Monday, February 28, 2011

Church Run

We suspected that Winter was bowing out. So far its been a decent speculation. The Cherry Blossoms aren't waiting around to find out.

We had good representation at the Buckhead 5K on Saturday. Everyone who participates in PRUMC Boot Camp took home hardware. We have come to expect it.

We worked our way down hill this morning stopping along the way, doing push ups, back bends, sit ups, bicycles, crunches, flutter kicks, V sits, planks and a few other exercises. We went by the Churches on Peachtree on our way to the Garden Hills playground. Elevation bottomed out right there next to the pool. At that point, we had already performed 500 repetitions of core exercise. We then hammered through Frankie Allen on our way back to PRUMC. It was up hill all the way for a little more than a mile.

Please send this link to someone who would join our group. Fitness is becoming more popular as the temperature rises.

The pool opens on May 30th. There are 67 more week days for scheduled boot camp workouts before the pool opens. There are 90 days left if you include weekends. P90X is a fitness phenomenon that has swept the nation over the last several years. The 90 in P90X is 90 days. A 40 year old has lived 14,600 days. 90 days is  slightly more than one half of one percent of those days. Yet such a small commitment can change THE REST OF OUR LIVES. It can darn sure change the way you look at the pool this year.

Name attendance

Irene 11
Kaffee 11
Susie Mac 11
Caroline V 10
Harriott 10
Gary 9
Holly 9
John O. 9
Kristin 9
Paige 9
Prancey 9
Todd 9
Anne M 8
Dan 8
Dave D 8
JoEllyn 8
John S 8
Mary Blythe 8
Matthew 8
Michael S. 8
Amy 7
Charles 7
Christine 7
Fred 7
Kristen 7
Liz 7
Carolyn 6
Jennifer 6
Jenny 6
Jimmy F 6
John O'Neill 6
Owen 6
Steef 6
Cleve 5
Lisa 6
Maggie 5
Michael 5
Caroline 4
Mary D. 4
Sally 4
Charlie 3
Jennifer H. 3
Lisa M. 3
Miller 3
Slawek 3
Dave B 2
Kathleen 2

Friday, February 25, 2011

No Rain Friday

It was coming down cats and dogs until we stepped out of the Church. Then the rain stopped. We were moving slowly at the start of the workout heading North on Peachtree. We had a decent size crowd. A friendly motorist seized the opportunity to hug the curb at high speeds and empty the small pond collected there onto the sidewalk. About a quarter of us got nailed by a street wave. We exercised all the way to Lenox Mall. We spent a few minutes next to the front door under the awning. The concrete was not comfortable but it was dry. We raced back to the Church without stopping where we finished our exercises for today.

Kaffee, Gary, Susie Mac, Anne M. & Caroline V. made it every day this week. We did 700 repetitions today as we have done all week. 700 X 5 days is 3,500 for the week. We ran 18 miles this week.

A few of us will be running a 5k tomorrow morning at 9AM. The race starts and finishes at Peachtree Pres. on Roswell.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Old School Brick Workout

The mild weather has been  boom for Boot Camp. Ain't nothing like warm weather to get people taking their clothes off. These are days we can tell who was disciplined during the winter. We have a crowd who has been showing up every day and sticking to the program. It is easy to spot us as the temperature rises this spring. We are the fast thin people with defined lines. It will be easy to recognize us at the pool too. We stand up a little straighter, hold our chin a little higher and can be found to talk a little more smack. It okay, because we back it up.

Another 700 repetitions of various arm, shoulder and back exercise performed with 5lbs weights. These exercises are performed at stations about 300 meters apart. We ran from station to station around Peachtree Road United Church. Running a mile and a half with 5 pounds in each hand is tough enough. dd the reps in and this workout chews us up. The total running today was 4 miles.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Gas on the Grass

Frankie Allen

No, we are not referring to the obnoxious noises coming from The Cleaver. We are talking about handsome strides performed across the green sprouts. We ran pretty across three outfields in succession in-between core exercises. The total mileage was 3.5 with 700 repetitions of various exercise worked into the run. As Usher says:"If you want to be a pop star, you got to get your abs right." Step one: build muscular strength through exercise. Step two: perform the cardiovascular exercise needed to melt away the pudding covering the muscle.

                                                         Princesses turned RoboBabes

Lizzard has a 40 day streak. JoJo is keeping her streak a secret but we know she is at it daily. All these beauties are motivated and are working out as such.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hills and Stairs

Triple Nickel    -   Princess Boot Camp 

Good atricle By Josh Clark

To many runners, hills spell trouble. Fortunately, much of that sentiment is more in their heads than their legs. Running hills is an acquired skill, and a little practice can give any runner the confidence to overcome a hill phobia and make peace with the dreaded incline. And not least, a consistent regimen of hill workouts goes far to build leg strength.

The rather obvious benefit of hill workouts is that they make you better at running hills. Even better, you will see benefits on the flats, too. The muscle groups you use to overcome hills are virtually the same as those you use for sprinting, so hillwork enhances your speed by building strength. This strengthening effect is supplemented by the fact that hill workouts help increase both the frequency and length of your stride -- you get even faster. As a final added bonus, hill training also strengthens the muscles around your knees, helping to reduce knee injuries.

You should, however, be cautious about hillwork if you have an injury in your calf or achilles tendon. Even if you do not, you should still be sure to stretch these areas of your legs especially well before starting.
Remember that the idea of hill work is to negotiate the hills efficiently, with as little disruption as possible to your rhythm. Think of yourself rolling over the hill, almost as if it isn't there. Concentrate on keeping your upper body relaxed, while you let your legs do the work.

On gradual inclines, try to run a bit harder than you had been running on the flat before the hill. On steeper inclines, concentrate on lifting your knees and pushing off hard with every step. This attention to your "vertical" motion is at least as important as your forward motion up the hill. The steeper the hill, the more you should lift your knee; on the steepest inclines try to lift your knees so high that your thighs reach horizontal. The strong push-off and high knee lifts will increase both your stride length and the range of motion in your hips: voila, you've increased your speed.

Even for very long hills (a mile or longer), try to maintain the exaggerated knee lifts. The benefits will make themselves known soon enough. The knee lifts, incidentally, are not easy. But even with the extra workout, your legs take less of a pounding running uphill than when running hard on the flat or downhills - you're not hitting the ground as hard.

As you reach the top of each hill, focus on running all the way over the top until your reach the flat, and pick up your regular running rhythm again. Use the flat or downhill on the other side for recovery. As always during the easy portion of any speedwork, keep running - even if at a gentle jog.

Go carefully on the downills - they can dish out a nasty pounding, particularly to your quads. The best way to run downhills is to lean into them, to the point that you feel you're about to fall on your face. Try to get your legs turning over as fast as you can with short, quick strides. Not only does this help reduce the pounding on your legs, but it also helps you increase your stride frequency. With a little practice, you'll find yourself running down hills with less effort, less pounding, and more speed. Not a bad combination.

Those just beginning hill workouts will likely find hills a struggle at first, but before long hills become more of a friendly challenge than a mortal enemy. The more you run hills, the more you'll find yourself adjusting to them automatically and your stride shifting to "hill mode" without any thought or effort.

Name Attendance
Dan 7

Irene 7
JoEllyn 7
Kaffee 7
Kristin 7
Paige 7
Susie Mac 7
Todd 7
Caroline V 6
Dave D 6
Harriott 6
Holly 6
John O. 6
John S 6
Mary Blythe 6
Michael S. 6
Prancey 6
Anne M 5
Christine 5
Fred 5
Gary 5
Jennifer 5
Kristen 5
Liz 5
Matthew 5
Amy 4
Charles 4
Jimmy F 4
John O'Neill 4
Lisa 4
Mary D. 4
Owen 4
Steef 4
Caroline 3
Carolyn 3
Charlie 3
Jennifer H. 3
Maggie 3
Miller 3
Sally 3
Cleve 2
Jenny 2
Lisa M. 2
Michael 2
Slawek 2
Dave B 1

Monday, February 21, 2011

Presidents Day

Big Crowd. Almost everyone showed up. The weather was great. Spirits were high. Traffic was low. The effort was on the easy side of hard. Today's physical training run was the fan favorite "Church Run." We stopped early and often on our way down Peachtree St. to Church Turn. We hit all the usual spots for core body exercise. This group is in seriously good shape. We reeled off 700 repetitions during a 3.5 mile run. Seriously! Who cranks out 100 push ups, 100 back bends and 500 various other sit up like exercises in a single hour? During a 3 1/2 mile run? Over Hills? We ran up on another boot camp at the Garden Hills Pool. God bless them. Can you imagine what a sight we must have been to them. Scary. The Pack Attack was back.

Buckhead 5K this weekend   Y'all want to sweep the awards at this race?

Name attendance
Dan 6
Irene 6
JoEllyn 6
Kaffee 6
Kristin 6
Michael S. 6
Paige 6
Susie Mac 6
Todd 6
Caroline V 5
Dave D 5
Harriott 5
Holly 5
John O. 5
John S 5
Mary Blythe 5
Matthew 5
Prancey 5
Anne M 4
Charles 4
Christine 4
Fred 4
Gary 4
Jennifer 4
John O'Neill 4
Kristen 4
Liz 4
Mary D. 4
Amy 3
Carolyn 3
Charlie 3
Jennifer H. 3
Jimmy F 3
Lisa 3
Owen 3
Sally 3
Steef 3
Caroline 2
Lisa M. 2
Maggie 2
Miller 2
Cleve 1
Dave B 1
Jenny 1
Michael 1
Slawek 1
Allison 0
Arnaud 0
John Mears 0
Kathleen 0
Kerry 0
Leslie 0
Lucy 0

Friday, February 18, 2011

Where is the Love?

Name Attendance

Dan 5
Irene 5
JoEllyn 5
Kaffee 5
Kristin 5
Michael S. 5
Paige 5
Susie Mac 5
Todd 5
Caroline V 4
Charles 4
Dave D 4
Harriott 4
Holly 4
John O. 4
John S 4
Mary Blythe 4
Matthew 4
Prancey 4
Anne M 3
Charlie 3
Christine 3
Fred 3
Gary 3
Jennifer 3
Jennifer H. 3
John O'Neill 3
Kristen 3
Liz 3
Mary D. 3
Owen 3
Amy 2
Carolyn 2
Jimmy F 2
Lisa 2
Sally 2
Steef 2
Caroline 1
Dave B 1
Lisa M. 1
Maggie 1
Michael 1
Miller 1
Allison 0
Arnaud 0
Cleve 0
Jenny 0
John Mears 0
Kathleen 0
Kerry 0
Leslie 0
Lucy 0
Slawek 0

Triple Nickel and Princess Boot Camp ran the Lenox route backwards today. For veteran PRUMC Boot Campers, they knew this was a variation that allowed for our typical misbehavior. It seems all of our neighbors do not completely support our daily efforts. Although it is not considered socially unacceptable to sleep in a Marta station with the rat infestation; exercising in the same Marta station seems to bug the custodians. Like a habitual speeder who has to drive during police shift change, we figured we could miss the custodian if we chose a different time and a different day. We successfully performed a set of back rows underneath Peachtree Street this morning. We pushed our luck with 20 push ups surrounding the Wolf Pack in plain view of security. As no one actually touched a wolf, we were allowed to finish without interruption. Security was as uncomfortable as Charlie Sheen in Church. We did run into a friendly neighbor who welcomed us to exercise in her front yard. You can bet we will be V Crunching there again. And how about that crack unit guarding the empty parking lot at Lenox. I guess they have decided not to drive away traffic from the mall. We peeled off 140 core body exercises on the grass in front of the roving rent a cop there. And traffic? You have to be a really unhappy person to run over a pack of hotties in tights. Yet it seems most mornings, some super hero set out to save the world treats us like collateral damage. These neighborhood friends receive nothing but smiles and well wishes from the Pack. But beware, and don't turn your back on the Wolf Pack.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Get Plugged In

We are transforming into our best selves right before our very eyes. We are completely plugged into the program. We are the group that has adopted a lifestyle of daily exercise.

We try not to "BLAST" any workout during the week. Why not? Because we are going to be out there again tomorrow and the next day and the next. We are very cautious about choosing the right time and place for peak performance. We like to call it "peaking". Although we do not "Blast", we do "Hammer." The difference is, we hammer just a little bit. Just a little bit every day. Working out hard is like dancing around a bon fire. If we are too close for too long we will get burned.

If your laying in bed or sitting on the couch making excuses about why you are missing workouts, your not in danger of getting burned.

We did just a little bit today. We ran one mile warm up, a mile and three quarters with weights in hand. We stopped along the way and performed 540 repetitions of various upper body exercise. The we lined up and hammered two half miles at 5K race place.

3 3/4 miles, 540 reps.

Peachtree Presbyterian Church 5K next weekend. We could sweep the awards at this race.

Name Attendance
Charles 4

Irene 4
JoEllyn 4
John O. 4
John S 4
Kaffee 4
Kristin 4
Matthew 4
Michael S. 4
Paige 4
Susie Mac 4
Todd 4
Caroline V 3
Charlie 3
Dan 3
Dave D 3
Harriott 3
Holly 3
Jennifer H. 3
Mary Blythe 3
Mary D. 3
Owen 3
Prancey 3
Anne M 2
Christine 2
Fred 2
Gary 2
Jennifer 2
John O'Neill 2
Kristen 2
Lisa 2
Liz 2
Sally 2
Amy 1
Caroline 1
Carolyn 1
Jimmy F 1
Lisa M. 1
Michael 1
Miller 1
Steef 1
Allison 0
Arnaud 0
Cleve 0
Dave B 0
Jenny 0
John Mears 0
Kathleen 0
Kerry 0
Leslie 0
Lucy 0
Maggie 0
Slawek 0

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 3

Name attendance
Dan 3
Dave D 3
JoEllyn 3
John O. 3
John S 3
Kaffee 3
Kristin 3
Matthew 3
Michael S. 3
Owen 3
Susie Mac 3
Todd 3
Charles 2
Charlie 2
Christine 2
Gary 2
Harriott 2
Holly 2
Irene 2
Jennifer H. 2
John O'Neill 2
Kristen 2
Mary Blythe 2
Mary D. 2
Paige 2
Prancey 2 - 41 day Streak
Sally 2
Anne M 1
Carolyn 1
Fred 1
Jennifer 1
Jimmy F 1
Lisa 1
Lisa M. 1
Liz 1- 33 day strek
Miller 1
Leslie 0
Allison 0
Amy 0
Arnaud 0
Caroline 0
Caroline V 0
Cleve 0
Dave B 0
Jenny 0
John Mears 0
Kathleen 0
Kerry 0
Lucy 0
Maggie 0
Michael 0
Slawek 0
Steef 0

Streaks are a beautiful thing. Streaks temper the body. When we run 3 miles minimum every day, there is a cleansing that take place that keeps the streak alive. Viruses and germs denigrate into ashes in a body that raises its core temperature daily. Fat melts away. The resting heart rate of the tempered body drops. Energy levels shoot way up. Sleep becomes sounder as the body requires recovery for the next workout. The body takes on an athletic shape.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

700 club

The 700 Club enjoyed a sunrise service from the upper deck overlooking our fair land that we love. Speaking of Love, the preacher gave us an excerpt for his sermon last Sunday. For those of you who missed it (we are pretty sure that's ALL of you), his Love Sermon is a good one.

Participants filed out this morning in order of arrival to Boot Camp. Eventually, we all got together at Frankie Allen. The site of Buckhead Baseball has a couple sets of stairs that we like to run over and over. In between sets of stairs, we performed exercise that work our hips, calves, quads, thighs, hams, lungs and lips. Today's medium effort still allowed for yapping.

After 40 minutes of stairs in the ole ball park on Bagley, we made our way into the village. We stopped at the Big Fish, the Library and finally, after the 9 story climactic climb, the top deck. Unknown to us, this became a workout of attrition. Sharing the view from the loft were laddies:
Todd, John O, John Oneill, Owen, John S., Michael S., Fred, Matty, Jimmy, and Gary. The boys club reflected on the joy they still felt post Valentines day.

Lassies; Irene, Holly, Kaffee, Harriott, Mary Blythe, and Mary D. shown grace and beauty as always. We all finished together at PRUMC.

Princesses Susie Mac, JoEllen, Jennifer and Kwithee stopped traffic and turned heads at every corner as they knocked out the same workout.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 1

We cruised a Church Run today. The was a wonderful morning for group basic training. We averaged 9 minute miles with a few up tempo moments. We did 500 repitions of various core body exercises. The fitness family was on cruise control. Everyone was in a good mood and yapping after a spring weather weekend. We have a couple of new folks we are excited about keeping in the pack.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Winter Over - 3,500 for the week

Thanks to everyone who participated in the first session of PRUMC Boot Camp.

There is workout tomorrow morning at 8:30AM at E Rivers Elementary School. This is an open workout. Guests are welcome.

Get the word out! Group training is only as good as the group. Please go out and find some more dead wood we can throw on the fire. The coals are burning hot right now. There is nothing like fresh kindling to get the flames blazing higher. Thanks to Paige this morning for bringing Todd. He survived the baptism by fire with grace and dignity.

We Cadillac-ed it around town for 40 minutes until we arrived at Church Turn. It is well known that Jesus Junction is the Two Mile mark of The Peachtree Road Race. Having done 500 reps of push ups and sit ups and the like, we hauled it from there to The White House (A.K.A. the One Mile Mark of the PTRR). This served as a "tune up" for those toeing the line for tomorrows 5K.

The 10 day forecast looks GOOD. This is the time to go back and look at new years resolutions (and the mirror). The new guys that have been showing up every day look fantastic. Fred and Michael S are getting salty.

This weeks exercise rep count goes like this: M-800, T-800, W-800, Th-600, F-500 = 3,500 A New Weekly Record. It took some prodding but, we snapped out of the coma the deep freeze caused and finished the session on track. Beautiful.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Old School Brick Workout on PRUMC Campus

Okay, Okay. We are tired. Maybe the first three days of this week were a little much. The whining has reached a crescendo.

Ladies in the Triple Nickel this morning:
Kaffee - guts
Harriott - tenacious
Prancy - talent

Horsemen in today's workout:
John S. - fast
Gary - Strong
Charlie - durable
Dave B. - Fit
Matty - Funny
Fred - stud
Michael S. - Shark

What a great morning for a workout. It was warmer this morning than yesterday. We really took it easy. There were 600 repetitions of mostly shoulder and back exercises. There was 3 easy miles of running. We did a ton of exercises in the Church. It was kind of an indoor-outdoor workout.

We are meeting tomorrow and Saturday. That does it for this session. The next session starts Monday Feb. 14th. - Valentines Day. If you want to buy your sweetheart a 6 week session of Boot Camp, it should be done something like this:

"Darling, even though you totally DON'T need Boot Camp, I think this is something fun you would really enjoy."

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


For the third day in a row, we cranked out 800 repetitions of exercise during a 3+ mile physical training run. This morning we did 60 V Crunches in a row (a new record). We did 100 flutter kicks in a row, no rest and 100 bicycles without stopping. We also did 20X(6 count ab builder) which is decent burn. We scattered these exercises around small patches of grass in and around the Buckhead village. Today's run started at PRUMC and ran with only three stops to Garden Hills pool. Elevation bottomed there, so we stopped more often on our way to Church Turn (Jesus Junction) and back up Peachtree to PRUMC. The idea is to run down hill for a mile quickly at the start of the workout and then to take our time getting home so everyone keeps up. The Pack did a great job this morning.

Congratulations to the streakers. Streaking is revealing. Streaking is liberating. Streakers get a lot of attention. If you have never tried streaking, what are you waiting for? Come to Boot Camp every day during the week. Then, run 3 miles on Saturday and another 3 on Sunday. Then, come to Boot Camp for 5 more days the next week. Jackpot baby, you have a 12 day streak. We know of dozens of people that could do this. What do you have to lose? Excuses and Fat.
"Drink the Cool-Aid."

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Parking Deck

555 - 22 Ramps at race pace with exercise mixed in. Total exercise was 800 repetitions of various lower body muscles. Total running was 3.5 miles, 4.5 for the folks who ran the add on.

830 - one set of stairs before the Buckhead tour. 3 miles, 800 reps.

It is important for us to pay attention to detail during exercise. We may have to perform fewer repetitions in order to get the full range of motion for each exercise.

We have a committed group that is exercising every day. There are nothing better that you can do for your fitness than put together a streak. It works. In order for it to work, it has to endure. Endurance requires maintenance. The most important maintenance we can do daily is DRINK MORE WATER.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Lenox - Pack Attack

On Feb 4, 2011, We are so excited to announce the birth of our baby girl! Reagan Catherine was born this afternoon around 1:30, weighing in around >> 7.5 lbs and 19 in long. She is just perfect.>>>> Hope everyone is well!>>>> Patrick and Kerry. Regan Catherine worked out with us last year. How do these Ladies do it? We have the most amazing Women at PRUMC Boot Camp. Mommies or not, our Robobabes are the finest, fastest, most fit felines on all the land. The Pack won last night. The Pack ran this morning. We Hustled from the big Church on Peachtree Street all the way down to the mall. We looped around the mall, crossed over 400 on the foot bridge, and hammered hard through the hood back to Peachtree. We stopped often for exercise. One of your stops was the brick pile. We did 800 repetitions of mostly core body exercise. Twice we did 100 count. 100 bicycles and 20X 6 count ab builders. The paces are thawing out and coming back. We are seeing some folks transform their stride right before our very eyes.

Friday, February 4, 2011


We broke a two year streak today. We worked out inside. It was a split squad. Half the folks ran outside while the other half exercised then they switched. The group that ran Valley braved the cold rain for 5 miles. The other group had their arms and legs ripped to shreds. The inside only folks did 1,160 reps (a new record). The run/exercise folks did 400 reps of mostly arms. The exercise/run folks did 800 reps.

We are meeting tomorrow at 8:30AM at E Rivers. It is an open workout. The rain will be gone by then. Bring the kids.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pack Attack

We ran the Church Run backwards today. We worked our way through Garden Hills down to the pool where our elevation bottomed. Then, we began the climb back home via Church Turn. The idea was to run down hill together with few stops then run the long trek North on Peachtree with many stops. We staggered the runs in between stops so everyone could run hard and arrive at the next station together. The intensity was up today. It was beautiful to watch folks drop their chin and lengthen their stride with their arms pumping. Nobody runs like that anymore. Watch folks run down the street. It ain't running. Its jogging. When folks see us they say "I saw you guys running this morning". That's right.

We did 700 repetitions of various core exercises along the 3.5 mile loop. A few folks did an add on.

Tomorrow is Friday Fun Day. Saturday we are going to meet at E Rivers at 8:30AM for another Family Fitness Festival.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Its February. At The Citadel, they called it "freaked up February". Some of the letters were changed but we get the idea. You know why February has only 28 days? Because its so f'ed up. You know why they stuck a Hallmark Holiday in the middle of February? Because its f'ed up.

Tempo in boot camp has been a little messed up. We can remember workouts in Oct/Nov that were blazing fast. We remember wondering how such a diverse group could hammer together. The pack attack is a beautiful thing.

There has been glimpses of tempo this week and last. Each of the long runs were better than expected.

What separates us from other training groups is tempo. Any group can do what we can do. They just cant do it as quickly.

555 - Parking Deck. 9 ramps, 18 stairs cases, 650 reps of lower body, 4.5 miles for the folks who did the mile add on.

830 - Princess did Lenox this morning. They all showed up. Talk about a beautiful pack attack.

I know of a few streaks. 71, 70, 31, 20, 11. Fitness freaks streak. Freaks streak for weeks. Want to peak? Streak.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


When we are working out every day, life begins to take on a rhythm. The daily grind of highs and lows are set to the baseline drumbeat of our feet hitting the ground.

Much of what happens in the world is completely out of our control. We don't always get to decide if today is good or bad, a win or loss, up or down.

We do get to decide if we are going to exercise. This is the one outcome that we control. And who gets the most benefit? We do. Although our group is connected by our program and is very social, ultimately, this is a selfish deal. We are exercising for SELF improvement. So why wouldn't we give ourselves a gift every day?

PRUMC boot camp is the most disciplined program in Atlanta. We meet 6 times a day 5 days a week. Show us another group training program that meets 30 times a week.

We keep the beat rolling.