Name Attendance
Adrienne 4
Allison 4
Amy 4
Angela P. 4
Caroline 4
Cindy 4
Dolly 4
Jim 4
Jodi 4
John G. 4
John S 4
Kristen 4
Kristin 4
Lisa 4
Margaret 4
Michael S. 4
Stacey 4
Steef 4
Susie Mac 4
Tiffany 4
Allison FSU 3
Anne 3
Barb 3
Brittany 3
Caroline M 3
Christine 3
Cleve 3
Dave B 3
Gary 3
Harriott 3
Hector 3
Holli 3
Irene 3
Jennifer 3
Jimmy F 3
John O'Neill 3
Kaffee 3
Kerry 3
Mary 3
Mary Blythe 3
Matthew 3
Roxanna 3
Sheridan 3
Arnaud 2
Charles 2
Dan 2
Dave D 2
Jennifer B 2
Kathleen 2
Leslie 2
Paige 2
Wendy 2
Carolyn 1
Frank 1
Glamour 1
Holly 1
Lisa M. 1
Maggie 1
Michael 1
Paul 1
Sally 1
Sam 1
Brittany is a new Mom. Her baby is 14 weeks old. She started Boot Camp when her baby was 8 weeks old. On her first day of boot camp, she ran one mile in 8:59, did 40 push ups in 2 minutes and 37 sit ups. 6 weeks later, she took another fitness test. Monday's results: 1 mile 7:48, Sit ups 48, Push ups 58.
Show up every day, work hard, have fun. This deal works.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Peachtree Road Boot Camp
We have a decent number of new participants. It is our job to make them feel welcome. Please make sure to say hello to the new folks and encourage them. We want them to feel comfortable while we beat them to near death.
The hay is in the barn. The $ is in the bank. There is nothing we can do now to improve our fitness for the Peachtree Road Race. All we can do now is hurt our race. Take it easy.
Name Attendance
Adrienne 2
Allison 2
Allison FSU 2
Amy 2
Angela P. 2
Arnaud 2
Barb 2
Caroline 2
Caroline M 2
Charles 2
Christine 2
Cindy 2
Dan 2
Dave B 2
Dave D 2
Dolly 2
Gary 2
Harriott 2
Hector 2
Holli 2
Jodi 2
John G. 2
John O'Neill 2
John S 2
Kerry 2
Kristen 2
Kristin 2
Lisa 2
Margaret 2
Matthew 2
Paige 2
Roxanna 2
Stacey 2
Steef 2
Susie Mac 2
Tiffany 2
Anne 1
Brittany 1
Cleve 1
Frank 1
Holly 1
Irene 1
Jim 1
Jimmy F 1
Kaffee 1
Leslie 1
Mary 1
Mary Blythe 1
Michael S. 1
Paul 1
Sam 1
Glamour - MIA
Prancer - MIA
The hay is in the barn. The $ is in the bank. There is nothing we can do now to improve our fitness for the Peachtree Road Race. All we can do now is hurt our race. Take it easy.
Name Attendance
Adrienne 2
Allison 2
Allison FSU 2
Amy 2
Angela P. 2
Arnaud 2
Barb 2
Caroline 2
Caroline M 2
Charles 2
Christine 2
Cindy 2
Dan 2
Dave B 2
Dave D 2
Dolly 2
Gary 2
Harriott 2
Hector 2
Holli 2
Jodi 2
John G. 2
John O'Neill 2
John S 2
Kerry 2
Kristen 2
Kristin 2
Lisa 2
Margaret 2
Matthew 2
Paige 2
Roxanna 2
Stacey 2
Steef 2
Susie Mac 2
Tiffany 2
Anne 1
Brittany 1
Cleve 1
Frank 1
Holly 1
Irene 1
Jim 1
Jimmy F 1
Kaffee 1
Leslie 1
Mary 1
Mary Blythe 1
Michael S. 1
Paul 1
Sam 1
Glamour - MIA
Prancer - MIA
Monday, June 20, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
Pack > Person
For one hour of every day, like minded people gather together with a common interest and a common goal. We suit up & show up for a workout. No matter what happens in the other 23 hours of every day, we know that someone is going to be there waiting for us to join them. We don't always know who is going to show up or which workout we are doing. We try to build on the previous days and weeks and find a rhythm that ebbs and flows in intensity. There is somewhat of a method to the madness.
We are the engine that makes these workouts successful. It is a group effort. Every single person contributes to every single workout. We draw energy from the pack. It is in the pack that we get power. The power of the pack is far greater that the power of a person.
Name Attendance
Jodi 30
Amy 29
Jenny 28
John S 28
Kaffee 28
Susie Mac 28
Dolly 27
Stacey 27
Barb 25
Jim 25
Caroline 24
Dave B 24
Harriott 24
Holly 24
Jennifer 24
Todd 24
Irene 23
John G. 23
Lisa 23
Margaret 22
Matthew 21
Brittany 20
Gary 20
Kerry 20
Mary 20
Paige 20
Roxanna 20
Allison 19
Dave D 19
Frank 19
Michael S. 19
Carolyn 18
Christine 18
Allison FSU 17
Kathleen 17
Love 17
Jimmy F 16
John O'Neill 16
Kristin 16
Maggie 16
Mary Blythe 16
Caroline M 15
Cleve 15
Lisa M. 15
Fred 14
Mary D. 14
Sally 14
Arnaud 13
Charles 13
John Mears 13
Liz 13
Michael 13
Prancey 13
Wendy 13
CeCe 11
Charlie 11
John O. 10
Sheridan 10
Kristen 9
Molly 9
Cindy 8
Cole 8
Paul 8
Anne M 7
Chris 7
JoEllyn 7
Miller 7
Steef 7
Leslie 6
Sam 6
Slawek 6
It has been an honor and a pleasure to work out with this group of wonderful, beautiful people.
We are the engine that makes these workouts successful. It is a group effort. Every single person contributes to every single workout. We draw energy from the pack. It is in the pack that we get power. The power of the pack is far greater that the power of a person.
Name Attendance
Jodi 30
Amy 29
Jenny 28
John S 28
Kaffee 28
Susie Mac 28
Dolly 27
Stacey 27
Barb 25
Jim 25
Caroline 24
Dave B 24
Harriott 24
Holly 24
Jennifer 24
Todd 24
Irene 23
John G. 23
Lisa 23
Margaret 22
Matthew 21
Brittany 20
Gary 20
Kerry 20
Mary 20
Paige 20
Roxanna 20
Allison 19
Dave D 19
Frank 19
Michael S. 19
Carolyn 18
Christine 18
Allison FSU 17
Kathleen 17
Love 17
Jimmy F 16
John O'Neill 16
Kristin 16
Maggie 16
Mary Blythe 16
Caroline M 15
Cleve 15
Lisa M. 15
Fred 14
Mary D. 14
Sally 14
Arnaud 13
Charles 13
John Mears 13
Liz 13
Michael 13
Prancey 13
Wendy 13
CeCe 11
Charlie 11
John O. 10
Sheridan 10
Kristen 9
Molly 9
Cindy 8
Cole 8
Paul 8
Anne M 7
Chris 7
JoEllyn 7
Miller 7
Steef 7
Leslie 6
Sam 6
Slawek 6
It has been an honor and a pleasure to work out with this group of wonderful, beautiful people.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
We executed the new fan favorite "Beltline" this morning. The Beltline is platoon style basic training that runs from Colonial Homes to Piedmont Hospital. This lush stretch of forest offers the platoon a quiet, relaxing morning out in a serene environment that allows us to commune with nature.
Once we emerged from the woods, we had some psychotic half witted woman honking her horn and flashing her headlights try to run over a few of our beauties. Another mile down Peachtree Street, these same Gorgeous Gals witness a "completely naked" man running down the street "straight at them" being chased by our boys in blue.
Typical morning....
Name Attendance
Jodi 28
Amy 27
Jenny 27
John S 27
Kaffee 27
Stacey 27
Dolly 26
Susie Mac 26
Todd 24
Barb 23
Caroline 23
Jim 23
John G. 23
Dave B 22
Harriott 22
Holly 22
Jennifer 22
Lisa 22
Irene 21
Margaret 21
Brittany 20
Gary 20
Mary 20
Roxanna 20
Allison 19
Kerry 19
Matthew 19
Carolyn 18
Dave D 18
Michael S. 18
Paige 18
Christine 17
Frank 17
Allison FSU 16
Jimmy F 16
Love 16
Mary Blythe 16
Cleve 15
John O'Neill 15
Kathleen 15
Maggie 15
Kristin 14
Lisa M. 14
Mary D. 14
Sally 14
Charles 13
John Mears 13
Liz 13
Michael 13
Prancey 13
Wendy 13
Fred 12
Arnaud 11
Caroline M 11
CeCe 11
Charlie 11
John O. 10
Kristen 9
Molly 9
Cole 8
Paul 8
Sheridan 8
Anne M 7
Chris 7
JoEllyn 7
Miller 7
Steef 7
Cindy 6
Leslie 6
Sam 6
Slawek 6
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Boot Camp is not taking any time off this Summer. In fact, it appears that Boot Camp will run for 51 weeks this year. As soon as this session ends on Friday, a new session begins Monday June 20th. We are holding 5 workouts a day. We meet 5 days a week. That is 25 opportunities a WEEK to workout with with either a) the biggest MFer this side Arnold or b) one of the fastest crazy rednecks on two feet.
The cost for PRUMC Boot Camp (best group training program in Atlanta) is $250 or $45 dollars a week. This is THE BEST deal in Atlanta. NO ONE can offer such a complete program for less. It is the complete commitment of everyone involved (read:YOU) that makes this deal work.
Look at your calender now. Figure out when you will be available over the next 6 weeks. Ask your Boss/Wife when you will be traveling/home. Make the commitment NOW.
We will be collecting registration forms and fees next week for the session that runs from June 20th to July 29th. Decide NOW. If you have yet to pay for the current session, add next sessions registration cost to the check you are turning in tomorrow.
The cost for PRUMC Boot Camp (best group training program in Atlanta) is $250 or $45 dollars a week. This is THE BEST deal in Atlanta. NO ONE can offer such a complete program for less. It is the complete commitment of everyone involved (read:YOU) that makes this deal work.
Look at your calender now. Figure out when you will be available over the next 6 weeks. Ask your Boss/Wife when you will be traveling/home. Make the commitment NOW.
We will be collecting registration forms and fees next week for the session that runs from June 20th to July 29th. Decide NOW. If you have yet to pay for the current session, add next sessions registration cost to the check you are turning in tomorrow.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Day 25
In HotLanta we have a saying: "you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes." This is the town where you can run in the snow one day and in shorts another day in the same week. June in the big city down south is famous for watermelon, blackberries, honeysuckle, The Chattahoochee, copperheads, humidity, long days and late nights...
It is going to be 67 degrees tomorrow morning. Along with the milder weather, the paces in Boot Camp are going to cool off. Last week was ridiculous. We laid it down. Saturday was no exception. We need an easier week this week.
There is a group us that run the Fathers Day Four Mile every year. We are running it again on Saturday. The race finishes at home plate at Turner field. If you are in town, this is the race.
This group is ready to race. Many times we rake in more awards than any other group or club. For a Church exercise program, we kick serious asphalt. Y'all come on. Y'all would be shocked at how fast y'all are. This group is way ahead of the whacks in the back.
click this link and sign up today.
Name Attendance
Amy 26
Jodi 26
Jenny 25
John S 25
Kaffee 25
Stacey 25
Susie Mac 25
Dolly 24
John G. 23
Barb 22
Jim 22
Todd 22
Caroline 21
Dave B 21
Harriott 21
Jennifer 21
Lisa 21
Brittany 20
Gary 20
Holly 20
Irene 19
Margaret 19
Roxanna 19
Allison 18
Mary 18
Matthew 18
Carolyn 17
Dave D 17
Kerry 17
Jimmy F 16
Michael S. 16
Paige 16
Christine 15
Cleve 15
Frank 15
Allison FSU 14
John O'Neill 14
Kathleen 14
Lisa M. 14
Love 14
Mary Blythe 14
Mary D. 14
Charles 13
Maggie 13
Michael 13
Sally 13
Wendy 13
John Mears 12
Arnaud 11
CeCe 11
Charlie 11
Kristin 11
Liz 11
Prancey 11
Caroline M 10
Fred 10
John O. 10
Molly 9
Cole 8
Kristen 8
Sheridan 8
Anne M 7
Chris 7
JoEllyn 7
Miller 7
Paul 7
Leslie 6
Slawek 6
Cindy 5
Katie 5
Sam 5
Steef 5
Susie C 5
It is going to be 67 degrees tomorrow morning. Along with the milder weather, the paces in Boot Camp are going to cool off. Last week was ridiculous. We laid it down. Saturday was no exception. We need an easier week this week.
There is a group us that run the Fathers Day Four Mile every year. We are running it again on Saturday. The race finishes at home plate at Turner field. If you are in town, this is the race.
This group is ready to race. Many times we rake in more awards than any other group or club. For a Church exercise program, we kick serious asphalt. Y'all come on. Y'all would be shocked at how fast y'all are. This group is way ahead of the whacks in the back.
click this link and sign up today.
Name Attendance
Amy 26
Jodi 26
Jenny 25
John S 25
Kaffee 25
Stacey 25
Susie Mac 25
Dolly 24
John G. 23
Barb 22
Jim 22
Todd 22
Caroline 21
Dave B 21
Harriott 21
Jennifer 21
Lisa 21
Brittany 20
Gary 20
Holly 20
Irene 19
Margaret 19
Roxanna 19
Allison 18
Mary 18
Matthew 18
Carolyn 17
Dave D 17
Kerry 17
Jimmy F 16
Michael S. 16
Paige 16
Christine 15
Cleve 15
Frank 15
Allison FSU 14
John O'Neill 14
Kathleen 14
Lisa M. 14
Love 14
Mary Blythe 14
Mary D. 14
Charles 13
Maggie 13
Michael 13
Sally 13
Wendy 13
John Mears 12
Arnaud 11
CeCe 11
Charlie 11
Kristin 11
Liz 11
Prancey 11
Caroline M 10
Fred 10
John O. 10
Molly 9
Cole 8
Kristen 8
Sheridan 8
Anne M 7
Chris 7
JoEllyn 7
Miller 7
Paul 7
Leslie 6
Slawek 6
Cindy 5
Katie 5
Sam 5
Steef 5
Susie C 5
Friday, June 10, 2011
Friday Fun Day
The Atlanta Public Schools are turning our oasis into a freaking trailer park. Okay, I guess we will roll with it. What choice do we have?
We are getting down to it. We basically have two weeks of sharpening left. We train year around for one big peak on the 4th of July.
The Summer after the 4th is for cross training and recovery. The Fall usually gives way to one more seconary peak performance. The dead of Winter is for strength/base building. We do tons of hills and stairs when its cold. As spring arrives, we pull out the watch, dust it off and introduce tempo to our leg turnover. All the while we have been adding new exercises and more repetitions to our routine. Some days are harder, some weeks are harder. Some weeks there is more running, some weeks there is more exercise.
There is no doubt about these days. These are eye of tiger workouts. Its time to get it on like Donkey Kong. Its time to get in touch with our inner Cheetah. Its time to get it on like a chicken bone.
Cause...when the gun goes off, the Bull S*#! Stops.
We are getting down to it. We basically have two weeks of sharpening left. We train year around for one big peak on the 4th of July.
The Summer after the 4th is for cross training and recovery. The Fall usually gives way to one more seconary peak performance. The dead of Winter is for strength/base building. We do tons of hills and stairs when its cold. As spring arrives, we pull out the watch, dust it off and introduce tempo to our leg turnover. All the while we have been adding new exercises and more repetitions to our routine. Some days are harder, some weeks are harder. Some weeks there is more running, some weeks there is more exercise.
There is no doubt about these days. These are eye of tiger workouts. Its time to get it on like Donkey Kong. Its time to get in touch with our inner Cheetah. Its time to get it on like a chicken bone.
Cause...when the gun goes off, the Bull S*#! Stops.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Urban Boot Camp in the Big City
It was a toy. Oneill??????were your kids packing?
Name Attendance
Amy 24
Jodi 24
Susie Mac 24
Dolly 24
Jenny 23
John S 23
Kaffee 23
Stacey 23
Jennifer 20
John G. 20
Todd 20
Barb 19
Brittany 19
Caroline 19
Harriott 19
Jim 19
Lisa 19
Dave B 18
Gary 18
Holly 18
Irene 18
Mary 18
Roxanna 17
Dave D 16
Kerry 16
Margaret 16
Allison 15
Carolyn 15
Cleve 15
Jimmy F 15
Matthew 15
Michael S. 15
Allison FSU 14
Christine 14
Frank 14
Kathleen 14
Lisa M. 14
Love 14
Paige 14
John O'Neill 13
Mary D. 13
Michael 13
Wendy 13
Charles 12
Maggie 12
Mary Blythe 12
CeCe 11
Charlie 11
John Mears 11
Prancey 11
Sally 11
Arnaud 10
John O. 10
Kristin 10
Liz 10
Fred 9
Molly 9
Cole 8
Kristen 8
Sheridan 8
Anne M 7
Caroline M 7
Chris 7
JoEllyn 7
Leslie 6
Miller 6
Paul 6
Slawek 6
Katie 5
Sam 5
Susie C 5
Steef 4
Dan 2
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Hair of the dog
Nearly everyone showed up to the scene of the crime. What is the best antidote for a hangover? More drinking. Running works the same way. Having gotten blasted on the track yesterday, the beautiful pack answered the call this morning. It was not pretty. It looked like the pack was running on eggs shells. Punch drunk and shell shocked, we methodically knocked out 3 miles and 600 repetitions of various core body exercises on the Belt Line.
During threshold running and exercise, how do we stay on the "red line?" Many folks wear head phones and blast motivational music. Many folks try to focus on others (if they can do it so can I.) We have discussed in the past "breathing", recognizing pain, and observing with curiosity. Mantra (praying/meditating) also helps.
What doesn't help? THINKING. We are not going to think our way into a personal record. For all of the super geniuses we have in our group (we have a lot), brain power is wasted energy. Thinking about the next lap or the next mile is going to produce FEAR. Fear is the enemy of peak performance. Don't think. Just Run.
Name Attendance
Susie Mac 24
Amy 23
Dolly 23
Jodi 23
Susie Mac 23
Jenny 22
John S 22
Kaffee 22
Stacey 22
John G. 19
Todd 19
Barb 18
Brittany 18
Caroline 18
Dave B 18
Harriott 18
Jennifer 18
Jim 18
Lisa 18
Mary 18
Gary 17
Holly 17
Irene 17
Dave D 16
Roxanna 16
Carolyn 15
Kerry 15
Margaret 15
Matthew 15
Michael S. 15
Allison 14
Allison FSU 14
Christine 14
Jimmy F 14
Love 14
Cleve 13
Frank 13
Mary D. 13
Michael 13
Paige 13
Wendy 13
Charles 12
John O'Neill 12
Kathleen 12
Lisa M. 12
Mary Blythe 12
CeCe 11
Maggie 11
Prancey 11
Sally 11
Charlie 10
John Mears 10
John O. 10
Liz 10
Kristin 9
Molly 9
Fred 8
Kristen 8
Anne M 7
Arnaud 7
Chris 7
JoEllyn 7
Caroline M 6
Leslie 6
Slawek 6
Katie 5
Miller 5
Paul 5
Sam 5
Steef 4
Susie C 4
Dan 2
During threshold running and exercise, how do we stay on the "red line?" Many folks wear head phones and blast motivational music. Many folks try to focus on others (if they can do it so can I.) We have discussed in the past "breathing", recognizing pain, and observing with curiosity. Mantra (praying/meditating) also helps.
What doesn't help? THINKING. We are not going to think our way into a personal record. For all of the super geniuses we have in our group (we have a lot), brain power is wasted energy. Thinking about the next lap or the next mile is going to produce FEAR. Fear is the enemy of peak performance. Don't think. Just Run.
Name Attendance
Susie Mac 24
Amy 23
Dolly 23
Jodi 23
Susie Mac 23
Jenny 22
John S 22
Kaffee 22
Stacey 22
John G. 19
Todd 19
Barb 18
Brittany 18
Caroline 18
Dave B 18
Harriott 18
Jennifer 18
Jim 18
Lisa 18
Mary 18
Gary 17
Holly 17
Irene 17
Dave D 16
Roxanna 16
Carolyn 15
Kerry 15
Margaret 15
Matthew 15
Michael S. 15
Allison 14
Allison FSU 14
Christine 14
Jimmy F 14
Love 14
Cleve 13
Frank 13
Mary D. 13
Michael 13
Paige 13
Wendy 13
Charles 12
John O'Neill 12
Kathleen 12
Lisa M. 12
Mary Blythe 12
CeCe 11
Maggie 11
Prancey 11
Sally 11
Charlie 10
John Mears 10
John O. 10
Liz 10
Kristin 9
Molly 9
Fred 8
Kristen 8
Anne M 7
Arnaud 7
Chris 7
JoEllyn 7
Caroline M 6
Leslie 6
Slawek 6
Katie 5
Miller 5
Paul 5
Sam 5
Steef 4
Susie C 4
Dan 2
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
When the faithful participants of the flagship Triple Nickel pulled in the parking lot pre dawn, there was an ambulance idling in the far corner. Omen...
We welcomed the most beautiful pack of civilized beast onto the track with smiles and hugs. The morning started innocently enough with gentle strides across the meadow and back, followed by basic stretching. Then the command : "LINE UP"
We had two packs this morning. As usual, Pack One ran while Pack Two exercised. Then the Packs switched.
This is a real simple workout: 12 X 400M w/ equal time active recovery - "active recovery" today was shoulder/back/arms exercise with 5 pound weights in each hand.
Pack One average 90 seconds a lap and Two minutes active recovery.
Pack two averaged two minutes a lap and 90 seconds active recovery (there were 8 women pacing 105 seconds in this group/thanks to Barb and Jodi)
This was one of the toughest workouts this year. Mentally.... our brains were staying stop. But, the pack didn't wait this morning. Amazingly, it staid together. This workout more than any other demonstrated the power of group training. We can do far more together than we can alone.
Lactate Threshold
Everyone wants to ride, run and swim faster. Whilst natural ability still plays a huge role, lactate threshold is highly trainable (as is Vo2Max). By training properly almost every individual can ramp up their lactate threshold.
What is Lactate Threshold (also known as anaerobic threshold)?
Lactate is a by-product of anaerobic metabolism that, despite common misconception, is produced across all exercise intensities. In fact, even when you stand up from sitting in a chair, lactate acid is produced. The key in sport is the balance between the rate of lactate production and lactate absorption.
During light and moderate-intensity exercise, the blood concentration of lactate remains low. The body is able to absorb lactate faster than the muscle cells are producing it. However, as exercise intensity increases, there comes a point at which lactate removal fails to keep up with the rate of lactate production. This point is referred to as the lactate threshold and spells the beginning of the end of high intensity exercise.
Excessive blood lactate and hydrogen ion concentrations combine to interfere with efficient and proper muscle contraction, and as a result, power output drops, suffering increases and you are forced to slow down.
Lactate threshold represents the highest steady-state exercising intensity an athlete can maintain for prolonged periods of time (> 30 minutes).
We welcomed the most beautiful pack of civilized beast onto the track with smiles and hugs. The morning started innocently enough with gentle strides across the meadow and back, followed by basic stretching. Then the command : "LINE UP"
We had two packs this morning. As usual, Pack One ran while Pack Two exercised. Then the Packs switched.
This is a real simple workout: 12 X 400M w/ equal time active recovery - "active recovery" today was shoulder/back/arms exercise with 5 pound weights in each hand.
Pack One average 90 seconds a lap and Two minutes active recovery.
Pack two averaged two minutes a lap and 90 seconds active recovery (there were 8 women pacing 105 seconds in this group/thanks to Barb and Jodi)
This was one of the toughest workouts this year. Mentally.... our brains were staying stop. But, the pack didn't wait this morning. Amazingly, it staid together. This workout more than any other demonstrated the power of group training. We can do far more together than we can alone.
Lactate Threshold
Everyone wants to ride, run and swim faster. Whilst natural ability still plays a huge role, lactate threshold is highly trainable (as is Vo2Max). By training properly almost every individual can ramp up their lactate threshold.
What is Lactate Threshold (also known as anaerobic threshold)?
Lactate is a by-product of anaerobic metabolism that, despite common misconception, is produced across all exercise intensities. In fact, even when you stand up from sitting in a chair, lactate acid is produced. The key in sport is the balance between the rate of lactate production and lactate absorption.
During light and moderate-intensity exercise, the blood concentration of lactate remains low. The body is able to absorb lactate faster than the muscle cells are producing it. However, as exercise intensity increases, there comes a point at which lactate removal fails to keep up with the rate of lactate production. This point is referred to as the lactate threshold and spells the beginning of the end of high intensity exercise.
Excessive blood lactate and hydrogen ion concentrations combine to interfere with efficient and proper muscle contraction, and as a result, power output drops, suffering increases and you are forced to slow down.
Lactate threshold represents the highest steady-state exercising intensity an athlete can maintain for prolonged periods of time (> 30 minutes).
Monday, June 6, 2011
Day 21
We had one of our biggest groups of the year this morning. We also had one of our biggest Saturday workouts ever. The Saturday workout included children and furry four legged friends. We had to be careful not to run over the little guys but, having them there adds a bit of a carnival atmosphere. They also add to the energy on the field and keep the workout alive. Late in the workout when the pack started dying, we cranked up "g-6" and encouraged Evan to entertain us. We didn't have to twist his arm.
The big groups this morning helped keep the paces up. We used half of the entire field for the warm up. When we split the crowd, we still had four pretty decent sized packs. We worked the Diagonals for about 40 minutes then lined up for a finishing kick. We had 30 people break 2 minutes in the quarter.
Jason has been working for one of the other boot camps. He knows the difference. As he says " This is a special group." NO ONE hammers like us. We have a pack of sugar and spice powder puff girls that can break 3:30 for a half... at the end of the workout. Some of them are a half a hundred! Seriously, where else can you find a group this jacked up?
It is a thing of Beauty.
Name Attendance
Susie Mac 22
Dolly 21
Jodi 21
Stacey 21
Amy 20
Jenny 20
John S 20
Kaffee 20
John G. 18
Barb 17
Brittany 17
Lisa 17
Todd 17
Caroline 16
Dave B 16
Harriott 16
Holly 16
Jim 16
Mary 16
Dave D 15
Gary 15
Irene 15
Jennifer 15
Roxanna 15
Carolyn 14
Matthew 14
Allison FSU 13
Christine 13
Jimmy F 13
Kerry 13
Love 13
Margaret 13
Mary D. 13
Michael 13
Michael S. 13
Cleve 12
Frank 12
Kathleen 12
Wendy 12
Allison 11
CeCe 11
Charles 11
Lisa M. 11
Maggie 11
Paige 11
Prancey 11
John O. 10
John O'Neill 10
Mary Blythe 10
Sally 10
John Mears 9
Liz 9
Molly 9
Charlie 8
Kristen 8
Anne M 7
Arnaud 7
Chris 7
Fred 7
JoEllyn 7
Kristin 7
Leslie 6
Slawek 6
Katie 6
Caroline M 5
Sam 5
Susie C 4
Steef 4
Dan 2
The big groups this morning helped keep the paces up. We used half of the entire field for the warm up. When we split the crowd, we still had four pretty decent sized packs. We worked the Diagonals for about 40 minutes then lined up for a finishing kick. We had 30 people break 2 minutes in the quarter.
Jason has been working for one of the other boot camps. He knows the difference. As he says " This is a special group." NO ONE hammers like us. We have a pack of sugar and spice powder puff girls that can break 3:30 for a half... at the end of the workout. Some of them are a half a hundred! Seriously, where else can you find a group this jacked up?
It is a thing of Beauty.
Name Attendance
Susie Mac 22
Dolly 21
Jodi 21
Stacey 21
Amy 20
Jenny 20
John S 20
Kaffee 20
John G. 18
Barb 17
Brittany 17
Lisa 17
Todd 17
Caroline 16
Dave B 16
Harriott 16
Holly 16
Jim 16
Mary 16
Dave D 15
Gary 15
Irene 15
Jennifer 15
Roxanna 15
Carolyn 14
Matthew 14
Allison FSU 13
Christine 13
Jimmy F 13
Kerry 13
Love 13
Margaret 13
Mary D. 13
Michael 13
Michael S. 13
Cleve 12
Frank 12
Kathleen 12
Wendy 12
Allison 11
CeCe 11
Charles 11
Lisa M. 11
Maggie 11
Paige 11
Prancey 11
John O. 10
John O'Neill 10
Mary Blythe 10
Sally 10
John Mears 9
Liz 9
Molly 9
Charlie 8
Kristen 8
Anne M 7
Arnaud 7
Chris 7
Fred 7
JoEllyn 7
Kristin 7
Leslie 6
Slawek 6
Katie 6
Caroline M 5
Sam 5
Susie C 4
Steef 4
Dan 2
Friday, June 3, 2011
Friday Fun Day
Jason picked up the pace today. Boot camp was sweaty and dirty after an hour.
The runners hammered 5.5 miles and push up sets of 50,40,40,30, 20,20,20,20,20
workout tomorrow at 7:30AM
The runners hammered 5.5 miles and push up sets of 50,40,40,30, 20,20,20,20,20
workout tomorrow at 7:30AM
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Church Run, 3.5 miles 820 repetitions of lower body exercise.
BTW, when you don't show up for these workouts, you are the one we are talking about.
Name Attendance
Dolly 19
Susie Mac 19
Jodi 18
Stacey 18
Amy 17
Jenny 17
John S 17
Kaffee 17
John G. 16
Barb 15
Harriott 15
Holly 15
Jim 15
Lisa 15
Todd 15
Brittany 14
Caroline 14
Irene 14
Mary 14
Carolyn 13
Gary 13
Jennifer 13
Jimmy F 13
Kerry 13
Cleve 12
Dave B 12
Dave D 12
Kathleen 12
Margaret 12
Mary D. 12
Michael S. 12
Roxanna 12
CeCe 11
Love 11
Matthew 11
Michael 11
Wendy 11
Allison 10
Allison FSU 10
Christine 10
Frank 10
John O. 10
Lisa M. 10
Maggie 10
Paige 10
Prancey 10
Charles 9
John O'Neill 9
Liz 9
Molly 9
Kristen 8
Mary Blythe 8
Anne M 7
Charlie 7
Chris 7
JoEllyn 7
John Mears 7
Kristin 7
Sally 7
Leslie 6
Slawek 6
Arnaud 6
Fred 5
Katie 5
Sam 4
Steef 4
Dan 2
A couple of guys joined throngs of beautiful women in a delightful spin around the neighborhood this morning. We went a little something like this:
40 squats, 40 stair step aerobics, wall sit, 40 lunges, 40 squats, run up big hill, 40 lunges, 40 leg lifts, 40 stair step aerobics, 80 seated leg raises (40 left/40right), 40 knee knockers, 40 bridge presses, 40 squats, 40 kicks, 100 plank curls (50 each leg), 40 plie, 160 lying leg raises.
The workout started on the basketball court. We could hear two Owl's calling to each other just before day break. It was just another benefit to outdoor group training.
Name Attendance
Dolly 19
Susie Mac 19
Jodi 18
Stacey 18
Amy 17
Jenny 17
John S 17
Kaffee 17
John G. 16
Barb 15
Harriott 15
Holly 15
Jim 15
Lisa 15
Todd 15
Brittany 14
Caroline 14
Irene 14
Mary 14
Carolyn 13
Gary 13
Jennifer 13
Jimmy F 13
Kerry 13
Cleve 12
Dave B 12
Dave D 12
Kathleen 12
Margaret 12
Mary D. 12
Michael S. 12
Roxanna 12
CeCe 11
Love 11
Matthew 11
Michael 11
Wendy 11
Allison 10
Allison FSU 10
Christine 10
Frank 10
John O. 10
Lisa M. 10
Maggie 10
Paige 10
Prancey 10
Charles 9
John O'Neill 9
Liz 9
Molly 9
Kristen 8
Mary Blythe 8
Anne M 7
Charlie 7
Chris 7
JoEllyn 7
John Mears 7
Kristin 7
Sally 7
Leslie 6
Slawek 6
Arnaud 6
Fred 5
Katie 5
Sam 4
Steef 4
Dan 2
A couple of guys joined throngs of beautiful women in a delightful spin around the neighborhood this morning. We went a little something like this:
40 squats, 40 stair step aerobics, wall sit, 40 lunges, 40 squats, run up big hill, 40 lunges, 40 leg lifts, 40 stair step aerobics, 80 seated leg raises (40 left/40right), 40 knee knockers, 40 bridge presses, 40 squats, 40 kicks, 100 plank curls (50 each leg), 40 plie, 160 lying leg raises.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
555AM - Garden Hills 3.5 miles, 640 reps. Easy recovery workout for the horses. A nice little chase for the foxes (in Boot Camp the foxes chase the horses. Its backwards). We worked the core today.
7:20ishAM: Crazy 8's - 4.5 miles, 640 repetitions of core. Thanks to Chris W. for a perfect execution of our old favorite workout.
The Watson girls are now in. Anyone sick of looking at their kid waste the summer away sitting on the couch melting their mind away staring at the idiot box, eating Oreo cookies and waiting for another handout, bring them to us. We are still looking for a CEO and few teachers to join the summer session.
Name Attendance
Dolly 18
Susie Mac 18
Jodi 17
Stacey 17
Amy 16
Jenny 16
John S 16
Kaffee 16
Barb 15
Holly 15
John G. 15
Caroline 14
Harriott 14
Jim 14
Lisa 14
Mary 14
Todd 14
Brittany 13
Carolyn 13
Irene 13
Cleve 12
Dave D 12
Gary 12
Jennifer 12
Jimmy F 12
Kerry 12
Margaret 12
CeCe 11
Dave B 11
Kathleen 11
Love 11
Mary D. 11
Matthew 11
Michael 11
Michael S. 11
Roxanna 11
Wendy 11
Allison 10
John O. 10
Lisa M. 10
Maggie 10
Paige 10
Prancey 10
Allison FSU 9
Charles 9
Christine 9
Frank 9
John O'Neill 9
Liz 9
Molly 9
Kristen 8
Mary Blythe 8
Anne M 7
Charlie 7
Chris 7
JoEllyn 7
John Mears 7
Kristin 7
Sally 7
Leslie 6
Slawek 6
Arnaud 5
Katie 5
Fred 4
Sam 4
Steef 4
Dan 2
7:20ishAM: Crazy 8's - 4.5 miles, 640 repetitions of core. Thanks to Chris W. for a perfect execution of our old favorite workout.
The Watson girls are now in. Anyone sick of looking at their kid waste the summer away sitting on the couch melting their mind away staring at the idiot box, eating Oreo cookies and waiting for another handout, bring them to us. We are still looking for a CEO and few teachers to join the summer session.
Name Attendance
Dolly 18
Susie Mac 18
Jodi 17
Stacey 17
Amy 16
Jenny 16
John S 16
Kaffee 16
Barb 15
Holly 15
John G. 15
Caroline 14
Harriott 14
Jim 14
Lisa 14
Mary 14
Todd 14
Brittany 13
Carolyn 13
Irene 13
Cleve 12
Dave D 12
Gary 12
Jennifer 12
Jimmy F 12
Kerry 12
Margaret 12
CeCe 11
Dave B 11
Kathleen 11
Love 11
Mary D. 11
Matthew 11
Michael 11
Michael S. 11
Roxanna 11
Wendy 11
Allison 10
John O. 10
Lisa M. 10
Maggie 10
Paige 10
Prancey 10
Allison FSU 9
Charles 9
Christine 9
Frank 9
John O'Neill 9
Liz 9
Molly 9
Kristen 8
Mary Blythe 8
Anne M 7
Charlie 7
Chris 7
JoEllyn 7
John Mears 7
Kristin 7
Sally 7
Leslie 6
Slawek 6
Arnaud 5
Katie 5
Fred 4
Sam 4
Steef 4
Dan 2
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