristin 12
Leslie 12
Steef 12
Cleve 11
Fred 10
Jenny 10
Carolyn 8
Paul 8
Prancey 8
Susie Mac 8
Lisa M. 7
Michael 7
Roxanna 7
Stacey 7
Dan Dan 5
Friday, July 22, 2011
One Thousand
A Grand, a Geezil, a Dime, a Thundo, Ten Hundreds
We ran North on Peachtree this morning. We stopped and dropped frequently. This mornings exercise targeted the core body muscles. We were reeling off 100 counts like they were hand fulls of M&M's...easy.
I don't care who you are, 1,000 repetitions of anything is tough. Add running to that and what do you get? The most in shape platoon anywhere in Atlanta. There is not another group training at this level. The fitness here is HIGH. Even the regulars are peaking. We can see it in each others strut; In each others voice; In each others eyes. We strike fear into the hearts and minds of the folks outside. This group is rolling like the afternoon thunder.
Name Attendance
Jodi 24
Caroline 23
Cindy 23
Tiffany 23
Jennifer 21
John G. 20
Michael S. 20
Paige 20
Adrienne 19
Lisa 19
Christine 18
Dolly 18
Glamour 18
John S 18
Mary 18
Mary Blythe 18
Susie C 18
Allison 17
Allison FSU 17
Angela P. 17
Anne 17
Hector 17
Matthew 17
Harriott 16
Holly 16
Jim 16
John O'Neill 16
Kaffee 16
Kerry 15
Margaret 15
Amy 14
Barb 14
Charles 14
Gary 14
Irene 14
Jimmy F 14
Kristen 14
Brittany 12
Dave B 12
Dave D 12
Kristin 12
Leslie 12
Maggie 12
Sally 12
Cleve 11
Steef 11
Caroline Mc 10
Fred 10
Jenny 10
Prancey 8
Susie Mac 8
Carolyn 7
Michael 7
Paul 7
Roxanna 7
Stacey 7
Lisa M. 6
Dan Dan 5
Holli 5
John B 4
Kathleen 4
Arnaud 3
Frank 3
Sheridan 3
Wendy 3
Jennifer B 2
Sam 2
We ran North on Peachtree this morning. We stopped and dropped frequently. This mornings exercise targeted the core body muscles. We were reeling off 100 counts like they were hand fulls of M&M's...easy.
I don't care who you are, 1,000 repetitions of anything is tough. Add running to that and what do you get? The most in shape platoon anywhere in Atlanta. There is not another group training at this level. The fitness here is HIGH. Even the regulars are peaking. We can see it in each others strut; In each others voice; In each others eyes. We strike fear into the hearts and minds of the folks outside. This group is rolling like the afternoon thunder.
Name Attendance
Jodi 24
Caroline 23
Cindy 23
Tiffany 23
Jennifer 21
John G. 20
Michael S. 20
Paige 20
Adrienne 19
Lisa 19
Christine 18
Dolly 18
Glamour 18
John S 18
Mary 18
Mary Blythe 18
Susie C 18
Allison 17
Allison FSU 17
Angela P. 17
Anne 17
Hector 17
Matthew 17
Harriott 16
Holly 16
Jim 16
John O'Neill 16
Kaffee 16
Kerry 15
Margaret 15
Amy 14
Barb 14
Charles 14
Gary 14
Irene 14
Jimmy F 14
Kristen 14
Brittany 12
Dave B 12
Dave D 12
Kristin 12
Leslie 12
Maggie 12
Sally 12
Cleve 11
Steef 11
Caroline Mc 10
Fred 10
Jenny 10
Prancey 8
Susie Mac 8
Carolyn 7
Michael 7
Paul 7
Roxanna 7
Stacey 7
Lisa M. 6
Dan Dan 5
Holli 5
John B 4
Kathleen 4
Arnaud 3
Frank 3
Sheridan 3
Wendy 3
Jennifer B 2
Sam 2
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Half mile jog
one set of suicides, one stadium stairs, one hard quarter mile
800M @ 5K race pace (400M second group)
5X stadium stairs
400M @ 5K race pace (2X200M second group)
one stadium stairs/ stumps garden push ups and dips
recovery phase (light weight training/high reps)
800M @ 5K race pace (2X200M second group)
5X stadium stairs
Light weight training
Name Attendance
Caroline 21
Jodi 21
Cindy 20
Tiffany 20
Jennifer 18
Anne 17
John G. 17
Michael S. 17
Paige 17
Adrienne 16
Allison 16
Christine 16
Hector 16
John S 16
Kaffee 16
Mary 16
Allison FSU 15
Angela P. 15
Dolly 15
Lisa 15
Margaret 15
Mary Blythe 15
Susie C 15
Barb 14
Harriott 14
Holly 14
Jim 14
Kerry 14
Matthew 14
Glamour 13
Jimmy F 13
John O'Neill 13
Amy 12
Charles 12
Gary 12
Irene 12
Kristen 12
Kristin 12
Leslie 12
Brittany 11
Cleve 11
Dave B 11
Dave D 11
Caroline Mc 10
Fred 10
Jenny 10
Sally 10
Maggie 9
Steef 9
Prancey 8
Susie Mac 8
Carolyn 7
Michael 7
Paul 7
Roxanna 7
Stacey 7
Lisa M. 6
Dan Dan 5
Holli 5
John B 4
Kathleen 4
Arnaud 3
Frank 3
Sheridan 3
Wendy 3
Jennifer B 2
Sam 2
Interval Training Workouts Improve Speed and Endurance
Intervals training workouts that vary exercise intensity help build fitness fast
By Elizabeth Quinn,
Interval training has been used by athletes for years to build fitness. Interval training combines short, high intensity bursts of speed, with slow, recovery phases, repeated during one exercise session. An early form of interval training, "Fartlek" (a Swedish term meaning 'speed play') was casual and unstructured. A runner would simply increase and decrease his pace at will.
Today, athletes use more structured interval training workouts and HIT (High Intensity Training) to build speed and endurance. This variation of interval training and speed work can be a simple or sophisticated routine, but the basics are still the same as the original fartlek training.
What is Interval Training?
Interval training is built upon alternating short, high intensity bursts of speed with slower, recovery phases throughout a single workout. The interval workouts can be highly sophisticated and structured training that is designed for an athlete based upon his or her sport, event and current level of conditioning. An interval training workout may even be designed based upon the results of anaerobic threshold testing (AT) that includes measuring the blood-lactate of an athlete during intense exercise.
How Interval Training Works:
Interval training works both the aerobic and the anaerobic system. During the high intensity efforts, the anaerobic system uses the energy stored in the muscles (glycogen) for short bursts of activity. Anaerobic metabolism works without oxygen, but the by-product is lactic acid. As lactic acid builds, the athlete enters oxygen debt, and it is during the recovery phase that the heart and lungs work together to "pay back" this oxygen debt and break down the lactic acid. It is in this phase that the aerobic system is using oxygen to convert stored carbohydrates into energy.
It's thought that by performing high intensity intervals that produce lactic acid during practice, the body adapts and burns lactic acid more efficiently during exercise. This means athletes can exercise at a higher intensity for a longer period of time before fatigue or pain slows them down.
The Benefits of Interval Training:
Interval training adheres to the principle of adaptation. Interval training leads to many physiological changes including an increase in cardiovascular efficiency (the ability to deliver oxygen to the working muscles) as well as increased tolerance to the build-up of lactic acid. These changes result in improved performance, greater speed, and endurance.
Interval training also helps avoid injuries associated with repetitive overuse, common in endurance athletes. Intervals also allow an athlete to increase training intensity without overtraining or burn-out. Adding intervals to a workout routine is also a great way add cross training to an exercise routine.
Interval Training Burns More Calories:
According to the American College of Sports Medicine, more calories are burned in short, high intensity exercise. If you are counting calories burned, high intensity exercise such as intervals are better than long, slow endurance exercise, but you may pay a price. There are risks inherent in high intensity training, so it's important to know both the the benefits and dangers of high intensity training.
Interval Training Workout Routines:
Designing the right interval training routine can be sophisticated or casual. Elite athletes may go to sports performance lab to have blood lactate and exercise metabolism testing performed to determine the best interval training routine. On the other end of the spectrum, you can use the casual "speed play" interval training (fartlek). With this routine, simply pay attention to how you feel and set your intensity and duration accordingly.
one set of suicides, one stadium stairs, one hard quarter mile
800M @ 5K race pace (400M second group)
5X stadium stairs
400M @ 5K race pace (2X200M second group)
one stadium stairs/ stumps garden push ups and dips
recovery phase (light weight training/high reps)
800M @ 5K race pace (2X200M second group)
5X stadium stairs
Light weight training
Name Attendance
Caroline 21
Jodi 21
Cindy 20
Tiffany 20
Jennifer 18
Anne 17
John G. 17
Michael S. 17
Paige 17
Adrienne 16
Allison 16
Christine 16
Hector 16
John S 16
Kaffee 16
Mary 16
Allison FSU 15
Angela P. 15
Dolly 15
Lisa 15
Margaret 15
Mary Blythe 15
Susie C 15
Barb 14
Harriott 14
Holly 14
Jim 14
Kerry 14
Matthew 14
Glamour 13
Jimmy F 13
John O'Neill 13
Amy 12
Charles 12
Gary 12
Irene 12
Kristen 12
Kristin 12
Leslie 12
Brittany 11
Cleve 11
Dave B 11
Dave D 11
Caroline Mc 10
Fred 10
Jenny 10
Sally 10
Maggie 9
Steef 9
Prancey 8
Susie Mac 8
Carolyn 7
Michael 7
Paul 7
Roxanna 7
Stacey 7
Lisa M. 6
Dan Dan 5
Holli 5
John B 4
Kathleen 4
Arnaud 3
Frank 3
Sheridan 3
Wendy 3
Jennifer B 2
Sam 2
Interval Training Workouts Improve Speed and Endurance
Intervals training workouts that vary exercise intensity help build fitness fast
By Elizabeth Quinn,
Interval training has been used by athletes for years to build fitness. Interval training combines short, high intensity bursts of speed, with slow, recovery phases, repeated during one exercise session. An early form of interval training, "Fartlek" (a Swedish term meaning 'speed play') was casual and unstructured. A runner would simply increase and decrease his pace at will.
Today, athletes use more structured interval training workouts and HIT (High Intensity Training) to build speed and endurance. This variation of interval training and speed work can be a simple or sophisticated routine, but the basics are still the same as the original fartlek training.
What is Interval Training?
Interval training is built upon alternating short, high intensity bursts of speed with slower, recovery phases throughout a single workout. The interval workouts can be highly sophisticated and structured training that is designed for an athlete based upon his or her sport, event and current level of conditioning. An interval training workout may even be designed based upon the results of anaerobic threshold testing (AT) that includes measuring the blood-lactate of an athlete during intense exercise.
How Interval Training Works:
Interval training works both the aerobic and the anaerobic system. During the high intensity efforts, the anaerobic system uses the energy stored in the muscles (glycogen) for short bursts of activity. Anaerobic metabolism works without oxygen, but the by-product is lactic acid. As lactic acid builds, the athlete enters oxygen debt, and it is during the recovery phase that the heart and lungs work together to "pay back" this oxygen debt and break down the lactic acid. It is in this phase that the aerobic system is using oxygen to convert stored carbohydrates into energy.
It's thought that by performing high intensity intervals that produce lactic acid during practice, the body adapts and burns lactic acid more efficiently during exercise. This means athletes can exercise at a higher intensity for a longer period of time before fatigue or pain slows them down.
The Benefits of Interval Training:
Interval training adheres to the principle of adaptation. Interval training leads to many physiological changes including an increase in cardiovascular efficiency (the ability to deliver oxygen to the working muscles) as well as increased tolerance to the build-up of lactic acid. These changes result in improved performance, greater speed, and endurance.
Interval training also helps avoid injuries associated with repetitive overuse, common in endurance athletes. Intervals also allow an athlete to increase training intensity without overtraining or burn-out. Adding intervals to a workout routine is also a great way add cross training to an exercise routine.
Interval Training Burns More Calories:
According to the American College of Sports Medicine, more calories are burned in short, high intensity exercise. If you are counting calories burned, high intensity exercise such as intervals are better than long, slow endurance exercise, but you may pay a price. There are risks inherent in high intensity training, so it's important to know both the the benefits and dangers of high intensity training.
Interval Training Workout Routines:
Designing the right interval training routine can be sophisticated or casual. Elite athletes may go to sports performance lab to have blood lactate and exercise metabolism testing performed to determine the best interval training routine. On the other end of the spectrum, you can use the casual "speed play" interval training (fartlek). With this routine, simply pay attention to how you feel and set your intensity and duration accordingly.
Monday, July 18, 2011
The Faces of Fitness Beltline Monday always has a good crowd. This morning was no exception.We wanted to take it a little easy. It wound up being medium. The paces were fairly slow but we did crank out 700 repetitions of various core exercises (100 push ups, 100 bicycles, 20 Six Count Ab Builders, plus 400 other). We are entering the Dog Days. These are the 3 weeks before the kids go back to school. Its hot. There is no college football yet. Its hot. All of the wild flowers from the spring are dead. Its hot. The big race is over and there is nothing BIG we are training for. Its humid. This is where the grind sets in. We have a few grinders that are making every workout. Its no wonder they are working through the crowd and making their way to the front. Anyone can hang with us for one or two workouts a week. The challenge is to make 5 or 6 workouts in a week. It is in the The Grind that the biggest change in fitness can occur. 1)When the alarm goes of, make sure your feet hit the ground (the preacher would say knees). 2)Walk out the front door. If we do just these two simple steps every day, there is a high probability that exercise will happen. Name Attendance Caroline 20 Jodi 20 Cindy 19 Tiffany 19 Anne 17 Jennifer 17 Paige 17 Adrienne 16 Christine 16 Hector 16 John G. 16 Kaffee 16 Michael S. 16 Allison 15 Allison FSU 15 John S 15 Margaret 15 Mary 15 Angela P. 14 Dolly 14 Kerry 14 Lisa 14 Mary Blythe 14 Susie C 14 Barb 13 Harriott 13 Holly 13 Jim 13 John O'Neill 13 Matthew 13 Glamour 12 Jimmy F 12 Kristin 12 Leslie 12 Amy 11 Charles 11 Cleve 11 Dave B 11 Gary 11 Irene 11 Kristen 11 Brittany 10 Caroline Mc 10 Dave D 10 Fred 10 Jenny 10 Sally 10 Maggie 9 Prancey 8 Steef 8 Susie Mac 8 Carolyn 7 Michael 7 Paul 7 Roxanna 7 Stacey 7 Lisa M. 6 Dan Dan 5 Holli 5 John B 4 Kathleen 4 Arnaud 3 Frank 3 Sheridan 3 Wendy 3 Jennifer B 2 Sam 2 |
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Church Run/Garden hills
Today was the hottest day of the year. The temperature was almost 80 and the heat index was almost 90. It is crazy humid. We are losing 5 pounds of water weight per workout on average. Chosing to drink soda and coffee without 4 times as much water is the equivelant of running our cars without oil or water. The engine will burn up. Muscles will strain or tear. Tendons will be stiff. There will be headaches. Vision will come and go.
Please drink mucho agua.
We went medium today. 4 miles 600 reps. We did a bunch of push ups but mostly abdominal and core exercises.
Name Attendance
Caroline 17
Cindy 17
Jodi 17
Tiffany 17
Adrienne 16
Allison FSU 15
Anne 15
John G. 15
Kaffee 15
Margaret 15
Hector 14
Jennifer 14
Mary 14
Michael S. 14
Paige 14
Allison 13
Angela P. 13
Christine 13
Dolly 13
Jim 12
John S 12
Lisa 12
Barb 11
Cleve 11
Dave B 11
Glamour 11
Harriott 11
Jimmy F 11
John O'Neill 11
Kerry 11
Kristin 11
Leslie 11
Mary Blythe 11
Matthew 11
Susie C 11
Amy 10
Caroline Mc 10
Holly 10
Irene 10
Jenny 10
Kristen 10
Brittany 9
Gary 9
Sally 9
Charles 8
Dave D 8
Fred 8
Maggie 8
Susie Mac 8
Carolyn 7
Paul 7
Prancey 7
Roxanna 7
Stacey 7
Steef 7
Michael 6
Dan Dan 5
Holli 5
Kathleen 4
Lisa M. 4
Arnaud 3
Frank 3
John B 3
Sheridan 3
Wendy 3
Jennifer B 2
Sam 2
Please drink mucho agua.
We went medium today. 4 miles 600 reps. We did a bunch of push ups but mostly abdominal and core exercises.
Name Attendance
Caroline 17
Cindy 17
Jodi 17
Tiffany 17
Adrienne 16
Allison FSU 15
Anne 15
John G. 15
Kaffee 15
Margaret 15
Hector 14
Jennifer 14
Mary 14
Michael S. 14
Paige 14
Allison 13
Angela P. 13
Christine 13
Dolly 13
Jim 12
John S 12
Lisa 12
Barb 11
Cleve 11
Dave B 11
Glamour 11
Harriott 11
Jimmy F 11
John O'Neill 11
Kerry 11
Kristin 11
Leslie 11
Mary Blythe 11
Matthew 11
Susie C 11
Amy 10
Caroline Mc 10
Holly 10
Irene 10
Jenny 10
Kristen 10
Brittany 9
Gary 9
Sally 9
Charles 8
Dave D 8
Fred 8
Maggie 8
Susie Mac 8
Carolyn 7
Paul 7
Prancey 7
Roxanna 7
Stacey 7
Steef 7
Michael 6
Dan Dan 5
Holli 5
Kathleen 4
Lisa M. 4
Arnaud 3
Frank 3
John B 3
Sheridan 3
Wendy 3
Jennifer B 2
Sam 2
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Ice Ice Baby
We are drinking 200oz of water a day. That is a 32 oz water bottle X 6. Ice makes the water go down easier.
We like to play a little game. Its called "where's the ice?" Well, there is usually ice in the freezer at home. Some of us keep a 5 gallon bucket of ice next to the traditional ice bend. We constantly dump fresh ice into the spare ice to make room for new ice. Then there is the ice machine at PRUMC. It makes that flat square ice. We can pack our water bottles full with that ice. Office ice is okay. It is more like home freezer ice. Its sketchy thinking about who's dirty hands has been on the common area ice. We usually wash our ice before we add it to our water bottle. Sandwich shop ice and convenience store ice is stellar. Its is more like ice storm partially crushed ice. It melts fast so we have to really pack it in. Friends house ice is always fun; especially if their ice dispenser doesn't work. Then we get to look into their freezer and see their dirty little secrets (bottle of Patron and Absolut, that explains the bruises).
Ice any part of your body that hurts. Pound water all day. Then play the game "where's the next bathroom."
Name Attendance
Caroline 16
Cindy 16
Jodi 16
Tiffany 16
Adrienne 15
Anne 15
Allison FSU 14
Hector 14
John G. 14
Kaffee 14
Margaret 14
Mary 14
Allison 13
Dolly 13
Jennifer 13
Paige 13
Angela P. 12
Christine 12
Lisa 12
Dave B 11
Glamour 11
Jim 11
John S 11
Kerry 11
Michael S. 11
Amy 10
Barb 10
Caroline Mc 10
Cleve 10
Harriott 10
Irene 10
Jimmy F 10
John O'Neill 10
Kristen 10
Kristin 10
Leslie 10
Mary Blythe 10
Matthew 10
Susie C 10
Brittany 9
Gary 9
Holly 9
Charles 8
Dave D 8
Fred 8
Jenny 8
Sally 8
Carolyn 7
Maggie 7
Paul 7
Roxanna 7
Stacey 7
Steef 7
Susie Mac 7
Prancey 6
Dan Dan 5
Holli 5
Michael 5
Kathleen 4
Lisa M. 4
Arnaud 3
Sheridan 3
Wendy 3
Frank 2
Jennifer B 2
Sam 2
We like to play a little game. Its called "where's the ice?" Well, there is usually ice in the freezer at home. Some of us keep a 5 gallon bucket of ice next to the traditional ice bend. We constantly dump fresh ice into the spare ice to make room for new ice. Then there is the ice machine at PRUMC. It makes that flat square ice. We can pack our water bottles full with that ice. Office ice is okay. It is more like home freezer ice. Its sketchy thinking about who's dirty hands has been on the common area ice. We usually wash our ice before we add it to our water bottle. Sandwich shop ice and convenience store ice is stellar. Its is more like ice storm partially crushed ice. It melts fast so we have to really pack it in. Friends house ice is always fun; especially if their ice dispenser doesn't work. Then we get to look into their freezer and see their dirty little secrets (bottle of Patron and Absolut, that explains the bruises).
Ice any part of your body that hurts. Pound water all day. Then play the game "where's the next bathroom."
Name Attendance
Caroline 16
Cindy 16
Jodi 16
Tiffany 16
Adrienne 15
Anne 15
Allison FSU 14
Hector 14
John G. 14
Kaffee 14
Margaret 14
Mary 14
Allison 13
Dolly 13
Jennifer 13
Paige 13
Angela P. 12
Christine 12
Lisa 12
Dave B 11
Glamour 11
Jim 11
John S 11
Kerry 11
Michael S. 11
Amy 10
Barb 10
Caroline Mc 10
Cleve 10
Harriott 10
Irene 10
Jimmy F 10
John O'Neill 10
Kristen 10
Kristin 10
Leslie 10
Mary Blythe 10
Matthew 10
Susie C 10
Brittany 9
Gary 9
Holly 9
Charles 8
Dave D 8
Fred 8
Jenny 8
Sally 8
Carolyn 7
Maggie 7
Paul 7
Roxanna 7
Stacey 7
Steef 7
Susie Mac 7
Prancey 6
Dan Dan 5
Holli 5
Michael 5
Kathleen 4
Lisa M. 4
Arnaud 3
Sheridan 3
Wendy 3
Frank 2
Jennifer B 2
Sam 2
Monday, July 11, 2011
Beltline Boot Camp platoon style nature run in the city
Crazy Eights Saturday
The first half of the 2011 baseball season ended yesterday. The consensus is that The Atlanta Braves had a great first half.
Boot Camp started the second half of the current session today. As we have so many new folks, we waited 3 weeks before taking the entire group off campus. Our first trip together as one big happy family was to the new fan favorite "Beltline." If we click on the link above, we can see a map of our route this morning.
The beltline offers us an opportunity to commune with nature as we bond as a group. There was some bonding this morning. With all the chatter, it sounded like a cocktail party. Monday morning workouts are great. Everyone shows up (mostly to atone for the sins of the weekend.) The most common thing we hear is "how was your weekend?, How was your trip?" Boot Camp can be very social. Today's group was big with a lot of yapping.
We did manage to run 4 miles and crank out 700 repetitions of various core exercises.
Name Attendance
Caroline 15 - W1a
Cindy 15
Jodi 15 - W1b
Tiffany 15
Adrienne 14
Anne 14
Hector 14
Allison 13
Allison FSU 13
John G. 13
Kaffee 13
Margaret 13
Mary 13
Angela P. 12
Dolly 12
Jennifer 12
Paige 12
Christine 11
Dave B 11
Kerry 11
Lisa 11
Barb 10
Caroline Mc 10
Glamour 10
Jim 10
John O'Neill 10
John S 10
Kristen 10
Michael S. 10
Amy 9
Brittany 9
Cleve 9
Gary 9
Harriott 9
Irene 9
Jimmy F 9
Kristin 9
Leslie 9
Mary Blythe 9
Matthew 9
Susie C 9
Holly 8
Jenny 8
Sally 8
Carolyn 7
Charles 7
Dave D 7 - M1
Fred 7
Maggie 7
Paul 7
Roxanna 7
Stacey 7
Steef 7
Prancey 6
Dan Dan 5
Holli 5
Kathleen 4
Lisa M. 4
Michael 4
Susie Mac 4
Arnaud 3
Sheridan 3
Wendy 3
Jennifer B 2
Sam 2
Frank 1
Crazy Eights Saturday
The first half of the 2011 baseball season ended yesterday. The consensus is that The Atlanta Braves had a great first half.
Boot Camp started the second half of the current session today. As we have so many new folks, we waited 3 weeks before taking the entire group off campus. Our first trip together as one big happy family was to the new fan favorite "Beltline." If we click on the link above, we can see a map of our route this morning.
The beltline offers us an opportunity to commune with nature as we bond as a group. There was some bonding this morning. With all the chatter, it sounded like a cocktail party. Monday morning workouts are great. Everyone shows up (mostly to atone for the sins of the weekend.) The most common thing we hear is "how was your weekend?, How was your trip?" Boot Camp can be very social. Today's group was big with a lot of yapping.
We did manage to run 4 miles and crank out 700 repetitions of various core exercises.
Name Attendance
Caroline 15 - W1a
Cindy 15
Jodi 15 - W1b
Tiffany 15
Adrienne 14
Anne 14
Hector 14
Allison 13
Allison FSU 13
John G. 13
Kaffee 13
Margaret 13
Mary 13
Angela P. 12
Dolly 12
Jennifer 12
Paige 12
Christine 11
Dave B 11
Kerry 11
Lisa 11
Barb 10
Caroline Mc 10
Glamour 10
Jim 10
John O'Neill 10
John S 10
Kristen 10
Michael S. 10
Amy 9
Brittany 9
Cleve 9
Gary 9
Harriott 9
Irene 9
Jimmy F 9
Kristin 9
Leslie 9
Mary Blythe 9
Matthew 9
Susie C 9
Holly 8
Jenny 8
Sally 8
Carolyn 7
Charles 7
Dave D 7 - M1
Fred 7
Maggie 7
Paul 7
Roxanna 7
Stacey 7
Steef 7
Prancey 6
Dan Dan 5
Holli 5
Kathleen 4
Lisa M. 4
Michael 4
Susie Mac 4
Arnaud 3
Sheridan 3
Wendy 3
Jennifer B 2
Sam 2
Frank 1
Friday, July 8, 2011
Church Run.
It was like old times at Boot Camp this morning. We had a big crowd. We went with the split squad this morning. The lucky crowd took a beating at the hand of Kipper. The Pack hustled. There was no waiting today. No slow running. Triple Nickel added a variation to the traditional Church Run that had been reserved for Princess Boot Camp only. They went over the river and through the woods to Garden Hills they go. There was a stop off at International School before we hit Peachtree again and the final stop at St. Phil's (home of the infamous Sam). The total was 4 miles, 700 repetitions of various core exercises.
Happy Birthday to The Queen Mother Harriott, Mother of The Great Harriott. It has been an absolute honor and a pleasure to watch her get younger as the years go by. Do you know the middle word in harRIOTt?
Name Attendance
Adrienne 14
Caroline 14
Cindy 14
Jodi 14
Tiffany 14
Allison FSU 13
Anne 13
Hector 13
Allison 12
Jennifer 12
John G. 12
Kaffee 12
Margaret 12
Mary 12
Angela P. 11
Dave B 11
Dolly 11
Paige 11
Caroline Mc 10
Christine 10
Jim 10
John O'Neill 10
John S 10
Kerry 10
Kristen 10
Lisa 10
Barb 9
Brittany 9
Cleve 9
Jimmy F 9
Kristin 9
Leslie 9
Michael S. 9
Amy 8
Gary 8
Harriott 8
Irene 8
Jenny 8
Mary Blythe 8
Matthew 8
Carolyn 7
Fred 7
Holly 7
Paul 7
Roxanna 7
Sally 7
Stacey 7
Steef 7
Susie C 7
Charles 6
Dave D 6
Maggie 6
Prancey 6
Dan Dan 5
Glamour 5
Holli 5
Kathleen 4
Lisa M. 4
Susie Mac 4
Arnaud 3
Michael 3
Sheridan 3
Wendy 3
Jennifer B 2
Sam 2
Happy Birthday to The Queen Mother Harriott, Mother of The Great Harriott. It has been an absolute honor and a pleasure to watch her get younger as the years go by. Do you know the middle word in harRIOTt?
Name Attendance
Adrienne 14
Caroline 14
Cindy 14
Jodi 14
Tiffany 14
Allison FSU 13
Anne 13
Hector 13
Allison 12
Jennifer 12
John G. 12
Kaffee 12
Margaret 12
Mary 12
Angela P. 11
Dave B 11
Dolly 11
Paige 11
Caroline Mc 10
Christine 10
Jim 10
John O'Neill 10
John S 10
Kerry 10
Kristen 10
Lisa 10
Barb 9
Brittany 9
Cleve 9
Jimmy F 9
Kristin 9
Leslie 9
Michael S. 9
Amy 8
Gary 8
Harriott 8
Irene 8
Jenny 8
Mary Blythe 8
Matthew 8
Carolyn 7
Fred 7
Holly 7
Paul 7
Roxanna 7
Sally 7
Stacey 7
Steef 7
Susie C 7
Charles 6
Dave D 6
Maggie 6
Prancey 6
Dan Dan 5
Glamour 5
Holli 5
Kathleen 4
Lisa M. 4
Susie Mac 4
Arnaud 3
Michael 3
Sheridan 3
Wendy 3
Jennifer B 2
Sam 2
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
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