Name Attendance
Dolly 17
Amy 16
Jodi 16
Susie Mac 16
Barb 15
John S 15
Kaffee 15
Stacey 15
Caroline 14
Harriott 14
Holly 14
John G. 14
Mary 14
Jenny 13
Jim 13
Lisa 13
Todd 13
Brittany 12
Carolyn 12
Cleve 12
Dave D 12
Irene 12
CeCe 11
Dave B 11
Gary 11
Jennifer 11
Kathleen 11
Kerry 11
Margaret 11
Mary D. 11
Roxanna 11
Wendy 11
Allison 10
Jimmy F 10
John O. 10
Love 10
Matthew 10
Michael 10
Michael S. 10
Paige 10
Prancey 10
Christine 9
John O'Neill 9
Lisa M. 9
Maggie 9
Molly 9
Allison FSU 8
Charles 8
Frank 8
Kristen 8
Liz 8
Charlie 7
Chris 7
JoEllyn 7
Kristin 7
Mary Blythe 7
Sally 7
Anne M 6
John Mears 6
Leslie 6
Slawek 6
Katie 5
Arnaud 4
Fred 3
Sam 3
Steef 3
Dan 2
We hope everyone had a happy and healthy holiday weekend. Of course, we are grateful for those that paid the ultimate price for USA.
Saturday = Crazy 8s, 5 miles + 500 combinations. We had kids and dogs in the workout. This was tough. We got a little creative. Some of the stuff was darn near impossible. Pandora "Linkin Park" Radio assisted in the up tempo running
Monday = Belt Line. We scaled back the exercise a little bit but added long intervals on the yard at Tanyard. 4.5 miles
Tuesday = Diagonals + one tempo run at the finish. 2.5 miles. Pandora "Air Supply" relaxed the tempo, kept everyone laughing.
These are the days. We are into sharpening and polishing our equipment for battle. Laying off the bottle, eating smarter and downing more water every day would help. Ice whatever hurts.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Friday Fun Day
6 men showed up this morning. SIX! Thank God for the six. They say the word "hard" ran off the boys. That's okay, with daily exercise, these boys will become men.
21 ladies showed up this morning. Why so many ladies?
No mystery here.
Show up tomorrow morning at 7:30AM and Monday at 7AM.
21 ladies showed up this morning. Why so many ladies?
No mystery here.
Show up tomorrow morning at 7:30AM and Monday at 7AM.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Church run 3 miles, 860 repetitions of hips/thighs/quads/hams/butt exercise.
38 more day. 28 more days of training.
These have been some really beautiful days for outdoor exercise. The magnolias are in bloom.
The week is shaping up like ths:
Monday - Medium (diagonals)
Tuesday - hard (crazy 8s)
Wednesday - medium (beltline)
Thursday - Easy ( Church Run)
Friday - hard (split squad)
Name Attendance
Dolly 14
Susie Mac 14
Amy 13
Barb 13
Cleve 13
Jenny 13
Jim 13
Jodi 13
John S 13
Lisa 13
Brittany 12
Caroline 12
Harriott 12
Holly 12
Stacey 12
Todd 12
CeCe 11
Irene 11
Jennifer 11
John G. 11
Kaffee 11
Kathleen 11
Mary 11
Mary D. 11
Wendy 11
Carolyn 10
Dave B 10
Gary 10
John O. 10
Kerry 10
Margaret 10
Molly 10
Paige 10
Prancey 10
Roxanna 10
Allison 9
Allison FSU 9
Jimmy F 9
Liz 9
Matthew 9
Michael S. 9
Charlie 8
Dave D 8
John O'Neill 8
Love 8
Michael 8
Charles 7
Chris 7
Frank 7
JoEllyn 7
Kristen 7
Kristin 7
Anne M 6
Christine 6
John Mears 6
Leslie 6
Lisa M. 6
Maggie 6
Sally 6
Slawek 6
Arnaud 5
Mary Blythe 5
Katie 3
Steef 3
Dan 2
Fred 2
Sam 2
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Beltline + Strides = 4 miles, 680 repetitions of core exercise
Atlanta is very proud of the Beltline. The Beltline is an ambitious project that is going to link all the the various neighborhoods. We hit the Beltline at Colonial Homes. This morning was beautiful and serene. The Sun is breaking in the sky around 6:12AM these days. As we descended from Peachtree toward Bobby Jones Golf course, we could see a thick layer of morning mist covering the landscape.

The birds were chirping in an otherwise still and quiet morning. We spent about a half hour in the forest oasis before ascending back toward Piedmont Hospital and the hustle and bustle of the big city.
Name Attendance
Dolly 13
Jenny 13
Susie Mac 13
Amy 12
Barb 12
Cleve 12
Jim 12
Jodi 12
John S 12
Lisa 12
Brittany 11
Caroline 11
Holly 11
John G. 11
Kaffee 11
Kathleen 11
Mary 11
Stacey 11
Todd 11
CeCe 11
Carolyn 10
Harriott 10
Irene 10
Jennifer 10
John O. 10
Mary D. 10
Prancey 10
Wendy 10
Dave B 9
Gary 9
Kerry 9
Matthew 9
Michael S. 9
Molly 9
Paige 9
Roxanna 9
Allison 8
Allison FSU 8
Dave D 8
Jimmy F 8
Liz 8
Love 8
Margaret 8
Michael 8
Charles 7
Charlie 7
Chris 7
Frank 7
JoEllyn 7
John O'Neill 7
Kristin 7
Anne M 6
Christine 6
John Mears 6
Kristen 6
Leslie 6
Lisa M. 6
Maggie 6
Sally 6
Slawek 6
Mary Blythe 5
Arnaud 4
Steef 3
Dan 2
Fred 2
Katie 2
Sam 2
The birds were chirping in an otherwise still and quiet morning. We spent about a half hour in the forest oasis before ascending back toward Piedmont Hospital and the hustle and bustle of the big city.
Name Attendance
Dolly 13
Jenny 13
Susie Mac 13
Amy 12
Barb 12
Cleve 12
Jim 12
Jodi 12
John S 12
Lisa 12
Brittany 11
Caroline 11
Holly 11
John G. 11
Kaffee 11
Kathleen 11
Mary 11
Stacey 11
Todd 11
CeCe 11
Carolyn 10
Harriott 10
Irene 10
Jennifer 10
John O. 10
Mary D. 10
Prancey 10
Wendy 10
Dave B 9
Gary 9
Kerry 9
Matthew 9
Michael S. 9
Molly 9
Paige 9
Roxanna 9
Allison 8
Allison FSU 8
Dave D 8
Jimmy F 8
Liz 8
Love 8
Margaret 8
Michael 8
Charles 7
Charlie 7
Chris 7
Frank 7
JoEllyn 7
John O'Neill 7
Kristin 7
Anne M 6
Christine 6
John Mears 6
Kristen 6
Leslie 6
Lisa M. 6
Maggie 6
Sally 6
Slawek 6
Mary Blythe 5
Arnaud 4
Steef 3
Dan 2
Fred 2
Katie 2
Sam 2
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Old School Basic training. How Old?
The sport of track and field has its roots in human prehistory. Track and field-style events are among the oldest of all sporting competitions, as running, jumping and throwing are natural and universal forms of human physical expression. The first recorded examples of organized track and field events at a sports festival are the Ancient Olympic Games. At the first Games in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece, only one event was contested: the stadion footrace. The scope of the Games expanded in later years to include further running competitions, but the introduction of the Ancient Olympic pentathlon marked a step towards track and field as it is recognised today – it comprised a five-event competition of the long jump, javelin throw, discusthrow, the stadion foot race, and wrestling.
We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up.
Corinthians 9:22-27
Jeremiah 12:5 If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan? Romans 15:1-2 |
We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up.
Corinthians 9:22-27
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize. |
Poverbs 15:32
He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding. |
Galatians 5:6-8
The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth? That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you. |
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. |
Luke 2:40
And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him.
Name Attendance
Cleve 12
Dolly 12
Jenny 12
Susie Mac 12
Amy 11
Barb 11
Caroline 11
Jim 11
Jodi 11
John S 11
Kaffee 11
Lisa 11
Mary 11
Brittany 10
Harriott 10
Holly 10
John G. 10
John O. 10
Prancey 10
Stacey 10
Todd 10
Carolyn 9
CeCe 9
Irene 9
Jennifer 9
Kathleen 9
Mary D. 9
Michael S. 9
Molly 9
Paige 9
Roxanna 9
Wendy 9
Dave B 8
Dave D 8
Gary 8
Jimmy F 8
Kerry 8
Liz 8
Matthew 8
Allison 7
Allison FSU 7
Charles 7
Charlie 7
Chris 7
JoEllyn 7
Kristin 7
Love 7
Margaret 7
Michael 7
Anne M 6
Frank 6
John O'Neill 6
Kristen 6
Leslie 6
Maggie 6
Slawek 6
Christine 5
John Mears 5
Lisa M. 5
Mary Blythe 5
Sally 5
Arnaud 4
Steef 3
Dan 2
Fred 2
Katie 2
Sam 1
And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him.
Name Attendance
Cleve 12
Dolly 12
Jenny 12
Susie Mac 12
Amy 11
Barb 11
Caroline 11
Jim 11
Jodi 11
John S 11
Kaffee 11
Lisa 11
Mary 11
Brittany 10
Harriott 10
Holly 10
John G. 10
John O. 10
Prancey 10
Stacey 10
Todd 10
Carolyn 9
CeCe 9
Irene 9
Jennifer 9
Kathleen 9
Mary D. 9
Michael S. 9
Molly 9
Paige 9
Roxanna 9
Wendy 9
Dave B 8
Dave D 8
Gary 8
Jimmy F 8
Kerry 8
Liz 8
Matthew 8
Allison 7
Allison FSU 7
Charles 7
Charlie 7
Chris 7
JoEllyn 7
Kristin 7
Love 7
Margaret 7
Michael 7
Anne M 6
Frank 6
John O'Neill 6
Kristen 6
Leslie 6
Maggie 6
Slawek 6
Christine 5
John Mears 5
Lisa M. 5
Mary Blythe 5
Sally 5
Arnaud 4
Steef 3
Dan 2
Fred 2
Katie 2
Sam 1
Monday, May 23, 2011
555- Diagonals: We performed a set of suicides before stretching our legs with a set of stadium stairs followed by a hard quarter mile. We split the group into 4 sets of 10. We ran 120 meter strides followed by 40 seconds of stomach exercise, then another 120m, another 40 seconds of exercise... This went of for about 45 minutes, 4,000 meters(2.5 miles) which is 33 times across the field. If we averaged 33 reps per 40 seconds of exercise (we did) then the repetitions count was 1,100. We should be able to feel that when we get up in the morning.
830- The squad did the short version of Lenox Rd. We did 600 reps which included 100 bicycles, 20 (6 count ab builders), & 40 swing set crunches (new record).
These are the days. We can not let up now.
Name Attendance
Cleve 11
Dolly 11
Jenny 11
Mary 11
Susie Mac 11
Amy 10
Barb 10
Caroline 10
Jim 10
Jodi 10
John S 10
Kaffee 10
Lisa 10
Prancey 10
Brittany 9
Carolyn 9
CeCe 9
Harriott 9
Holly 9
Irene 9
Jennifer 9
John G. 9
John O. 9
Kathleen 9
Mary D. 9
Michael S. 9
Paige 9
Stacey 9
Todd 9
Gary 8
Kerry 8
Molly 8
Roxanna 8
Wendy 8
Allison 7
Charlie 7
Chris 7
Dave B 7
Dave D 7
Jimmy F 7
JoEllyn 7
Kristin 7
Liz 7
Matthew 7
Allison FSU 6
Anne M 6
Charles 6
Leslie 6
Love 6
Margaret 6
Michael 6
Slawek 6
Frank 5
John Mears 5
John O'Neill 5
Kristen 5
Lisa M. 5
Maggie 5
Mary Blythe 5
Sally 5
Arnaud 4
Christine 4
Steef 3
Dan 2
Fred 2
Katie 2
Sam 1
830- The squad did the short version of Lenox Rd. We did 600 reps which included 100 bicycles, 20 (6 count ab builders), & 40 swing set crunches (new record).
These are the days. We can not let up now.
Name Attendance
Cleve 11
Dolly 11
Jenny 11
Mary 11
Susie Mac 11
Amy 10
Barb 10
Caroline 10
Jim 10
Jodi 10
John S 10
Kaffee 10
Lisa 10
Prancey 10
Brittany 9
Carolyn 9
CeCe 9
Harriott 9
Holly 9
Irene 9
Jennifer 9
John G. 9
John O. 9
Kathleen 9
Mary D. 9
Michael S. 9
Paige 9
Stacey 9
Todd 9
Gary 8
Kerry 8
Molly 8
Roxanna 8
Wendy 8
Allison 7
Charlie 7
Chris 7
Dave B 7
Dave D 7
Jimmy F 7
JoEllyn 7
Kristin 7
Liz 7
Matthew 7
Allison FSU 6
Anne M 6
Charles 6
Leslie 6
Love 6
Margaret 6
Michael 6
Slawek 6
Frank 5
John Mears 5
John O'Neill 5
Kristen 5
Lisa M. 5
Maggie 5
Mary Blythe 5
Sally 5
Arnaud 4
Christine 4
Steef 3
Dan 2
Fred 2
Katie 2
Sam 1
Friday, May 20, 2011
Friday Fun Day
555 - Split Squad this morning. The Men folk and a couple of Phillie's left boot camp in the capable hands of Jason. The girls (and Todd...on a mission from God) rocked the field at E Rivers. If we ever wondered what football practice was like(without the hitting), now we know.
The Horsemen ran from E Rivers to Lexox mall, turned around, ran a time trial mile, then jogged home. There were sets of push ups. 50, 50, 40, 40, 20, 20, 20, 20 = 260. A new boot camp record.
have a great weekend
The Horsemen ran from E Rivers to Lexox mall, turned around, ran a time trial mile, then jogged home. There were sets of push ups. 50, 50, 40, 40, 20, 20, 20, 20 = 260. A new boot camp record.
have a great weekend
Thursday, May 19, 2011
555 - Church Run 3 miles, 800 reps
830 - Frankie Allen Stairs 3 miles, 800 reps
The Boot Camp Family is growing stronger every day. Each and every one of us that attends is getting stronger every day while the unity with-in the group is growing. Families that play together stay together. Boot camp is no exception. We share one hour a day together. Although it is less than 10% of our waking hours, it is well over 50% of our daily physical activity. We pour a little time but a lot of energy into our workout. As we grind out this daily routine, we become more familiar with the guys and gals around us. Familiarity breeds friendships. We come to rely on the people around us help push us through the workouts.
Name Attendance
CeCe 9
Cleve 9
Dolly 9
Jenny 9
Jodi 9
Kaffee 9
Mary 9
Prancey 9
Susie Mac 9
Amy 8
Barb 8
Brittany 8
Caroline 8
Jennifer 8
Jim 8
John G. 8
John O. 8
John S 8
Kathleen 8
Lisa 8
Michael S. 8
Charlie 7
Chris 7
Gary 7
Harriott 7
Holly 7
Irene 7
JoEllyn 7
Kristin 7
Mary D. 7
Paige 7
Roxanna 7
Stacey 7
Todd 7
Wendy 7
Allison 6
Carolyn 6
Dave B 6
Jimmy F 6
Kerry 6
Matthew 6
Molly 6
Anne M 5
Dave D 5
Leslie 5
Liz 5
Margaret 5
Michael 5
Slawek 5
Allison FSU 4
Arnaud 4
Frank 4
Kristen 4
Lisa M. 4
Love 4
Mary Blythe 4
Charles 3
Christine 3
John Mears 3
John O'Neill 3
Maggie 3
Sally 3
Steef 3
Dan 2
Fred 2
Katie 2
Sam 1
830 - Frankie Allen Stairs 3 miles, 800 reps
The Boot Camp Family is growing stronger every day. Each and every one of us that attends is getting stronger every day while the unity with-in the group is growing. Families that play together stay together. Boot camp is no exception. We share one hour a day together. Although it is less than 10% of our waking hours, it is well over 50% of our daily physical activity. We pour a little time but a lot of energy into our workout. As we grind out this daily routine, we become more familiar with the guys and gals around us. Familiarity breeds friendships. We come to rely on the people around us help push us through the workouts.
Name Attendance
CeCe 9
Cleve 9
Dolly 9
Jenny 9
Jodi 9
Kaffee 9
Mary 9
Prancey 9
Susie Mac 9
Amy 8
Barb 8
Brittany 8
Caroline 8
Jennifer 8
Jim 8
John G. 8
John O. 8
John S 8
Kathleen 8
Lisa 8
Michael S. 8
Charlie 7
Chris 7
Gary 7
Harriott 7
Holly 7
Irene 7
JoEllyn 7
Kristin 7
Mary D. 7
Paige 7
Roxanna 7
Stacey 7
Todd 7
Wendy 7
Allison 6
Carolyn 6
Dave B 6
Jimmy F 6
Kerry 6
Matthew 6
Molly 6
Anne M 5
Dave D 5
Leslie 5
Liz 5
Margaret 5
Michael 5
Slawek 5
Allison FSU 4
Arnaud 4
Frank 4
Kristen 4
Lisa M. 4
Love 4
Mary Blythe 4
Charles 3
Christine 3
John Mears 3
John O'Neill 3
Maggie 3
Sally 3
Steef 3
Dan 2
Fred 2
Katie 2
Sam 1
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
This morning outdoor exercise conditions were even better than yesterdays. Not only were we welcomed to cool air, the full moon was high in the sky.
We had another large crowd. Boot Camp has a lot of momentum. The core group that never leaves (lets call them the "4 seasons"), has a lot of company right now.
When we have something that hurts, we ice it. Nothing cures soreness, strains, swelling, old nagging injury and fresh pulls like ice. As Paige said earlier this year; sometimes "the cure is more painful than the injury." For those of us who work out every day, its not a matter of if, but when. There is going to be a bump in the road. For the new comer, ice every day something is bothering you.
Today we did 3.5 pedestrian miles with 780 repetitions of various core exercises. We did 20 (6 count ab builders) on Dan's grass and 120 bicycles (half speed) on the nice grass across from Chick-fil-a. We also did two sets of 40 push ups. Today was on the easy side of medium. The last two days were a bit up tempo so we will likely have a few conversationally paced workouts before we hammer again.
We had another large crowd. Boot Camp has a lot of momentum. The core group that never leaves (lets call them the "4 seasons"), has a lot of company right now.
When we have something that hurts, we ice it. Nothing cures soreness, strains, swelling, old nagging injury and fresh pulls like ice. As Paige said earlier this year; sometimes "the cure is more painful than the injury." For those of us who work out every day, its not a matter of if, but when. There is going to be a bump in the road. For the new comer, ice every day something is bothering you.
Today we did 3.5 pedestrian miles with 780 repetitions of various core exercises. We did 20 (6 count ab builders) on Dan's grass and 120 bicycles (half speed) on the nice grass across from Chick-fil-a. We also did two sets of 40 push ups. Today was on the easy side of medium. The last two days were a bit up tempo so we will likely have a few conversationally paced workouts before we hammer again.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Gass on the Grass
Triple Nickel did Crazy 8s on the field at E Rivers. Princess Boot Camp ran down and back on the outfield at Frankie Allen. The grass is perfect right now. The earth is soft and foregiving. There has been just enough rain. This morning was the best day for outdoor training this year. It was perfect. This sentiment was shared by the group. The large crowd was eveidence to this fact. Most everyone showed up to take advantage of the ideal conditions.
What is a stride composed of? What makes a stride? More has been written and spoken about "stride" in the last 5 years than in the previous 25. We believe in the 50s, 60s & 70s, stride was a common topic among the fleet footed as they were knocking down barriers. We also believe that in the last 25-35 years, "stride" has taken a back seat to technology. In our commercial society, folks would rather buy speed than work toward it. "It's gotta be the shoes money" was the famous Spike Lee quote.
The perfect stride is the thing that comes naturally. It is not forced. It is not engineered. It cant be bought. We can not strive toward a perfect stride. That only leads to "overstriding." The most efficient stride comes when we are mindfully relaxed. Mindfull that we are carrying oursevles in alignment, but relaxed enough to let it happen.
We have suggested for many years that our stride is an extention of our personality. Conservative people tend to run more rigid. Type A, AA & AAA personalities usually overstride. Aggressive people run way up on their toes and passive folks chill out on their heels. The suggestion is to completely take "who we are" out of our stride and "let it be."
What is a stride composed of? What makes a stride? More has been written and spoken about "stride" in the last 5 years than in the previous 25. We believe in the 50s, 60s & 70s, stride was a common topic among the fleet footed as they were knocking down barriers. We also believe that in the last 25-35 years, "stride" has taken a back seat to technology. In our commercial society, folks would rather buy speed than work toward it. "It's gotta be the shoes money" was the famous Spike Lee quote.
The perfect stride is the thing that comes naturally. It is not forced. It is not engineered. It cant be bought. We can not strive toward a perfect stride. That only leads to "overstriding." The most efficient stride comes when we are mindfully relaxed. Mindfull that we are carrying oursevles in alignment, but relaxed enough to let it happen.
We have suggested for many years that our stride is an extention of our personality. Conservative people tend to run more rigid. Type A, AA & AAA personalities usually overstride. Aggressive people run way up on their toes and passive folks chill out on their heels. The suggestion is to completely take "who we are" out of our stride and "let it be."
Monday, May 16, 2011
Day 6
Water. Attendance has been good. Effort has been great. People are showing up and showing out. It has been a bit of a wonder and quite a pleasure to watch the tempo of boot camp. This group is hammering. There is a core group of participants that keep the pack working at a high level. The back is really close to the middle and the middle has been hanging around the front. This is what group training is all about. Bringing like minded people together for the single purpose of achieving higher levels of physical fitness. It is happening here.
There has been a rise in injury. Last week the temperature was up. In addition to boot camp, other outdoor activities are in full swing. Dehydration is a serious threat to someone who works out every day. It only takes one day to wipe out 6 months of work. Our good friend John O'Neill dehydrated himself right into the hospital earlier this year. The old loudmouthed instructor at Boot Camp blew a 174 day streak by not drinking enough water at the Braves game last Tuesday night. It was obvious half way through the crazy eights last Wednesday. The streak started the day before Thanksgiving; three miles a day minimum.The simple fact is, if we are mindful and careful to always take care of ourselves, we can work out every day without any days off. We have never seen anything come close to working as well. It works.
Name Attendance
Amy 6
Barb 6
Chris 6
CeCe 6
Cleve 6
Dolly 6
Gary 6
Jodi 6
JoEllyn 6
Kaffee 6
Prancey 5
Susie Mac 6
Brittany 5
Carolyn 5
Harriott 5
Holly 5
Irene 5
Jenny 5
Jim 5
Jimmy F 5
John G. 5
John O. 5
John S 5
Kathleen 5
Kristin 5
Lisa 5
Margaret 5
Mary D. 5
Mary 5
Matthew 5
Michael 5
Michael S. 5
Molly 5
Stacey 5
Caroline 4
Charlie 4
Dave D 4
Jennifer 4
Kristen 4
Paige 4
Slawek 4
Todd 4
Wendy 4
Allison 3
Anne M 3
Arnaud 3
Dave B 3
Kerry 3
Mary Blythe 3
Roxanna 3
Charles 2
Dan 2
Frank 2
John Mears 2
Leslie 2
Lisa M. 2
Liz 2
Love 2
Sally 2
Steef 2
Allison FSU 1
Christine 1
John O'Neill 1
There has been a rise in injury. Last week the temperature was up. In addition to boot camp, other outdoor activities are in full swing. Dehydration is a serious threat to someone who works out every day. It only takes one day to wipe out 6 months of work. Our good friend John O'Neill dehydrated himself right into the hospital earlier this year. The old loudmouthed instructor at Boot Camp blew a 174 day streak by not drinking enough water at the Braves game last Tuesday night. It was obvious half way through the crazy eights last Wednesday. The streak started the day before Thanksgiving; three miles a day minimum.The simple fact is, if we are mindful and careful to always take care of ourselves, we can work out every day without any days off. We have never seen anything come close to working as well. It works.
Name Attendance
Amy 6
Barb 6
Chris 6
CeCe 6
Cleve 6
Dolly 6
Gary 6
Jodi 6
JoEllyn 6
Kaffee 6
Prancey 5
Susie Mac 6
Brittany 5
Carolyn 5
Harriott 5
Holly 5
Irene 5
Jenny 5
Jim 5
Jimmy F 5
John G. 5
John O. 5
John S 5
Kathleen 5
Kristin 5
Lisa 5
Margaret 5
Mary D. 5
Mary 5
Matthew 5
Michael 5
Michael S. 5
Molly 5
Stacey 5
Caroline 4
Charlie 4
Dave D 4
Jennifer 4
Kristen 4
Paige 4
Slawek 4
Todd 4
Wendy 4
Allison 3
Anne M 3
Arnaud 3
Dave B 3
Kerry 3
Mary Blythe 3
Roxanna 3
Charles 2
Dan 2
Frank 2
John Mears 2
Leslie 2
Lisa M. 2
Liz 2
Love 2
Sally 2
Steef 2
Allison FSU 1
Christine 1
John O'Neill 1
Friday, May 13, 2011
Field Trip
Lenox from Around Lenox
Thanks to Deka Atlanta and Newton Running for sponsoring a running clinic today. Ian Adamson did a great job. He reinforced many of the things we know to be true. SOME barefoot running is good for your feet. Striking the ground with your heel when you run is bad. Swinging your arms from pocket to ear is good. Swinging your arms across your body is bad.
He also talked about the way we sit and stand. Wait a minute... the way sit and stand can affect our fitness? Damn. Not only do we have to be mindful of how we run and exercise but we also have to be mindful of the way we sit and stand. When do we get to be complete slouchy slack bags?
He says to stand with your toes pointed forward, feet shoulder width apart with your knees slightly bent. He also says to sit on a balance ball while at your desk( I would love to see a few of our power brokers/bankers & lawyers sitting on a ball at their desk). We can sit on the edge of our chairs otherwise.
Everything else we are already doing. Even the drills (high knees/butt kickers/cross overs) he suggested we are already doing. The single core exercise he demonstrated was V crunches (the only thing we do nearly every day). He said THE best exercise is PROPERLY done push ups. Old School basic training has always been and will forever be.
We did 3 miles and 755 reps of total body exercise in 45 minutes prior to the clinic. We crank.
Name Attendance
Amy 5
Barb 5
Chris 5
CeCe 5
Cleve 5
Dolly 5
Gary 5
Jodi 5
JoEllyn 5
Lisa 5
Margaret 5
Matthew 5
Michael 5
Prancey 5
Stacey 5
Susie Mac 5
Brittany 4
Caroline 4
Carolyn 4
Holly 4
Irene 4
Jennifer 4
Jenny 4
Jim 4
Jimmy F 4
John S 4
Kaffee 4
Kathleen 4
Kristin 4
Mary D. 4
Mary 4
Michael S. 4
Molly 4
Paige 4
Slawek 4
Todd 4
Anne M 3
Arnaud 3
Charlie 3
Dave B 3
Dave D 3
Harriott 3
John O. 3
Kerry 3
Kristen 3
Wendy 3
Allison 2
Charles 2
Dan 2
Frank 2
John G. 2
Leslie 2
Lisa M. 2
Love 2
Mary Blythe 2
Roxanna 2
Steef 2
John Mears 1
John O'Neill 1
Liz 1
Sally 1
Thanks to Deka Atlanta and Newton Running for sponsoring a running clinic today. Ian Adamson did a great job. He reinforced many of the things we know to be true. SOME barefoot running is good for your feet. Striking the ground with your heel when you run is bad. Swinging your arms from pocket to ear is good. Swinging your arms across your body is bad.
He also talked about the way we sit and stand. Wait a minute... the way sit and stand can affect our fitness? Damn. Not only do we have to be mindful of how we run and exercise but we also have to be mindful of the way we sit and stand. When do we get to be complete slouchy slack bags?
He says to stand with your toes pointed forward, feet shoulder width apart with your knees slightly bent. He also says to sit on a balance ball while at your desk( I would love to see a few of our power brokers/bankers & lawyers sitting on a ball at their desk). We can sit on the edge of our chairs otherwise.
Everything else we are already doing. Even the drills (high knees/butt kickers/cross overs) he suggested we are already doing. The single core exercise he demonstrated was V crunches (the only thing we do nearly every day). He said THE best exercise is PROPERLY done push ups. Old School basic training has always been and will forever be.
We did 3 miles and 755 reps of total body exercise in 45 minutes prior to the clinic. We crank.
Name Attendance
Amy 5
Barb 5
Chris 5
CeCe 5
Cleve 5
Dolly 5
Gary 5
Jodi 5
JoEllyn 5
Lisa 5
Margaret 5
Matthew 5
Michael 5
Prancey 5
Stacey 5
Susie Mac 5
Brittany 4
Caroline 4
Carolyn 4
Holly 4
Irene 4
Jennifer 4
Jenny 4
Jim 4
Jimmy F 4
John S 4
Kaffee 4
Kathleen 4
Kristin 4
Mary D. 4
Mary 4
Michael S. 4
Molly 4
Paige 4
Slawek 4
Todd 4
Anne M 3
Arnaud 3
Charlie 3
Dave B 3
Dave D 3
Harriott 3
John O. 3
Kerry 3
Kristen 3
Wendy 3
Allison 2
Charles 2
Dan 2
Frank 2
John G. 2
Leslie 2
Lisa M. 2
Love 2
Mary Blythe 2
Roxanna 2
Steef 2
John Mears 1
John O'Neill 1
Liz 1
Sally 1
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Diagonals- Girls gone wild
We have not done this workout in a year.
After the traditional easy running warm up, we lined up on the wall all the way down the front stretch. We had 35 people in a line (smallest crowd of the week). We ran ran a set of suicides before a stair lap and a hard quarter mile, then we started the workout.
We split into 4 groups, Earth, wind, fire, water. On one end of the field at E Rivers, there was the same old guy with the same old bit. On the other end of the field was Super Man, Captain America, Mr. Universe and a GQ cover boy all rolled into one. If you have ever wanted to watch a group of women act like smitten school girls, today was the day. We are pretty sure Jason could have asked them to walk around the field like a bunch of chickens clucking, and they would have done it. We also noticed the extra effort we got out of the ladies. Nothing like eye candy to get the ladies running crazy.
After the traditional easy running warm up, we lined up on the wall all the way down the front stretch. We had 35 people in a line (smallest crowd of the week). We ran ran a set of suicides before a stair lap and a hard quarter mile, then we started the workout.
We split into 4 groups, Earth, wind, fire, water. On one end of the field at E Rivers, there was the same old guy with the same old bit. On the other end of the field was Super Man, Captain America, Mr. Universe and a GQ cover boy all rolled into one. If you have ever wanted to watch a group of women act like smitten school girls, today was the day. We are pretty sure Jason could have asked them to walk around the field like a bunch of chickens clucking, and they would have done it. We also noticed the extra effort we got out of the ladies. Nothing like eye candy to get the ladies running crazy.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Crazy 8s... 6 miles, 600 repetitions of various core exercises
Jason will be our Boot Camp Instructor tomorrow morning. He knows a little bit about fitness.
Name Attendance
Amy 3
Barb 3
Brittany 3
Caroline 3
Chris 3
CiCi 3
Cleve 3
Dolly 3
Gary 3
Jennifer 3
Jodi 3
JoEllyn 3
John O. 3
John S 3
Kaffee 3
Kathleen 3
Kristen 3
Margaret 3
Mary D. 3
Mary 3
Michael 3
Michael S. 3
Molly 3
Paige 3
Prancey 3
Stacey 3
Susie Mac 3
Todd 3
Allison 2
Carolyn 2
Charlie 2
Dan 2
Dave B 2
Dave D 2
Frank 2
Holly 2
Irene 2
Jenny 2
Jim 2
Jimmy F 2
Kerry 2
Kristin 2
Leslie 2
Lisa 2
Love 2
Matthew 2
Roxanna 2
Slawek 2
Steef 2
Wendy 2
Anne M 1
Arnaud 1
Charles 1
Harriott 1
John G. 1
John Mears 1
John O'Neill 1
Lisa M. 1
Sally 1
Name Attendance
Amy 3
Barb 3
Brittany 3
Caroline 3
Chris 3
CiCi 3
Cleve 3
Dolly 3
Gary 3
Jennifer 3
Jodi 3
JoEllyn 3
John O. 3
John S 3
Kaffee 3
Kathleen 3
Kristen 3
Margaret 3
Mary D. 3
Mary 3
Michael 3
Michael S. 3
Molly 3
Paige 3
Prancey 3
Stacey 3
Susie Mac 3
Todd 3
Allison 2
Carolyn 2
Charlie 2
Dan 2
Dave B 2
Dave D 2
Frank 2
Holly 2
Irene 2
Jenny 2
Jim 2
Jimmy F 2
Kerry 2
Kristin 2
Leslie 2
Lisa 2
Love 2
Matthew 2
Roxanna 2
Slawek 2
Steef 2
Wendy 2
Anne M 1
Arnaud 1
Charles 1
Harriott 1
John G. 1
John Mears 1
John O'Neill 1
Lisa M. 1
Sally 1
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Church Run = 3.5 miles running, 800 repetitions of leg exercises
This is the most important session of every year. This is the session we work out to get ready for the show. For many of us, the show is at the beach, pool, lake. "Beach muscles" come in handy this time of year. Although tan fat can pass for muscle (thanks Matty), fit is the new phat. Big houses, big cars, big butts are on the way out. Minimal is in. "Cutting the fat" in corporate America has been the battle cry. Lean and mean, fighting weight stripped down. Thin and Fast, Super Fly. Ridiculously ripped. Hey, you want to be a pop star? "You got to get your abs' right."
Then there is the Peachtree Road Race (PTRR). We have eight weeks until we step to the line. We have 55 days to be exact. We can throw out the last 10. All of the work will be over then. Basically, we have these 6 weeks. For those of us who would like to attain a 3 handle, we can forget about days off. A three handle in 10k (that's 39.59) requires a 4 handle weekly mileage (that's 40 miles in 7 days). Got that? 40=39:59.
How in the Phidippidies are we supposed to get FOURTY miles a week? Cant take no days off. That's for sure. Want the kinder, softer solution? Show up every day early and run a mile (BEFORE THE WORKOUT). For those of you who show up at 6:03AM, you can skip this part of the blog. Did you catch the every day? If we don't show we can forget about it.
The average Boot Camp is 3.5 miles of running. If we run another mile at the end of the workout, that gets us to 5.5 miles on the day. Since we meet every day, M-F our mileage will be 5.5X5 (triple nickel) = 27.5. All that's required is another 12.5 miles over the weekend. We can split it up any way we want. If you are hell bent on taking a day off (your not going to make it), then run twelve and a half miles on Sunday (and be worthless for the rest of the day). We like 4.5 on Saturday and 8 on Sunday.
The long run on Sunday is critical for us. Our training is ideal for 5K. We need the strength to carry on. How do we get it? LSD. Long Slow Distance. "The Long Run puts the Tiger in the Cat."
Name Attendance
Amy 2
Barb 2
Brittany 2
Caroline 2
Chris 2
CiCi 2
Cleve 2
Dan 2
Dave B 2
Dave D 2
Dolly 2
Gary 2
Jennifer 2
Jodi 2
JoEllyn 2
John O. 2
John S 2
Kaffee 2
Kathleen 2
Kristen 2
Kristin 2
Margaret 2
Mary D. 2
Mary 2
Matthew 2
Michael 2
Michael S. 2
Molly 2
Paige 2
Prancey 2
Stacey 2
Steef 2
Susie Mac 2
Todd 2
Allison 1
Anne M 1
Carolyn 1
Charlie 1
Frank 1
Harriott 1
Holly 1
Irene 1
Jenny 1
Jim 1
Jimmy F 1
John G. 1
John Mears 1
Kerry 1
Leslie 1
Lisa 1
Love 1
Roxanna 1
Slawek 1
Wendy 1
Then there is the Peachtree Road Race (PTRR). We have eight weeks until we step to the line. We have 55 days to be exact. We can throw out the last 10. All of the work will be over then. Basically, we have these 6 weeks. For those of us who would like to attain a 3 handle, we can forget about days off. A three handle in 10k (that's 39.59) requires a 4 handle weekly mileage (that's 40 miles in 7 days). Got that? 40=39:59.
How in the Phidippidies are we supposed to get FOURTY miles a week? Cant take no days off. That's for sure. Want the kinder, softer solution? Show up every day early and run a mile (BEFORE THE WORKOUT). For those of you who show up at 6:03AM, you can skip this part of the blog. Did you catch the every day? If we don't show we can forget about it.
The average Boot Camp is 3.5 miles of running. If we run another mile at the end of the workout, that gets us to 5.5 miles on the day. Since we meet every day, M-F our mileage will be 5.5X5 (triple nickel) = 27.5. All that's required is another 12.5 miles over the weekend. We can split it up any way we want. If you are hell bent on taking a day off (your not going to make it), then run twelve and a half miles on Sunday (and be worthless for the rest of the day). We like 4.5 on Saturday and 8 on Sunday.
The long run on Sunday is critical for us. Our training is ideal for 5K. We need the strength to carry on. How do we get it? LSD. Long Slow Distance. "The Long Run puts the Tiger in the Cat."
Name Attendance
Amy 2
Barb 2
Brittany 2
Caroline 2
Chris 2
CiCi 2
Cleve 2
Dan 2
Dave B 2
Dave D 2
Dolly 2
Gary 2
Jennifer 2
Jodi 2
JoEllyn 2
John O. 2
John S 2
Kaffee 2
Kathleen 2
Kristen 2
Kristin 2
Margaret 2
Mary D. 2
Mary 2
Matthew 2
Michael 2
Michael S. 2
Molly 2
Paige 2
Prancey 2
Stacey 2
Steef 2
Susie Mac 2
Todd 2
Allison 1
Anne M 1
Carolyn 1
Charlie 1
Frank 1
Harriott 1
Holly 1
Irene 1
Jenny 1
Jim 1
Jimmy F 1
John G. 1
John Mears 1
Kerry 1
Leslie 1
Lisa 1
Love 1
Roxanna 1
Slawek 1
Wendy 1
Monday, May 9, 2011
Name .............................................1 mile/ sit ups /push ups
Prancey .........................................5:25/ 99 /
Dave D ..........................................5:38 /73/ 54
John S ...........................................5:39/ 96/ 70
Cleve ............................................5:40 /63 /67
Gary ..............................................5:47 /87/ 69
Matthew ........................................5:48 /100/ 57
Dave B ..........................................5:57 /65 /59
Amy ..............................................5:58 /120/ 84
Michael .........................................5:59 /89/ 65
Michael S. .....................................6:06 /86/ 44
Steef .............................................6:12 /65 /81
Caroline ........................................6:27/ 71/ 61
Jenny ............................................6:27 /72/ 68
Roxanna .......................................6:27 /64 /50
Kristen ..........................................6:39 /69/ 52
Carolyn .........................................6:49 /83/ 68
Kathleen .......................................6:49 /74 /64
Kristin ...........................................6:49 /74 /60
John O. .........................................6:50 /83/ 59
Anne M .........................................6:53 /70/ 70
Jodi ...............................................6:53 /65 /70
JoEllyn ..........................................7:00 /70/ 70
Jennifer .........................................7:09 /63/ 41
Barb .............................................7:12/ 64/ 60
John G. .........................................7:15 /42/ 32
CiCi .............................................7:24 /51 /51
Stacey ..........................................7:24 /59 /48
Mary ............................................7:38/ 65 /40
Molly ...........................................7:44 /32/ 41
Todd ...........................................7:47 /50 /45
Mary D. ......................................8:00 /57 /66
Paige ...........................................8:00 /69 /49
Susie Mac................................... 8:00 /80/ 74
Dan .............................................8:03 /41 /48
Kerry ..........................................8:03 /40/ 51
Allison .........................................8:16 /86/ 86
Brittany....................................... 8:59 /37 /40
Margaret .....................................9:47 /63 /35
Chris ..........................................11:00/ 51/ 45
Dolly ..........................................11:00 /50 /17
More than half of Boot Camp broke 7 minutes for a mile. If you are new in Boot Camp, relax. Take it easy. Protect yourself. Sand Bag the workouts. Stay in the back. Dont push it. Chill Out.
There will be plenty of time to enjoy new found fitness. Do not try and hang with people who have been here for YEARS. These guys and gals are in sick shape. Be patient.
Prancey .........................................5:25/ 99 /
Dave D ..........................................5:38 /73/ 54
John S ...........................................5:39/ 96/ 70
Cleve ............................................5:40 /63 /67
Gary ..............................................5:47 /87/ 69
Matthew ........................................5:48 /100/ 57
Dave B ..........................................5:57 /65 /59
Amy ..............................................5:58 /120/ 84
Michael .........................................5:59 /89/ 65
Michael S. .....................................6:06 /86/ 44
Steef .............................................6:12 /65 /81
Caroline ........................................6:27/ 71/ 61
Jenny ............................................6:27 /72/ 68
Roxanna .......................................6:27 /64 /50
Kristen ..........................................6:39 /69/ 52
Carolyn .........................................6:49 /83/ 68
Kathleen .......................................6:49 /74 /64
Kristin ...........................................6:49 /74 /60
John O. .........................................6:50 /83/ 59
Anne M .........................................6:53 /70/ 70
Jodi ...............................................6:53 /65 /70
JoEllyn ..........................................7:00 /70/ 70
Jennifer .........................................7:09 /63/ 41
Barb .............................................7:12/ 64/ 60
John G. .........................................7:15 /42/ 32
CiCi .............................................7:24 /51 /51
Stacey ..........................................7:24 /59 /48
Mary ............................................7:38/ 65 /40
Molly ...........................................7:44 /32/ 41
Todd ...........................................7:47 /50 /45
Mary D. ......................................8:00 /57 /66
Paige ...........................................8:00 /69 /49
Susie Mac................................... 8:00 /80/ 74
Dan .............................................8:03 /41 /48
Kerry ..........................................8:03 /40/ 51
Allison .........................................8:16 /86/ 86
Brittany....................................... 8:59 /37 /40
Margaret .....................................9:47 /63 /35
Chris ..........................................11:00/ 51/ 45
Dolly ..........................................11:00 /50 /17
More than half of Boot Camp broke 7 minutes for a mile. If you are new in Boot Camp, relax. Take it easy. Protect yourself. Sand Bag the workouts. Stay in the back. Dont push it. Chill Out.
There will be plenty of time to enjoy new found fitness. Do not try and hang with people who have been here for YEARS. These guys and gals are in sick shape. Be patient.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Eleven Eleven
555 - Garden Hills Loop
We hustled a little bit this morning. In 64 minutes we ran 4 miles and cranked out 1,111 repetitions of various basic training exercises. We concentrated mostly on core and leg exercises. 1111, four sticks is a new record. Since we do our reps at half speed with full range of motion, it takes about two seconds per repetition. It took us 2,222 seconds to execute these various exercises. That's 37 minutes of movement interrupted by 27 minutes of hard running. We did strides from station to station at decent tempo.
As we say, there is no other group training that can crank out these type of numbers.
830 - PBC ran from PRUMC to Chastain, around the park and back to PRUMC. That is a 10K. 6 miles of running with 700 reps of legs and core.
Our sincere thanks to everyone who participates in Boot Camp. Boot Camp is different. There is no building, no equipment, no bells and whistles. Boot Camp is group training. It is the people in the group that make group training. Without the group, there is no Boot Camp. Every single person who participates is important to the group. We can do far more together than we can alone. Only Hershal Walker does this type of stuff alone.
Prancey 33
Kaffee 32
Jenny 29
John S 29
Gary 28
Susie Mac 28
Paige 26
Todd 26
Michael S. 25
Matthew 25
Harriott 24
Kathleen 24
Love 23
Amy 22
Holly 22
Caroline 22
Cindy 21
Michael 21
JoEllyn 21
Liz 21
Lisa 21
Maggie 21
Stacey 21
Jennifer 20
Jodi 20
Dave B 20
John O. 19
Mary Blythe 18
Dave D 18
John O'Neill 18
Mary D. 18
Kristin 18
Frank 17
Irene 17
Roxanna 17
Jimmy F 17
Kristen 17
Christine 16
Margaret 16
Charles 16
Carolyn 15
Anne M 13
John Mears 13
Allison 12
Arnaud 12
Sally 11
Julianna 8
Slawek 8
Sam 7
Steef 7
Special thanks to Harriott and Kathleen for 5 wonder years. It has been a true pleasure to watch these ladies day after day grow more fit & look younger. They have been hammering these workouts with absolute grace and dignity.
We hustled a little bit this morning. In 64 minutes we ran 4 miles and cranked out 1,111 repetitions of various basic training exercises. We concentrated mostly on core and leg exercises. 1111, four sticks is a new record. Since we do our reps at half speed with full range of motion, it takes about two seconds per repetition. It took us 2,222 seconds to execute these various exercises. That's 37 minutes of movement interrupted by 27 minutes of hard running. We did strides from station to station at decent tempo.
As we say, there is no other group training that can crank out these type of numbers.
830 - PBC ran from PRUMC to Chastain, around the park and back to PRUMC. That is a 10K. 6 miles of running with 700 reps of legs and core.
Our sincere thanks to everyone who participates in Boot Camp. Boot Camp is different. There is no building, no equipment, no bells and whistles. Boot Camp is group training. It is the people in the group that make group training. Without the group, there is no Boot Camp. Every single person who participates is important to the group. We can do far more together than we can alone. Only Hershal Walker does this type of stuff alone.
Prancey 33
Kaffee 32
Jenny 29
John S 29
Gary 28
Susie Mac 28
Paige 26
Todd 26
Michael S. 25
Matthew 25
Harriott 24
Kathleen 24
Love 23
Amy 22
Holly 22
Caroline 22
Cindy 21
Michael 21
JoEllyn 21
Liz 21
Lisa 21
Maggie 21
Stacey 21
Jennifer 20
Jodi 20
Dave B 20
John O. 19
Mary Blythe 18
Dave D 18
John O'Neill 18
Mary D. 18
Kristin 18
Frank 17
Irene 17
Roxanna 17
Jimmy F 17
Kristen 17
Christine 16
Margaret 16
Charles 16
Carolyn 15
Anne M 13
John Mears 13
Allison 12
Arnaud 12
Sally 11
Julianna 8
Slawek 8
Sam 7
Steef 7
Special thanks to Harriott and Kathleen for 5 wonder years. It has been a true pleasure to watch these ladies day after day grow more fit & look younger. They have been hammering these workouts with absolute grace and dignity.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Cinco de Mayo
Crazy 8s
The Triple Nickel crowd this morning rocked the field at E Rivers this morning with Crazy 8s and hand weights. We split the breakfast club into two groups, men and women. As the beautiful ladies cranked out various upper body exercise, the gentlemen trounced the field in a tight pack. Then, as the guys pumped iron, the gals gallivanted gaily about the grounds. The total was 600 repetitions of various arm/shoulder/back exercise, 5 tempo miles.
Princess Boot Camp
We try not to take ourselves too seriously. After all, we run around town in our underwear every day dodging traffic while helping ourselves to whatever property we feel best suits our needs. This morning was a fine example our our daily folly. In our PBC platoon today, we had a French man following a two foot tall sombrero all the way down Peachtree Street and back. To understand the irony, we have to examine the history.
It is actually widely mistaken to be Mexican Independence Day (which Cinco de Mayo is not: that holiday takes place on September 16), given that the fifth of May is in celebration of Mexico's victory over a French army twice the size of their own. Cinco de Mayo instead celebrates the Battle of Puebla, one that was fought, in short, over money and debt owed to - surprisingly - the French. Even more surprising, however, than the history behind the celebration is the fact that Cinco de Mayo is celebrated to a significantly lesser degree in Mexico than in the United States. It has, quite frankly, become more of an excuse for both Americans and Mexican-Americans alike to don sombreros, down Coronas, and play hooky from work.
Check. You can imagine how many horns were honked this morning. We were actually cat called by a Latino fellow we presume to be of Mexican heritage. Princess Boot Camp always attracts attention. This morning was no different.
Tomorrow is the final day of the current session. Please help recruit new participants.
The Triple Nickel crowd this morning rocked the field at E Rivers this morning with Crazy 8s and hand weights. We split the breakfast club into two groups, men and women. As the beautiful ladies cranked out various upper body exercise, the gentlemen trounced the field in a tight pack. Then, as the guys pumped iron, the gals gallivanted gaily about the grounds. The total was 600 repetitions of various arm/shoulder/back exercise, 5 tempo miles.
Princess Boot Camp
We try not to take ourselves too seriously. After all, we run around town in our underwear every day dodging traffic while helping ourselves to whatever property we feel best suits our needs. This morning was a fine example our our daily folly. In our PBC platoon today, we had a French man following a two foot tall sombrero all the way down Peachtree Street and back. To understand the irony, we have to examine the history.
It is actually widely mistaken to be Mexican Independence Day (which Cinco de Mayo is not: that holiday takes place on September 16), given that the fifth of May is in celebration of Mexico's victory over a French army twice the size of their own. Cinco de Mayo instead celebrates the Battle of Puebla, one that was fought, in short, over money and debt owed to - surprisingly - the French. Even more surprising, however, than the history behind the celebration is the fact that Cinco de Mayo is celebrated to a significantly lesser degree in Mexico than in the United States. It has, quite frankly, become more of an excuse for both Americans and Mexican-Americans alike to don sombreros, down Coronas, and play hooky from work.
Check. You can imagine how many horns were honked this morning. We were actually cat called by a Latino fellow we presume to be of Mexican heritage. Princess Boot Camp always attracts attention. This morning was no different.
Tomorrow is the final day of the current session. Please help recruit new participants.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Push Ups
555 - 200 push ups + 300 core exercises = 500 during a 3.5 mile Beltline run
PBC - 50 push ups + 450 jazzercise = 500 during pretty strides on the grass at Frankie Allen
Benefits of push ups are so obvious that there is no secrets about them. Plain and simple. You just need to take a few minutes each day to perform them and you are going to see their incredible impact on your body very soon. Every week your could notice great changes on the shape of your body, while watching yourself in the mirror. Every week!
As far as I am concerned there is no better and faster way of getting fit as doing push ups.
Let's quote some of the many benefits of performing good old fashioned push ups.
They work:
1. your chest
2. hands, forearms, biceps, triceps
3. shoulders, traps, upper back, lower back
4. abs
5. glutes
6. hamstrings, quads, calf, feet
7. your heart muscle gets stronger and your mind get more 'clear', too
- you can perform them anywhere, anytime
- you don't need any technical equipment
- regular performing gives you almost perfect lean and very healthy look
You can call push ups a core-strengthening exercise. They largely improve your balance by strengthening and shaping up most important muscle groups in your body - the core.
I believe push-ups are the most effective exercise for improving total body fitness. They include cardiovascular training, weight/body lifting and muscle stretching all in one exercise.
Name Attendance
Prancey 31
Kaffee 30
Jenny 28
Gary 27
John S 27
Susie Mac 26
Michael S. 24
Paige 24
Todd 24
Matthew 23
Amy 22
Harriott 22
Holly 22
Kathleen 22
Love 22
Cindy 21
Michael 21
Caroline 20
JoEllyn 20
Liz 20
Jennifer 19
Jodi 19
Lisa 19
Maggie 19
Stacey 19
Dave B 18
John O. 18
Mary Blythe 18
Dave D 17
John O'Neill 17
Mary D. 17
Charles 16
Frank 16
Irene 16
Kristin 16
Margaret 16
Roxanna 16
Christine 15
Jimmy F 15
Kristen 15
Carolyn 14
Anne M 12
John Mears 12
Allison 11
Arnaud 10
Sally 10
Julianna 8
Slawek 8
Sam 7
PBC - 50 push ups + 450 jazzercise = 500 during pretty strides on the grass at Frankie Allen
Benefits of push ups are so obvious that there is no secrets about them. Plain and simple. You just need to take a few minutes each day to perform them and you are going to see their incredible impact on your body very soon. Every week your could notice great changes on the shape of your body, while watching yourself in the mirror. Every week!
As far as I am concerned there is no better and faster way of getting fit as doing push ups.
Let's quote some of the many benefits of performing good old fashioned push ups.
They work:
1. your chest
2. hands, forearms, biceps, triceps
3. shoulders, traps, upper back, lower back
4. abs
5. glutes
6. hamstrings, quads, calf, feet
7. your heart muscle gets stronger and your mind get more 'clear', too
- you can perform them anywhere, anytime
- you don't need any technical equipment
- regular performing gives you almost perfect lean and very healthy look
You can call push ups a core-strengthening exercise. They largely improve your balance by strengthening and shaping up most important muscle groups in your body - the core.
I believe push-ups are the most effective exercise for improving total body fitness. They include cardiovascular training, weight/body lifting and muscle stretching all in one exercise.
Name Attendance
Prancey 31
Kaffee 30
Jenny 28
Gary 27
John S 27
Susie Mac 26
Michael S. 24
Paige 24
Todd 24
Matthew 23
Amy 22
Harriott 22
Holly 22
Kathleen 22
Love 22
Cindy 21
Michael 21
Caroline 20
JoEllyn 20
Liz 20
Jennifer 19
Jodi 19
Lisa 19
Maggie 19
Stacey 19
Dave B 18
John O. 18
Mary Blythe 18
Dave D 17
John O'Neill 17
Mary D. 17
Charles 16
Frank 16
Irene 16
Kristin 16
Margaret 16
Roxanna 16
Christine 15
Jimmy F 15
Kristen 15
Carolyn 14
Anne M 12
John Mears 12
Allison 11
Arnaud 10
Sally 10
Julianna 8
Slawek 8
Sam 7
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
We did One Thousand repetitions of various lower body exercises during a 3 mile run. Triple Nickel did a Church Run, then did barefoot strides on the grass. Princess Boot Camp went trespassing. PBC actually got kicked off the rocking chairs at the Big Fish this morning. We agreed that it was one of the more pleasant boots we have ever had.
We have been hearing more about aches and pains and strains these last few weeks. It is no coincidence that the problems occur while the temperature is rising. We are dehydrated. If you are not drinking 200 ounces a day, you are going to get hurt or you are going to feel tight, sore and burnt.
If the oil or water light in your cars' dashboard was on, would you add fluids? Or, would you drive all over town burning up your engine? Seriously! Drink more water.
This is the week to recruit new participants.
Name Attendance
Prancey 30
Kaffee 29
Jenny 27
Gary 26
John S 26
Susie Mac 25
Todd 24
Matthew 23
Michael S. 23
Paige 23
Harriott 22
Kathleen 22
Amy 21
Cindy 21
Holly 21
Love 21
Michael 21
Caroline 20
Jennifer 19
JoEllyn 19
Liz 19
Maggie 19
Stacey 19
Dave B 18
Jodi 18
Lisa 18
Dave D 17
John O. 17
John O'Neill 17
Mary Blythe 17
Charles 16
Mary D. 16
Christine 15
Frank 15
Irene 15
Jimmy F 15
Kristen 15
Kristin 15
Margaret 15
Roxanna 15
Carolyn 13
John Mears 12
Allison 11
Anne M 11
Arnaud 10
Sally 9
Julianna 8
Slawek 8
Sam 7
Steef 7
Fred 6
Lisa M. 6
Wendy 6
Dolly 5
My apologies to our beloved Matty who was added to our excellect list of results from last Saturdays 5K.
We have been hearing more about aches and pains and strains these last few weeks. It is no coincidence that the problems occur while the temperature is rising. We are dehydrated. If you are not drinking 200 ounces a day, you are going to get hurt or you are going to feel tight, sore and burnt.
If the oil or water light in your cars' dashboard was on, would you add fluids? Or, would you drive all over town burning up your engine? Seriously! Drink more water.
This is the week to recruit new participants.
Name Attendance
Prancey 30
Kaffee 29
Jenny 27
Gary 26
John S 26
Susie Mac 25
Todd 24
Matthew 23
Michael S. 23
Paige 23
Harriott 22
Kathleen 22
Amy 21
Cindy 21
Holly 21
Love 21
Michael 21
Caroline 20
Jennifer 19
JoEllyn 19
Liz 19
Maggie 19
Stacey 19
Dave B 18
Jodi 18
Lisa 18
Dave D 17
John O. 17
John O'Neill 17
Mary Blythe 17
Charles 16
Mary D. 16
Christine 15
Frank 15
Irene 15
Jimmy F 15
Kristen 15
Kristin 15
Margaret 15
Roxanna 15
Carolyn 13
John Mears 12
Allison 11
Anne M 11
Arnaud 10
Sally 9
Julianna 8
Slawek 8
Sam 7
Steef 7
Fred 6
Lisa M. 6
Wendy 6
Dolly 5
My apologies to our beloved Matty who was added to our excellect list of results from last Saturdays 5K.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Beltline 5K
![]() |
Stacy, Prance, Christine, Amy, Kathleen Jodi, Gary, Todd, Dave, Carolyn, Charles, Kristen, Kaffee, John, Matty, John S., Jenny, Maggie, Boss |
place overall .......... time................... Pace.......... Place
3 chip owens 18:23.2 .......... 5:56/M - 2nd M
4 David Delmonte 18:52.9 .......... 6:05/M - 3rd M
5 Nancy Meck 19:00.3 .......... 6:08/M - 2nd W
8 John Shannon 20:18.3 .......... 6:33/M - 2nd AG
11 John O'Neill 20:31.5 .......... 6:37/M - 3rd AG
13 matthew welden 20:42.7 .....................................2nd AG
21 Gary Mann 21:31.9 .......... 6:56/M - 1st AG
24 Amy Glahn 21:55.7 .......... 7:04/M - 3rd W
29 Michael Sinitiere 22:29.3 .......... 7:15/M - 6th AG
38 Kristen Weeden 23:06.2 .......... 7:27/M - 1st AG
39 Margaret Scott 23:06.5.......... 7:27/M - 2nd AG
42 Jenny Nagel 23:27.4 .......... 7:34/M - 1st AG
46 Roxana Dan 23:42.4 .......... 7:39/M - 1st AG
52 Charles Gardner 24:05.4 .......... 7:46/M - 12th AG
54 Carolyn Pait 24:10.0 .......... 7:48/M - 1st AG
61 Kathleen Waldrop 24:58.1 .......... 8:03/M - 2nd AG
77 Christine Quillian 26:21.7.......... 8:30/M - 7th AG
92 Jodi Lewis 26:39.4 .......... 8:36/M - 7th AG
99 Matei Dan 26:49.0.......... 8:39/M - 2nd AG
130 Todd Scearse 28:33.5 .......... 9:13/M - 10th AG
133 Stacey Harth 28:35.6 .......... 9:13/M - 5th AG
163 Paige Collier 30:09.4 .......... 9:44/M - 14th AG
165 Kaffee Hopkins 30:11.6 .......... 9:44 - 5th AG
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